Friday, March 27, 2015

Germanwings 9525 Crash… “A Rant from Gordon Duff” (and crew) and some “Data from D” (of RTS)

I was informed by D of her posting of the “verrrrry eeenteresting” data she “screen shot” while the event was happening. I post her video below, followed by Gordon Duff and crew’s VT article about the crash. And you may remember what someone posted here, and said, “Guaranteed that this was a false flag.” So listen and/or read on, and “get” what you “get”. [Kp note: the person in the video below is NOT Gordon Duff.] . —————————————————————– This Crash Is in no way manner nor form a credible accident or suicide You have heard of the Christmas Crotch Bomber, do we now have the “Piss Break Plunger?” By Gordon Duff with Col Jim Hanke, Lt. Col Steve Avery and FBI SSA Fred Coward Last night, after consulting with team members, I broke the story of Flight 9525 on the Rense Radio Network.

Read more about Germanwings 9525 Crash… “A Rant from Gordon Duff” (and crew) and some “Data from D” (of RTS)

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