Friday, January 31, 2014
Southeners Freaking Out Over Snow and It's actually fake because it’s a government conspiracy
Congress Ripped For Not Standing Up To Obama
Mississippi: Another CN train Derailment and Chemical spill
Photographer Puts Two Strangers Together For Intimate Photographs, And The Results Are Surprising
Congress Ripped For Not Standing Up To Obama
An American HOLOCAUST?! WHY Are They Dumping This Fake Snow w/Blood and Disease Components?! AGENDA 21 in the WORKS? (Video)
Kids in tears after school seizes and tosses out lunches
“Amazing Photos Of The Universe By Hubble Space Telescope”
A School Shooting a Day as We Get Closer to Obama Executive Order Being Implemented
X22Report Will The False Flag Event At The Superbowl Get The Green Light ?- Episode 278
Infowars Nightly News: Friday (1-31-14) Full Show
PROOF! Real Snow Vs Fake Snow!
WHILE YOU CHEERLEAD THE SUPERBOWL, IRAN Could Start WW3 and PROVOKE the Return of Jesus Christ the Messiah! (Video) Truly FRIGHTENING Info!
Drought! California In Real Trouble! Delta To Cut Off All Water To Southern California!
Camp Tramps, Loners, and Hermits
Military-Police State SuperBowl - PowersThat Be Causing Terrorism?
Military-Police State SuperBowl - PowersThat Be Causing Terrorism?
Urgent! Highly Contagious Brain Eating Bug Infecting Millions Across the Globe! Be Ready!
EXPOSED: 80% Of Republican Congressmen Opposed To Bringing Immigration Bill To Floor This Year; Boehner Throwing In Towel?
FEMA Region Three Alert! Another Chemical Spill--West Virginia’s Freedom Industries Suffers Another Chemical Spill! (Video)
FEMA Region Three Alert! Another Chemical Spill--West Virginia’s Freedom Industries Suffers Another Chemical Spill! (Video)
U.S. Failure Created 'Nightmare' Threat To Airliners?
Remarks by the First Lady at DNCC Women's Luncheon
Illuminati's Next Attack Revealed! Will Sunday BE A BIG HIT or GET HIT BIG? 2014 Super Bowl Symbolism (Video)
U.S. Failure Created 'Nightmare' Threat To Airliners?
Asteroid to Hit Near Puerto Rico?! US Army Corroborates this Man's Story (Video)
Paul Walker and Roger Rodas Motive for Faking Death Download
ALERT! Obama Quietly Used Executive Orders For 2 New Gun Control Laws! (Video)
ALERT! Obama Quietly Used Executive Orders For 2 New Gun Control Laws!
Congressman Seeking Support To Impeach Obama
After walking out of Obama’s State of the Union speech upon hearing the president threaten to violate the Constitution and to rule by decree, Republican U.S. Congressman Steve Stockman (shown on right) of Texas says he is now seeking public support for introducing articles of impeachment. Recent surveys suggest that about 50 percent of Americans want to impeach Obama for a wide range of major scandals, and articles of impeachment have already been filed in the House against disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder, who is currently in criminal contempt of Congress.
The grassroots effort to impeach Obama, which has surged in recent years amid seemingly never-ending scandals surrounding the administration, argues that the president has committed numerous high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of removal from office. Among other crimes, experts and lawmakers point to unlawful NSA espionage against Americans, “Fast and Furious” gun running to cartels and the ongoing coverup, unconstitutional wars, support for jihadists in the Middle East, IRS targeting of conservatives, Benghazigate, “green” energy corruption, spying on journalists, refusing to enforce laws, ruling by decree, and more.
“I’m considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama,” Rep. Stockman declared on a website for his Senate bid against Texas Senator and Republican Minority Whip John Cornyn. “You see, I walked out of Obama’s State of the Union address last night. Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it.”
“His goal is to eliminate our constitutional republic,” the conservative stalwart continued in his January 29 message soliciting public support for the impeachment effort. “Last year I said I would consider impeachment as a last resort to stop Obama’s abuse of power. And, quite frankly, we’re running out of options.… He openly declared war on the Constitution.” To be successful, however, Stockman said he needs hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans to stand with him.
Suzanne Eovaldi / Western Journalism
The Obama administration’s attack on America’s coal industry has swung into high gear, with EPA enforcers setting emission rates so low that virtually no plant will be able to meet the new standards. And as a consequence, more American workers will be thrown out into the cold, their families thrown into the welfare maw, and American dependence on overseas energy sources thrown into states that historically have given us the fire in our economic engines.
This reporter has just received an urgent Email alert from Western mountain states urging our readers to send Emails, faxes, and traditional letters to the following link: You must give this identification when you pull up the EPA prompt: Docket ID:EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0495 You only have until February 6 to oppose the EPA’s actions to basically shut down all coal production. “If they are able to do this, and if they get away with it, they will then go after existing levels,” said Daniel Simmons to WorldNetDaily interviewers. Simmons is the policy vice president of the Institute for Energy Research.
Remember in 2008, when President Obama threatened to bankrupt America’s coal industry to force our energy prices to go sky high? Well, if allowed to pass into law, Obama’s new EPA rule would slash our power output by 40%. But even worse, average Americans could very well see their energy bills DOUBLE!
By the way, how’s that Global Warming hoax working out for all of you Obots this week? When you’re out shoveling those 14 inch snowfalls along the eastern corridor, you may want to rethink how Mother Nature’s “hot flashes” are affecting the planet!
“They set an emission rate so low that no coal-fired power plants can actually meet these goals.” says Simmons, clearly upset by what is in the works for our coal miners. The Obama EPA enforcers are looking to force coal companies to adopt a very expensive technology called “Carbon Capture and Sequestration. . .which is so incredibly expensive. . .that it doesn’t exist on any power plant anywhere in the world.”
Back in January 2008, Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle” So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas.”
Read more at Western Journalism:
Is Your Money Safe at Bank of America [Or Any Big Bank]? An Economist Says ‘NO’ and Withdraws His $1 Million
World Bank Bombshell: US Sovereignty At Risk - Fabian4Liberty
Is Your Money Safe at Bank of America [Or Any Big Bank]? An Economist Says ‘NO’ and Withdraws His $1 Million
Obama Fires the First Shot on Your Retirement Account
10 Signs You Are Being Hit With Fake Snow
World Bank Bombshell: US Sovereignty At Risk - Fabian4Liberty
Ancient Miracle Foods That Boost Your ‘Winter’ Immune System
With every change of season our immune system takes a beating, especially between fall and winter. Our body comes under stress when the microbe populations fluctuate, favored by the changes in atmospheric conditions. Only the most robust immune systems can withstand the onslaught of new types of microbes.
Many ancient cultures had special brews of immunity-boosting herbs and foods that were ritually taken at the turn of seasons or at the beginning of winter and summer solstices. Ancient wisdom may be lost to us forever, but we can still take advantage of nutritious foods that contain active compounds designed to build up the body’s defenses.
1. Sprouts
Edible seeds in the process of germination are excellent sources of many bioactive compounds that increase immunity. B-group vitamins and Vitamin C are among them. Food grains like quinoa, oats, brown rice and barley, different kinds of beans and lentils, as well as oilseeds like sunflower and linseed are almost as popular in sprout form. On germination, their complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats turn into simpler sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids, making them easily digestible and absorbable by the body. The greatest advantage of sprouts is that you can easily make a fresh batch on your kitchen counter, and enjoy all the health benefits without worrying about nutrient loss in storage.
2. Fermented foods
Fermentation of food is caused by the growth of bacteria and fungi. Man learned to take advantage of certain microbial actions by introducing their cultures into food items like milk and dough. Yeasts are used to ferment dough and in the making of wine.
Lactobacillus bacteria turn milk into yogurt. These organisms partially digest the food, and make many essential nutrients like vitamins available to the body. Moreover, live cultures keep the intestinal flora healthy. Since a large portion of our immune system is regulated by our intestinal health, it is wise to consider keeping as many healthy bacteria thriving as possible.
Other traditional fermented foods includes natto, tempeh and miso made from soy beans, and pickled cabbage commonly called sauerkraut. Kefir is a fermented milk drink that has demonstrated capability to prevent the growth of E. coli.
3. Brewer’s yeast
Made from the single-celled fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae used in the making of beer, brewer’s yeast tablets have been used as a health-giving food supplement for a long time. It is a rich source of most of the B-complex vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and biotin. It contains minerals like selenium and chromium too. The high vitamin content, blood-sugar and cholesterol lowering chromium, as well as the immunity-enhancing selenium, may be responsible for the super food status of brewer’s yeast.
Make “Off-The-Grid” Super Foods Secretly In Your Home
4. Mushrooms
Edible mushrooms are another group of nutritious fungi favored for their immunity-enhancing properties. Regular consumption of either shittake or maitake mushrooms may keep you in the pink of health, in spite of all the germs that are doing their rounds. Their typical action is by increasing the white blood cell count; fortifying the body’s main defense against invading microbes.
5. Spices and condiments
Spices can perk up not only your food and senses but also your immune system. Cloves and cinnamon top the list in ORAC values, closely followed by oregano and turmeric. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, an indication of their antioxidant power. Some of the other high ORAC spices include cumin, parsley, basil, ginger, garlic, pepper and turmeric. Garlic is effective against bacterial, viral and fungal infections. It is actually the spices in the chicken soup that work the magic.
Turmeric is a highly potent condiment; its active ingredient curcumin has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers at the Anderson Cancer Center in Houston attribute the protective effect of turmeric to the immune-modulating action of curcumin. Having curries more often may help you stay healthy all through the flu season.
6. Unrefined oils
Fresh oils have immunity boosting fatty acids; examples are lauric acid found in coconut oil and oleic acid in olive oil. Lauric acid and its derivative monolaurin can protect you from invading microorganisms by damaging their lipid coats. Sesame oil has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. To get maximum benefit, oils should be cold-pressed, organic and free of additives.
7. Green tea
Green tea has several times the anti-oxidant power of the usual tea brewed from fermented tea leaves. Japanese organic matcha tea, made of whole powdered tea leaves, is the best form of green tea.
Healthful herbal tea blends can be made from different kinds of medicinal herbs as well. The islanders of Ikaria, known for their longevity, reportedly drink a lot of herbal teas throughout the day. Licorice tea and Tulsi tea are very popular as immunity boosters. Catechins are the potent antioxidants found in the teas.
8. Raw milk and eggs
Milk and eggs in their raw state are storehouses of immunity-boosting substances. A raw egg beaten into a glassful of raw milk can be termed as the ultimate health tonic. In Southern parts of India, donkey’s milk is traditionally given to infants to increase their immunity to common childhood diseases. Until the 19th century, donkeys were reportedly very common in the French cities so that young children could have fresh milk straight from them.
Much like the vitamins in fresh fruits and vegetables are lost in cooking and storage, the active ingredients in milk and eggs undergo irreversible changes during heating that render them ineffective. But consuming milk that’s not boiled or pasteurized carries the risks associated with all foods of animal origin. Salmonella scare has made people wary of using raw eggs in even mayonnaise. Locally produced fresh eggs from free-range hens and fresh milk from grass-fed cows may be safer options.
9. Vitamins
Vitamins are indispensable for the metabolic functioning of our body. Water soluble vitamins C and B-complex can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables. They are better eaten raw, as the vitamins are lost in cooking. Since any excess is excreted in the urine, we need to replenish them constantly. Fat soluble Vitamins A, D and E are abundant in foods of animal origin and in oil seeds and are stored in the body. A continuous supply of Vitamin C and a good amount of Vitamin E can significantly improve immune status.
10. Minerals
Our body needs certain minerals like calcium and potassium in large quantities. But there are others it needs in much smaller quantities; they are often overlooked. Our immune system in particular needs zinc to function properly. Even mild deficiency of this mineral can weaken the T-cells that guard us from infections and even cancerous growths. Severe deficiency may cause complete T-cell dysfunction. Zinc also aids the absorption of selenium, another mineral necessary for immune function.
Minerals can be taken in supplement form, but they do not benefit the body in the same way as those obtained from fresh food. In foods, they are in forms that are easily absorbed. Oysters are the richest source of zinc; most other seafood, meat, and dairy products, have respectable amounts. Shiitake mushrooms, spinach and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of plant-based zinc.
11. Colorful vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, the more colorful the more potent these compounds are. Chalk full of phytonutrients, antioxidants, oils, fibers and acids in fruits and vegetables give them their color and flavor. The body uses these bioactive compounds to combat inflammation and infections, support detoxification and immune cell function. Eating a variety of fresh or frozen organic fruits and vegetables daily is recommended for optimal immune function.
In addition to eating immune boosting foods, managing stress, sleeping well and getting ample exercise will all work towards making your body strong and armed for whatever foreign invaders cross its path.
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