By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine With recent headlines of robots now replacing human beings at companies like Lowes, Nescafe and others, along with announcements of intelligent computers now being able to program themselves, depite warnings that smart machines could very well wipe out humanity, we see an even more concerning part of the transhumanist agenda in an interview shown below, between Alfred Lambremont Webre and Melanie Vritschan, public relations directors of the European Coalition against Covert Harassment, who explains the evidence they now have which leads to the conclusion that the NSA is behind the transhumanist agenda to implant and robotize humanity. Via Exopolitics: Electronic Terrorism & Psychiatric Terrorism Melanie Vritschan also details NSA-related electromagnetic attacks on and injuries to her as EUCACH liaison to the European Parliament, timed right before and after her legislative visits to the EU Parliament.
Read more about Elites Plans To Wipe Out Humanity! NSA Involved? Must-See Interview!
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