Friday, May 30, 2014

Rights of Journalists Declining; Twitter Censoring at Govt Requests

Before It's News | Popular Politics

Rights of Journalists Declining; Twitter Censoring at Govt Requests

The Rights of Journalists in Decline around the Globe. Cracking any big story leaves journalists open to harassment. Harassment is one thing, however, but jail and torture are quite another. Around the globe, journalists have been experiencing a direct crackdown on what they are allowed to write and where they are allowed to go.


Now Trending on Twitter: Censorship at Governments’ Requests.  Last week, Twitter made a pro-Ukrainian Twitter feed inaccessible in Russia. In addition to blocking that account, Twitter has also worked with the Turkish government to monitor content that officials there find objectionable, but then Turkey shut down the entire platform a couple of months ago when Twitter was being used as a platform for anti-government protests, which no doubt factored into the tech company’s willingness to accommodate Turkish officials’ concerns. The New York Times also reported Thursday that Twitter blocked content that upset a Pakistani bureaucrat, honoring his request to censor tweets on five occasions.



Sources Truthout.


Paul Brown is a retired neuroscience professor whose primary interests are human rights, overpopulation, mass extinction, global warming, and the military-industrial complex. Links to all his Before It’s News articles are at


The Obama “Empire Strikes Back” – The U.S. Flag has been Imprisoned and the Patriots are next!

It has become quite evident as of late that there is no rest for the insidiously wicked and socialist U.S. Government. The Obama gestapo (IRS/DHS) has again driven an even deeper wound into the very heart of our once free and great constitutional republic.


The IRS has waged war upon law abiding conservative groups yet again as Megan Stiles told the Washington Examiner,

“There is no legitimate reason for the IRS to know who donates to Campaign for Liberty.”

“The IRS technically requires donor information from 501(c)(4) organizations and is forbidden by law from releasing it to the public, yet despite this they have ‘mistakenly’ released the information repeatedly over the years,” she wrote. “Often these leaks have been made to political opponents of the conservative groups whose information was leaked. Leaking the donor information is intended to harass and to intimidate those donors from donating to political causes. Campaign for Liberty has refused to provide donor information to the IRS to protect the privacy of our members. Now the IRS has demanded the information and fined Campaign for Liberty (C4L) for protecting its members’ privacy.” ~ Tim Shoemaker on APRIL 16, 2014 in NATIONAL BLOG.


Ron Paul wrote in a letter to C4L members,

“Privacy and liberty go hand-in-hand.

In fact, when Thomas Paine published his pamphlet Common Sense in 1776, he did so anonymously.

Forcing organizations like Campaign for Liberty to publicize donor information would have an incredibly chilling effect on political speech.

Many liberty-loving Americans would silence themselves for fear of becoming targets of political ‘retribution.’”


Obama and his IRS gestapo know full well that a long term IRS battle would likely result in the shutdown of the conservative organization and possible jail time for those who do not comply with the government’s authoritative demands. And as we all know, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) watch-list currently has added all patriot/constitutional sympathizers which I am certain includes Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty organization.


We must also bare in mind that the current U.S. Commander-in Chief has, at his ready, the complete ability through executive authority to imprison indefinitely any citizen (that upon executive whim on any given day and without evidence or jury trial) whom they believe to be a terrorist. This one executive authority alone should be enough to frighten all U.S. citizens to duck, dodge and hide. Does anyone really believe that we are safer or more secure knowing that our current fearless leader can wield indefinite imprisonment upon legal U.S. citizens in a moment’s notice and without due process? Does anyone really believe that the U.S.  Government will not abuse this tyrannical capability against its citizens sometime in the future?


In addition, the IRS and the DHS stands evermore at the ready to move forward with any and all executive mandates (at the whim of the executive branch) and enforcement methods necessary to achieve their daily current agendas at hand. Furthermore, the DHS and law enforcement organizations have been actively performing drills and scenarios which specifically target law abiding militia groups and/or firearm owners/organizations that is clearly based upon the pretext that “gun owners/militia’s” may forcefully attack the government/populace with weapons of mass destruction. Does this in any way sound like a citizen friendly constitutional form of government to you?


It is for this reason that Constitutional Militias continue to remain on the top of the DHS watch-list as they have been publically red flagged by the Obama Administration as potential terrorist threats to the security of the United States. The Bundy Ranch ordeal (Bunkerville, Nevada) is a clear example that the Obama Administration is dead set on sterilizing all those who might stand up for a free constitutional loving America.


It is important to note that the modern law abiding militia is a term that generally describes a body of ordinary courageous citizens (formerly able-bodied male (or female) citizens of military age) who are armed/trained to provide protection(s) to the community as an aide or in lieu of a standing army in times of catastrophe and/or foreign or domestic tyranny/attack. The foundation of the general militia is a strong deterrent to any national enemy and was adamantly embraced within our nation’s most precious founding documents.


The Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


It was for these very specific reasons as cited above in the Declaration of Independence that the 2nd amendment was penned and duly resolved solely for the purpose(s) of providing every citizen (general populace militia and/or individual citizen) the full capability by which they would be able to successfully defend themselves, properties or communities from any/all attack(s) (to include life or limb) and/or tyranny.


Make no mistake about it! Obama’s goal is to seize and imprison all patriots who would dare to stand against his socialist empire. The Obama “Empire Strikes Back” is an ongoing political plethora of tyrannical sorties whose sole intent and purpose is to annihilate the flag of the free republic with malice and contempt.  


Wake up America! The United States of America is solely owned by the people, of the people and for the people. Multitudes have sacrificed all so that this country would not perish from the earth. The US Flag is more than just a flag. The U.S. Flag is a universal symbol of Freedom and Liberty. It is our greedy and Godless socialist U.S. Government that has tainted our once beautiful flag and country with unscrupulous dishonor and treachery. Let it be known from here forward that it is not the patriotic citizens whom hold our dear country and flag in contempt, it is the current government empire that does so.






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