Friday, March 27, 2015

Netanyahu Is At Peak Of Illuminati Says Dead Boy, Matthew

Netanyahu Is At Peak Of Illuminati Says Dead Boy, Matthew Is Netanyahu in the Illuminati or is his bellicosity due to his serious responsibility for Israel’s safety? He is at the peak of the Illuminati and so are, or were, all of his predecessors in that position. As stated in prior messages, the Illuminati never have served the best interests of Jewish people in Israel or anywhere else in the world—the Illuminati instigated all the pogroms in Europe and their Nazi element carried out the Holocaust. Using Judaism or Zionism as justification for their actions, the Illuminati have long kept the Mideast boiling, and they have discredited anyone who questioned their war-mongering by labeling those persons ‘anti-Semitic.’ Masters at creating divisiveness, the Illuminati initiated an assortment of labels for different religious beliefs, forms of governance, theories, philosophies and ideologies.

Netanyahu Is At Peak Of Illuminati Says Dead Boy, MatthewRead more about Netanyahu Is At Peak Of Illuminati Says Dead Boy, Matthew

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