Saturday, May 31, 2014
Webster Tarpley May 31, 2014 World Crisis Radio
Webster Tarpley May 31, 2014 World Crisis Radio
Elliot Rodger FULL STORY False Flag Gun Grab or Genuine Watch and YOU decide
Run For Your Lives! Hurricane Katrina Two! Is It Coming?
Elliot Rodger FULL STORY False Flag Gun Grab or Genuine Watch and YOU decide
The Copernican Principle DEBUNKED??? New Documentary Suggests that Scientists may have been WRONG for the last few hundred years!
Turkey Just Stopped the Flow of the Euphrates River!
Kick The Migraine Headache Drug Habit – Use Foods, Spices, Herbs And Home Remedies For Pain Relief
If you’re wondering how do you get headaches, look no further than your diet. Although migraine headache causes may be varied, treatment for symptoms in people with headaches can be easily accomplished merely by changing your diet and including medicinal foods, spices, and a few home remedies.
A large number of migraine headaches originate with what you currently eat, and also from what you don’t eat. The best foods and home remedies trigger soothing brain chemicals, promote overall well-being and stop migraine headaches in their tracks.
A well balanced diet protects against migraine headache symptoms
Supporting the system by eating a well balanced diet of natural, whole foods helps control the incidence of migraine attacks. Fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, meats and whole grains provide necessary nutrients for the production of brain chemicals that ease pain.
Eating small meals frequently throughout the day stabilizes blood sugar, protecting against the sharp rise and fall that can cause a migraine headache.
Drink lots of fresh water to maintain hydration. Scientific evidence points to dehydration as an important migraine headache cause. The recommended fluid intake is 1/2 oz. of water for each pound of body weight daily.
Vitamins, minerals and amino acids provide migraine headache relief
Magnesium‘s role in stabilizing blood vessels is well documented, helping to prevent capillary and muscle spasms. Increase magnesium-rich foods such as wheat germ, garlic, oatmeal, seafood, kale, broccoli, spinach, melon, bananas, basil, cantaloupe, blackstrap molasses, and nuts to support the body and prevent migraine pain.
Calcium soothes and relaxes — mentally and physically — encouraging sleep and calmness. Having a calcium-rich drink or snack made with raw milk at bedtime encourages sleep and muscle relaxation.
Foods high in the amino acid tryptophan stimulate the brain in the production of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are linked to migraine headaches, depression and sleeplessness. Turkey supplies the greatest amount of tryptophan, followed by black-eyed peas, walnuts, almonds, sesame and pumpkin seeds, brown rice, and whole grains.
Vitamin B-2 may also help relieve the frequency of migraine headaches. B-2 or riboflavin is found in broccoli, eggs, almonds, raw milk, fermented soy products, whole grains, and organ meats.
Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce overall inflammation and help lessen constriction of capillaries in the head, a primary cause of migraine headaches. Eat fatty fish, olive oil, avocados, and flax seeds.
Cayenne pepper increases the pain threshold in migraine patients. Dissolve a pinch in hot water and drink as tea or sprinkle on food... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE:
Go here, The JB Bardot Archives, for more great articles on natural health and alternative life styles
Is Your Life Changing Faster and Faster With Ever-Expanding Awareness?
Congress: Save yourselves if grid fails ~ By F. Michael Maloof
Pry pointed out that the federal government, particularly the Department of Defense and the intelligence community, has known about the EMP threat for more than 50 years.
Yet, the EMP threat has only come to the attention of most policymakers and the public relatively recently.
Such a concern only began to come to the public’s attention in unclassified reports in 2004 and 2008 by the congressionally mandated EMP Commission. The panel determined that the secrecy surrounding an EMP event was a greater threat to the nation than revelations of its destructive nature to the U.S. electrical grid system and the life-sustaining critical infrastructures.
Pry said that passage of the CIPA, introduced by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., would “immediately mobilize thousands of emergency planners and first responders at all levels of government and educated millions of others, about EMP and how to prepare for it.”
Writing about events in the past, as in historical accounts, is called History. These are nonfictional stories about what previously happened, and if anything, get their value as a teaching tool. For as we all know, repeating mistakes of the past and expecting different results is called insanity.
Writing about current events is called News. It's weird, but I'd swear that the news we get to deal with is about the insanity in this world because of all the people that didn't pay attention to History, or thought that they could repeat history and get different results.
But, try writing about a future event, and it's called everything from speculation to paranoia. People tend to not take it seriously. And that is the problem here. I've said it before:
When you see this column posted here today, please do not conclude that it is is just more fear-mongering paranoia. This is not posted here because of a paranoid threat of World War III starting tomorrow. There is much more to this column than the reporting on a military threat from...
Is it the threat of an EMP that F. Michael Maloof may seem to be a little obsessed with? It may seem that way, and it may even seem that I am, too. However, it is the fact that Congress is ignoring the threat, and refusing to take any action on limiting the results of an EMP, whether natural or caused by man, that is the real obsession. Just sayin'...
Dec. 31, 2012 ~ Multiple scenarios for EMP catastrophe ~ By F. Michael Maloof ~ Rogue states, terror groups, even sun all pose grave threats to unprotected U.S.
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Congress: Save yourselves if grid fails
Experts warn EMP event could wipe out 90% of U.S. population
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F. Michael Maloof |
By F. Michael Maloof
Published: 05/16/2014 at 8:46 PM
WASHINGTON – The lack of congressional action on critical infrastructure legislation is hampering national preparation for a natural or man-made electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, event that could kill 90 percent of the U.S. population due to starvation, disease and societal collapse, charges an expert on the threat.
Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the congressional advisory Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, contends that the failure to pass the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act, or CIPA, is preventing action at the federal, state and local levels to protect the nation from a catastrophic EMP event.
Pry has warned that a natural or nuclear EMP event could black out the national electric grid for months or years and collapse all of the other critical infrastructures essential to sustain a modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans.
The critical infrastructures include communications, transportation, banking, finance, food, water and emergency services.
Pry calls passage of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act to create a new National Planning Scenario focused on the EMP threat “urgently necessary.”
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As an additional feature here on Blogging In Our Time 2 Escape, this blog will be including videos that have been posted on the johnny2k's America Facebook page! Videos can sometimes say more than what can be expressed in text. Be sure to visit the archive with hundreds of videos to peruse!
Please note: To see the johnny2k’s America videos on this blog, you must be logged in to Facebook.
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Don't be afraid!
are the MOB
johnny2k's Tea Party Gear
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Is Your Life Changing Faster and Faster With Ever-Expanding Awareness?
CCP Was Just Kidding About Quitting Organ Harvesting
Turkey Just Stopped the Flow of the Euphrates River!
The Copernican Principle DEBUNKED??? New Documentary Suggests that Scientists may have been WRONG for the last few hundred years!
A Blind Marine Walks into a Lesbian Bar.......
The Question Of All Questions! If These Laws Are Good Enough For All Creation, Are They Good Enough For Earth?
Congress: Save yourselves if grid fails ~ By F. Michael Maloof
Pig DNA found in Chocolate???
How To Trace A Mobile Number?
Congress: Save yourselves if grid fails ~ By F. Michael Maloof
The Question Of All Questions! If These Laws Are Good Enough For All Creation, Are They Good Enough For Earth?
Trump: 'Clown' Obama 'the biggest liar I know' - Video
The Big Three
The Twin Towers and the Gates of Hell
George Bush Slips! Cali Hoax Solved! Hollwyood/Govt Agenda Exposed!
The Twin Towers and the Gates of Hell
Our Hollow Earth You May Have Not Seen This Yet Updated Amazing You Wont Learn This in any School
Kick The Migraine Headache Drug Habit – Use Foods, Spices, Herbs And Home Remedies For Pain Relief
Kick The Migraine Headache Drug Habit – Use Foods, Spices, Herbs And Home Remedies For Pain Relief
Time Travel Or Alien Tech ? ★★★
Time Travel Or Alien Tech ? ★★★
What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You Part 1: Fingernail Health
George Bush Slips! Cali Hoax Solved! Hollwyood/Govt Agenda Exposed!
US Gone Berserk – Now Threaten Chinese
55% Of American's Want Hillary In 2016!
The non-violent revolution begins July 5. Celebrate the 4th like its the last one ever. Then ... Saturday and Sunday, you stay home. No gas station, no supermarket, no spending.....NONE. Its the first step. Then July 7th, 7/7/14 ...the rollout of the signature campaign to get ABOLISHING 1871 on each state ballot!!!! Get ready. Will have the public declaration to sign on to done this weekend. Corporations are designed to make money off us.... the GOVERNMENT became an 'inc.' in 1871.... time to make government a non-profit CHARITY... by making a new law which says it is illegal for government to be a corporation. From this point forward... we all must push for the abolishing of the corporation which is literally a MONOPOLY. In the future, government must raise money BEFORE they do something, like a fundraiser for PBS or the red cross. Imagine how few people will give towards payoffs, graft, and bogus wars??????? July 5th (saturday), July 6th (sunday). Be ready to stay home. Not even church is to be attended. I've got a feeling the pastors and priests will understand lack of attendance... since they're all FORCED to be 501c3's by the out of control US Corp. TalesFromtheTreasury [gview file=""]
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The Bundy Ranch Affair read more:

Cliven Bundy to Meet with Clark Co. Sheriff / Breaking Cliven Bundy Cows Are COMING HOME
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