by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything. While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin Beiber's DUI, disclosure information has been slowly leaked by the Vatican, indicating the presence of extraterrestrials on, and visiting, our planet along with an incoming anomaly called Planet X and/or Nibiru. The following testimonies confirm the Vatican's knowledge of extraterrestrials and Nibiru: Religion needs to recognize extraterrestrials Pierre Lena, a French astrophysicist and member of the Pontifical Academy stated at a November 2009 Astrobiology Conference hosted by the Vatican,, "Astrobiology is a mature science that says very interesting things that could change the vision humanity has of itself.
Read more about What The Church Isn't Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
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