Friday, March 27, 2015

Italian fighter jet issued a mayday call one minute before this Airbus Crash

A follow-up from, note an "Italian fighter jet issued a mayday call one minute before this Airbus Crash'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail censored, that information stream has been cut off, SO:Here is my final statement regarding the Germanwings downing:THE EXPERIENCED PILOT LEFT THE COCKPIT TO TRY TO FIND A TECHNICAL REASON FOR WHY THEY LOST CONTROL OF THE AIRCRAFT AFTER ENTERING FRENCH AIRSPACE AND THE REST IN THE PRESS ABOUT A SUICIDE PILOT IS A SCAMMING ZIO LIE. Understand that the French government now has to front every type of lie possible to bury the truth. They cannot accept responsibility for fulfilling this agenda, and did not expect to get caught. Lying is now their only option.

Read more about Italian fighter jet issued a mayday call one minute before this Airbus Crash

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