Wednesday, April 30, 2014
This Chart Is A True Picture Of The Bank Credit Bubble In America, Now Bigger Than The Last One (Which Blew Up)
MASSIVE WARNING To Earth: They Are Coming! Extremely Disturbing Message Received Tonight! (Includes Video)
MAJOR WARNING! Massive Tornadoes Predicted by Weather Channel (Video) (Video) Travel Alert Also
Black Men On Why Cliven Bundy's Right
A Different Look at Jesus
CNN MH370 Shocker! Mystery Plane Captured On Malaysian Radar When Flight Went Missing - Malaysia Prime Minister
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Russians Killed Her – They Will Kill More
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New World Order Police Recruiting Video For Arkansas (Shocking Videos)
Mexican Bloodbath Across From McAllen TX 2 Cops and 14 Civilians Killed (video and bloody picture not safe for public viewing)
Nephilim:Did Giants Once Walk the Earth? (Stunning Video)
Mexican Bloodbath Across From McAllen TX 2 Cops and 14 Civilians Killed (video and bloody picture not safe for public viewing)
China to conduct naval drills with Russia in East China Sea -
How Horrific Will It Be For The Non-Prepper?
Nephilim:Did Giants Once Walk the Earth? (Stunning Video)
Prophecy Clock – Timeline – Israel Saved
No More Rinos
Commentary by:
TPATH Editor
Dwight Kehoe
April 30, 2014 ~TPATH~ Several months ago TPATH reported on the GOP's "Declaration of War" against conservative groups and their candidates. Since that article, conservative politicians and candidates as well as Tea Party leaders across this country have been subjected to a relentless onslaught by the GOP establishment and their new found allies in the main stream media.
Conservatives have been attacked by all the usual suspects from Progressive Peter King to the main stalwart of the Blue Blood Establishment, the one and only Karl Rove. The list of warriors for this campaign is not limited to those two. The likes of Boehner and McConnell have forsaken their phony comradery and have come out of the liberal closet, so to speak.
Speaking of John Boehner, fresh off his latest condemnation of conservatives, and having learned nothing of the perils Christie suffered as a result of bedding down with liberal rats, he has just declared Obama to be someone he can work with. An honorable and honest man, he said. WHAT? Which one of Obama's destructive domestic or foreign policy fiascoes can possibly be deemed honorable? Which one of the hundreds of outrageous lies he has told could possibly identify him as honest? Mr. Boehner, how many times must you be lied to before you become skeptical of a man's honesty?
An even better question could be asked of Mr. Boehner and perhaps Justice Roberts too. What the heck is in your NSA profile. But that is of course, another story.
During these past few years Tea Party and conservative groups across the country have taken up the struggle to get small government and constitutional candidates on the November election ballots. They have done this work out in the open. They have been honest and upfront with the GOP leadership. As with all disagreements between like minded people who have the same agenda but different views on how to obtain it, the Tea Party supposed that each season's primary election battles would be fought and the winners would then be supported by each faction in the general elections. After all, the defeat of liberal Democrats and their progressive policies were the matters of utmost import.
That concept my friends has proven to be the Tea Party's biggest mistake. Understanding that the GOP does not want, and structured as it is today, will never want conservative policies, may be the most difficult reality for many to accept. Watching what the GOP does, as compared to how they campaign will quickly denude their carefully constructed facade.
So as Tea Party members dutifully showed up at the November elections, and on occasion had to hold their noses and vote for the RINO which had beaten their candidate in the spring primary, we now know the GOP did not reciprocate that gesture. In fact they worked to defeat the conservative if he/she defeated their selected candidate.
That sickening display Karl Rove put on during the last Senate race when the establishment's candidates lost to grass roots candidates was the bell ringer. The very instant his candidates lost, the destruction of the conservative's character began. Conversely, The Democrats, who have more flakes in the House and Senate than a warehouse full of Wheaties and whichever brand of flake wins their primary, no matter how kooky, they are always fully supported.
Here is a message to the GOP. "Your one sided, underhanded skulduggery is finished. The Tea Party has factually armed up and they are now ready to admit that your war is not being fought for the betterment of this country, but it is being waged purely for the GOP. Your enemy is not socialism, communism or the Democratic Party. Your enemies are those who would enforce the country's rule book. The United States Constitution. At the detriment of your country, you have chosen your enemy."
continue reading at
Prophecy Clock – Timeline – Israel Saved
**Fukushima Bombshell** — Radioactive Release 500 Times Larger Than Thought
from MissingSky101:
Japanese TV: Radioactive release was up to 500 times larger than thought for Fukushima reactor — Surprising surge in radiation levels before explosions — Our understanding of what happened at plant is ‘very limited’.