Sunday, March 15, 2015

URGENT: Military Officials Confirm Obama is Sabotaging the Fight Against the “Islamic State”

Conservative Tribune Writes: “According to a growing number of U.S. military leaders, the White House is making sure that the commanders conducting the air campaigns against the Islamic State and other top brass who are attempting to train Syrian rebels are being kept within RIDICULOUSLY TIGHT CONSTRAINTS by micro management tactics from the National Security Council, led by Susan Rice.” WHY WOULD THAT SURPRISE ANYONE? To anyone scratching their heads and wondering why Obama would handicap our military from ACTUALLY stopping ISIS, perhaps a trip down memory lane will remind you that Obama is NOT playing on behalf of Team America!!! ARTICLE III, SECTION 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

URGENT: Military Officials Confirm Obama is Sabotaging the Fight Against the “Islamic State”Read more about URGENT: Military Officials Confirm Obama is Sabotaging the Fight Against the “Islamic State”

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