by Alanna KetlerAs it turns out the flu is not a season. People generally tend to get sicker when the weather gets cooler, this is true, but does it have to happen? Is there a predisposition for everyone to get sick at this time no matter what they do or how well their immune systems are working? Is the vaccine the only way to truly prevent getting the flu?
Read more about The Flu Is Not A Season: How To Naturally Avoid Getting Sick This Winter
Friday, October 31, 2014
WARNING: Avoid this corrupt, third-world country at all costs
October 31, 2014 Santiago, Chile John Anderson, an American tourist from San Clemente, California, was driving down a poorly-maintained highway when he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. After a brief exchange with the local police officer, Anderson was shocked when the cop started searching his vehicle. Anderson had $25,180 in US dollar cash in the car, which by the way was not a crime according to the local laws. When the cop saw it, he told Anderson that we would take it and threatened him with arrest if he protested. Anderson couldn’t believe it. This is the sort of stuff you always hear about in these third world countries—corrupt cops and state robbery. Ultimately Anderson gave in; the cop let him go and did not charge him with a crime, but took every last penny in the vehicle. And for the last two years, Anderson has been trying to unsuccessfully fight it in the country’s Kangaroo court system. Clearly we should all avoid going to such dangerously corrupt third world countries. Except in this case, Anderson was in the United States of America. And he is far from being the only victim of this highway robbery known as Civil Asset Forfeiture. Since 9/11, police forces in the Land of the Free made over 62,000 seizures without charging anyone with any crime, stealing $2.5 billion in cash alone. The cost of taking legal action against the government is so high, that only about 17% of the victims actually challenged the seizures. And even then, only 41% of those that challenged have been able to get their money back. This means that the government has a better than 93% success rate in outright theft. This is worse than mafia—it’s blatant theft with impunity from the people that are sworn to protect and serve. It’s the kind of thing that is thought to only occur in heinously corrupt countries. Here’s the good news: many people are waking up to the reality that they’re not living in a free country. They are starting to understand what I call ‘the criminalization of existence.’ Every last detail of our lives is regulated—what we can/cannot put in our bodies, whether we can collect rainwater or unplug from the grid, how we are allowed to educate our own children, etc. Driving this point home, a Tennessee woman was actually thrown in jail earlier this month for ignoring a city citation to trim some overgrown bushes in her yard. This isn’t freedom. The irony is that, even though many people are starting to realize this, they’re looking to the very institution that has enslaved them to solve the problem. It is their own government that has created this system. It is the government that passed US Code section 983 (Rules for Civil Forfeiture), allowing the police to commit highway robbery. It is the government that continues to arrogantly, brazenly spy on every citizen despite overwhelming public outcry. It is the government that continues to bring forth new regulation at an absolutely astounding rate. Just today (this is 100% true), the US federal government published an eye-popping 490 pages of new rules, proposals, and regulatory notices. ( To give you a little taste, today’s regulations include: Stringent requirements for properly handling spearmint oil; New tolerance specifications for a-alkyl-w-hydroxypoly sulfate Additional powers awarded to the Department of Education to decide “whether certain postsecondary educational programs prepare students for gainful employment.” A decision to centrally manage the 2014 ‘total allowable catch of Pacific Cod’ in the Bering Sea.
Read more about WARNING: Avoid this corrupt, third-world country at all costs
★Planet is Tearing Apart - HUGE Mountain in Sir Lanka Explodes (Airplane View Video)
What a gigantic change in the earth as this mountain decides to have a massive landslide, this is just one more situation were homes and lives are lost, and it happens to fast, people don't even have a chance to leave. Landslide at Haldummulla in Badulla district of Sri Lanka this situation has displace over 100,000+ people. ★Gordon Gianninoto Disclosure Interview -Planet X/Nibiru Earth Changes How Our Envirornment Our Earth Will Change - Pole Shifts - Volcanos - Ocean Shifts - Zeta Prophecy We Are Seeing the EARTH's WOBBLE This is the new normal. Get used to it and be aware.
Read more about ★Planet is Tearing Apart - HUGE Mountain in Sir Lanka Explodes (Airplane View Video)
Food storage that can feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300
You are out of excuses! This plan is THE fastest, cheapest and easiest way to start a food storage program. You are done in a weekend. AND there are no hassles with rotating.
Read more about Food storage that can feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300
The Worst Foods That Cause Arthritis
If you’re suffering from arthritis you can manage your pain by making changes to your diet. Sounds almost too simple, but it’s effective. There are many foods that contribute to pain and discomfort associated with joint and muscle conditions. According to Harvard Health Publications, over 46 million people are affected by arthritis in the US alone.
Read more about The Worst Foods That Cause Arthritis
High Alert! World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian Nuclear Bombers Over Europe (Video) What the Heak is Going on With Russia?!
World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian NUCLEAR Bombers Over Europe Oct 31 2014 Man, it's like all world super powers are just ASKING for a fight! “We’re raising it (the alert) as an unusual level of activity,” said Lt. Col. Jay Janzen, a spokesman for NATO’s military command in Mons, Belgium.
Read more about High Alert! World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian Nuclear Bombers Over Europe (Video) What the Heak is Going on With Russia?!
Will You Worship Satan Tonight?
John Little - Tonight is the most important night on the Satanic calendar. Thousands of men, women and children will be murdered tonight, and the vile Luciferians will have made progress in their attempt to defile God’s creation. Of course, the Luciferians have been doing this for thousands of years, so you might wonder why we should be making a fuss over all this. Well, the problem is that these Satanists are being given help by those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.
Read more about Will You Worship Satan Tonight?
This Halloween Nightmare Will Hit America...We are in Big Trouble... (Elite NWO Video)
No one is 100% safe. From the smallest towns to the largest cities local police agencies can instantly seize them with the stroke of a pen from an order above. They can transform themselves from peacekeepers to an occupying military force and have proven as such with the events in Ferguson, Missouri. If you don't want to be manhandled, then don't say or do or suggest anything that hints at noncompliance.
Read more about This Halloween Nightmare Will Hit America...We are in Big Trouble... (Elite NWO Video)
Is CERN Preparing For Satan's Arrival? Puts Out Bizarre 'Happy Halloween' Video! "Attention! You Are In Danger!"
The 1st video below from dutchsinse was published by the mysterious CERN laboratories (home of the large hadron collider) and offers the entire world an eerie 'Happy Halloween 2014' while screaming at us: "Attention! You are in danger!" Check out the video; it's getting all kinds of comments but most agree, this is STRANGE and a bit evil! Does this just show that CERN employees have a rather bizarre sense of humor or is there some kind of warning hidden within the video? The 2nd video below from The Black Child is called "CERN: Supercolliders, Subliminals, & Stargates: Illuminati's Plan for Satan's Arrival".
Read more about Is CERN Preparing For Satan's Arrival? Puts Out Bizarre 'Happy Halloween' Video! "Attention! You Are In Danger!"
WARNING: Avoid this corrupt, third-world country at all costs
October 31, 2014 Santiago, Chile John Anderson, an American tourist from San Clemente, California, was driving down a poorly-maintained highway when he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. After a brief exchange with the local police officer, Anderson was shocked when the cop started searching his vehicle. Anderson had $25,180 in US dollar cash in the car, which by the way was not a crime according to the local laws. When the cop saw it, he told Anderson that we would take it and threatened him with arrest if he protested. Anderson couldn’t believe it. This is the sort of stuff you always hear about in these third world countries—corrupt cops and state robbery. Ultimately Anderson gave in; the cop let him go and did not charge him with a crime, but took every last penny in the vehicle. And for the last two years, Anderson has been trying to unsuccessfully fight it in the country’s Kangaroo court system. Clearly we should all avoid going to such dangerously corrupt third world countries. Except in this case, Anderson was in the United States of America. And he is far from being the only victim of this highway robbery known as Civil Asset Forfeiture. Since 9/11, police forces in the Land of the Free made over 62,000 seizures without charging anyone with any crime, stealing $2.5 billion in cash alone. The cost of taking legal action against the government is so high, that only about 17% of the victims actually challenged the seizures. And even then, only 41% of those that challenged have been able to get their money back. This means that the government has a better than 93% success rate in outright theft. This is worse than mafia—it’s blatant theft with impunity from the people that are sworn to protect and serve. It’s the kind of thing that is thought to only occur in heinously corrupt countries. Here’s the good news: many people are waking up to the reality that they’re not living in a free country. They are starting to understand what I call ‘the criminalization of existence.’ Every last detail of our lives is regulated—what we can/cannot put in our bodies, whether we can collect rainwater or unplug from the grid, how we are allowed to educate our own children, etc. Driving this point home, a Tennessee woman was actually thrown in jail earlier this month for ignoring a city citation to trim some overgrown bushes in her yard. This isn’t freedom. The irony is that, even though many people are starting to realize this, they’re looking to the very institution that has enslaved them to solve the problem. It is their own government that has created this system. It is the government that passed US Code section 983 (Rules for Civil Forfeiture), allowing the police to commit highway robbery. It is the government that continues to arrogantly, brazenly spy on every citizen despite overwhelming public outcry. It is the government that continues to bring forth new regulation at an absolutely astounding rate. Just today (this is 100% true), the US federal government published an eye-popping 490 pages of new rules, proposals, and regulatory notices. ( To give you a little taste, today’s regulations include: Stringent requirements for properly handling spearmint oil; New tolerance specifications for a-alkyl-w-hydroxypoly sulfate Additional powers awarded to the Department of Education to decide “whether certain postsecondary educational programs prepare students for gainful employment.” A decision to centrally manage the 2014 ‘total allowable catch of Pacific Cod’ in the Bering Sea.
Read more about WARNING: Avoid this corrupt, third-world country at all costs
Homesteading On The Cheap - Regrowing Cut Veggies (Video)
(N.Morgan) I really like the idea of a survival garden,being completely self sustaining,without need of a store or any assistance. I've written before about having an underground garden and how cheaply this could be done. Now imagine if you could regrow old veggies, and never have to waste again! The money that could be saved practicing these tips could really help, during the SHTF situation.
Read more about Homesteading On The Cheap - Regrowing Cut Veggies (Video)
Lockheed Martin Scientist: Area 51 Aliens And UFOs
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine In the most recent Open Minds Production video below, a variety of topics are covered, which include that more Brits believe in aliens than they do in God, an odd distribution of organics in Titan's atmosphere could be a sign of life and the headlined topic of a Lockheed Martin scientist, Boyd Bushman, who passed away in August 2014, and his claims that there are aliens and UFOs at Area 51. Via Open Minds: Boyd Bushman worked as an engineer for over forty years, and before retirement, worked as a senior scientist for Lockheed Martin. Over the years he has done several interviews about his interest in antigravity technology, and has increasingly alluded to having secret knowledge about UFOs..... Open Minds also discusses the controversy surrounding Bushman's "alien" photos and provides the alleged results of a polygraph that Bushman supposedly took, where the results provided (shown here at the bottom of the article) all indicated he was being truthful.
Read more about Lockheed Martin Scientist: Area 51 Aliens And UFOs
The Worst Foods That Cause Arthritis
If you’re suffering from arthritis you can manage your pain by making changes to your diet. Sounds almost too simple, but it’s effective. There are many foods that contribute to pain and discomfort associated with joint and muscle conditions. According to Harvard Health Publications, over 46 million people are affected by arthritis in the US alone.
Read more about The Worst Foods That Cause Arthritis
Ebola: 3 Million HazMat Suits on the Way
Colin Flaherty / American Thinker The liberal blogosphere is aflame with accusations that the Ebola outbreak is a fake crisis manufactured by right-wing media. The World Health Organization has a different point of view: the group at the front lines of the Ebola epidemic is ordering 3 million hazardous material suits for health care workers and patients around the world to meet demand over the next 9 months. More than 400 caretakers have contracted Ebola during the recent outbreak. The WHO estimates the outbreak could cause 10,000 new cases a week in Africa over the next two months.
Read more about Ebola: 3 Million HazMat Suits on the Way
Food storage that can feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300
You are out of excuses! This plan is THE fastest, cheapest and easiest way to start a food storage program. You are done in a weekend. AND there are no hassles with rotating.
Read more about Food storage that can feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300
High Alert! World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian Nuclear Bombers Over Europe (Video) What the Heak is Going on With Russia?!
World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian NUCLEAR Bombers Over Europe Oct 31 2014 Man, it's like all world super powers are just ASKING for a fight! “We’re raising it (the alert) as an unusual level of activity,” said Lt. Col. Jay Janzen, a spokesman for NATO’s military command in Mons, Belgium.
Read more about High Alert! World War 3 NATO Intercepts Four Groups of Russian Nuclear Bombers Over Europe (Video) What the Heak is Going on With Russia?!
October 31, 2014 Halloween/Samheim Sacrifice Ritual: Philadelphia PA
Halloween/Samheim is a very important day for satanic and pagan rituals with regards to sacrifice and rituals. Philadelphia is no stranger to the celebration and festivals surrounding Halloween/Samheim rituals. Recently one of the largest independent schools in the Philadelphia area (Temple University) released its grand designs on October 31, 2014. Philadelphia is home to one of the original main Grand Lodge or Masonic Temple on Broad Street, one of the main roadways that was landscape to form a cross road with Market Street in downtown Philadelphia.
Read more about October 31, 2014 Halloween/Samheim Sacrifice Ritual: Philadelphia PA
Planet is Tearing Apart - HUGE Mountain in Sir Lanka Explodes (Airplane View Video)
What a gigantic change in the earth as this mountain decides to have a massive landslide, this is just one more situation were homes and lives are lost, and it happens to fast, people don't even have a change to leave. Landslide at Haldummulla in Badulla district of Sri Lanka this situation has displace over 100,000+ people. JACKSON Wyoming EVACUATION Landslide Devouring Houses & Water Pipelines EARTHQUAKES INTENSIFY IN RING OF FIRE – Another Sign YELLOWSTONE IS ABOUT TO BLOW JACKSON TOWN COUNCIL DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY AND ADOPTS DISASTER DECLARATION ★Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch OUT New Madrid Fault BEWARE ★Yellowstone Volcano ALERT as Clusters of EARTHQUAKES SHAKE THE CALDERA★★Intense Solar Activity ★Huge Crack In The Earth In Mexico - Planet X Effects? You Gotta See This!★
Read more about Planet is Tearing Apart - HUGE Mountain in Sir Lanka Explodes (Airplane View Video)
Elites Plans To Wipe Out Humanity! NSA Involved? Must-See Interview!
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine With recent headlines of robots now replacing human beings at companies like Lowes, Nescafe and others, along with announcements of intelligent computers now being able to program themselves, depite warnings that smart machines could very well wipe out humanity, we see an even more concerning part of the transhumanist agenda in an interview shown below, between Alfred Lambremont Webre and Melanie Vritschan, public relations directors of the European Coalition against Covert Harassment, who explains the evidence they now have which leads to the conclusion that the NSA is behind the transhumanist agenda to implant and robotize humanity. Via Exopolitics: Electronic Terrorism & Psychiatric Terrorism Melanie Vritschan also details NSA-related electromagnetic attacks on and injuries to her as EUCACH liaison to the European Parliament, timed right before and after her legislative visits to the EU Parliament.
Read more about Elites Plans To Wipe Out Humanity! NSA Involved? Must-See Interview!
It Is a Mistake to Consider the Ebola Epidemic a Hoax
I was almost ready to dismiss the present “Ebola crisis” as a hoax as so many others have. Just based upon the fact that the virus is not spreading within the United Stated as would be expected, there is a natural tendency to reasonably suspect that we are not looking at a strain of Ebola that has been weaponized. It would also be reasonable to assume that this bioweapon is not nearly as contagious as “traditional Ebola” and this would explain the extremely low transmission rate. The obvious purpose of this bioweapon, under these conditions, would be to scare people into taking the Bill Gates funded vaccines.
Read more about It Is a Mistake to Consider the Ebola Epidemic a Hoax
.fballshare_left {float:left}.fballshare {margin:0px;text-align:center}.fball_fblike{width:105px;}.fball_pinterest, .fball_linkedin, .fball_digg {margin-right:10px;} .fballshare .fball_fblike span{width: 535px!important;}.fball_plusone {width:70px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_twitter {width:90px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_digg {margin-left:25px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_pinterest, .fball_linkedin{margin-top:5px;}TweetWorld War 3, the inevitable destruction of our planet. Waging forces careless about humanity will continue to fight on to the brink of utter destruction. This is the beginning of world war 3. What started in the cold war has been revived with crisis after crisis.
.fballshare_left {float:left}.fballshare {margin:0px;text-align:center}.fball_fblike{width:105px;}.fball_pinterest, .fball_linkedin, .fball_digg {margin-right:10px;} .fballshare .fball_fblike span{width: 535px!important;}.fball_plusone {width:70px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_twitter {width:90px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_digg {margin-left:25px;margin-top:5px;}.fball_pinterest, .fball_linkedin{margin-top:5px;}TweetAs the tide shifts back to war, because of winter nearing, Putin now states that war is inevitable in the following speech. The facts are that this world war is planned, it has been planned from the very beginning all the way from Pike’s letter about a world war in the 1800’s, which you can see at the bottom of this post. The planning of this war goes back further than that however. This is a biblical war that will be waged.
Alarming: FOIA Docs List American's Considered Terrorists "Judicial Watch"
Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S.
Read more about Alarming: FOIA Docs List American's Considered Terrorists "Judicial Watch"
Are Aliens Running Earth Behind The Scenes Pushing The New World Order? (Video)
(N.Morgan) Many have had theories that Aliens were running the show behind the NWO and the Power Elite. For example, Iran believes that Tall Whites are the driving force to world domination. It is their belief they are the ones who are calling the shots and putting all of these agendas into motion. When President Bush used the Gulf War 1 in 1991 to announce The New World Order, most people did not really know what he was talking about.
Read more about Are Aliens Running Earth Behind The Scenes Pushing The New World Order? (Video)
NOW: First Snow Starts In East-Central United States
Click For Larger Picture Snowfall has begun with a cold-front moving down through Michigan. Latest radar image as of 8:50am shows the rain/snow line across Chicago, extending up to Michigan. Chicago - Convective snow showers possible, with thundersnow in them today. Indiana and Ohio - Snow showers possible for Indiana into Western Ohio, with thundersnow possible.
Read more about NOW: First Snow Starts In East-Central United States
New Evidence NSA Is Behind Transhumanist Agenda
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine With recent headlines of robots now replacing human beings at companies like Lowes, Nescafe and others, along with announcements of intelligent computers now being able to program themselves, depite warnings that smart machines could very well wipe out humanity, we see an even more concerning part of the transhumanist agenda in an interview shown below, between Alfred Lambremont Webre and Melanie Vritschan, public relations directors of the European Coalition against Covert Harassment, who explains the evidence they now have which leads to the conclusion that the NSA is behind the transhumanist agenda to implant and robotize humanity. Via Exopolitics: Electronic Terrorism & Psychiatric Terrorism Melanie Vritschan also details NSA-related electromagnetic attacks on and injuries to her as EUCACH liaison to the European Parliament, timed right before and after her legislative visits to the EU Parliament.
Read more about New Evidence NSA Is Behind Transhumanist Agenda
Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas! Steve Quayle - Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!
While we learn in the 1st video from TheAlexJonesChannel that the US govt has secretly ordered 250,000 HAZMAT suits for Dallas, Texas, in the 2nd video below featuring Steve Quayle we learn that the elites plan to kill MILLIONS of Americans is now underway. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Dallas was 1.25 million in 2013, why is the govt seeking HAZMAT suits for 1/5 of the population? Will the suits even be GIVEN to the population or does Steve Quayle call it much more clearly in the 2nd video where we tells us what the 'big picture' is? A manager with a major shipping company has exclusively revealed to Infowars that the U.S.
Read more about Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas! Steve Quayle - Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!
Here We Go: Global Peace Agreement For World Religions Discussed While U.S. in Rome! Tick Tock!
Jerry White, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, spoke in an interview with Vatican Radio of the need for faith leaders to work together to prevent consistently motivated violence. With the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorism White has brought the question of faith and violence to the forefront and has now begun to address the process of peace. At least his version of peace. According to White, “Religion is a vocabulary that is being used, even every day as we look in the paper, to justify violence.” For this reason, “religion has to be part of the solution.” “How can we isolate that virus?” White continues speaking of religion.
Read more about Here We Go: Global Peace Agreement For World Religions Discussed While U.S. in Rome! Tick Tock!
Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas! Steve Quayle - Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!
While we learn in the 1st video from TheAlexJonesChannel that the US govt has secretly ordered 250,000 HAZMAT suits for Dallas, Texas, in the 2nd video below featuring Steve Quayle we learn that the elites plan to kill MILLIONS of Americans is now underway. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Dallas was 1.25 million in 2013, why is the govt seeking HAZMAT suits for 1/5 of the population? Will the suits even be GIVEN to the population or does Steve Quayle call it much more clearly in the 2nd video where we tells us what the 'big picture' is? A manager with a major shipping company has exclusively revealed to Infowars that the U.S.
Read more about Govt Prep For Doomsday In Dallas! Steve Quayle - Elites Plan To Kill Off Millions Underway!
Illuminati Revealing Themselves Now! Here's How! Bizarre Signs- (Stunning Video)
(N.Morgan) As the world is in conflict and turmoil, the dark forces of the Illuminati are showing themselves more to society and the world. They are becoming a prominent part of the entertainment industry and have been for many years, only they were a veiled, secret. Now the secret is exposed and they are coming out in full force. The Illuminati witches are coming out of the closet.
Read more about Illuminati Revealing Themselves Now! Here's How! Bizarre Signs- (Stunning Video)
ELECTION 2014EX-OBAMA SECRET SERVICE AGENT 'ON VERGE OF HUGE UPSET'Running for Congress in blue state against policies of old bossPublished: 13 hours agoText smallerText bigger 1KFormer Secret Service agent Dan BonginoBy Paul BremmerDan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent for President Obama, says that with only days until the election, he and his team have done all they can to win Maryland’s Sixth District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and he believes he could be “on the verge of a huge upset.”“I can comfortably tell you right now there is nothing we could have done to work harder,” Bongino said. “I just got back yesterday from Montgomery County, in the pouring rain. It was 40 degrees.
Sphinx And Pyramid Twin Peaks On Mars? Pathfinder Landing Site, A Sphinx Revisited
http://More Space News At: "Still, we cannot deny that the act of placing a tetrahedral object on Mars at latitude 19.5 contains all the necessary numbers & symbolism to qualify as a "message received" signal in response to the geometry of Cydonia. Moreover, such a game of mathematics & symbolism is precisely what we would expect if NASA were being influenced by the type of occult conspiracy that Hoagland, for one, is always trying to espouse." -- Graham Hancock, "The Mars Mystery -- The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet" When Mars Pathfinder bounced to a halt on its innovative airbags after it's unprecedented straight in, meteor-like decent to the Martian surface on July 4th, 1997, most of us were convinced - watching its initial panoramas -- that we were simply looking at another boring Martian desert filled with rocks -- just like the scenes relayed from the previous Viking Lander missions some twenty years earlier. Overshadowed by Enterprise principal investigator Richard C. Hoagland's highly advertised political prediction -- that the Pathfinder Lander would be diverted to Cydonia, instead of arriving at its announced touchdown point a thousand miles away -- many of us in the "anomalist community" were initially distracted from viewing those first Pathfinder images in any great detail.
Read more about Sphinx And Pyramid Twin Peaks On Mars? Pathfinder Landing Site, A Sphinx Revisited
Sphinx And Pyramid Twin Peaks On Mars? Pathfinder Landing Site, A Sphinx Revisited
http://More Space News At: "Still, we cannot deny that the act of placing a tetrahedral object on Mars at latitude 19.5 contains all the necessary numbers & symbolism to qualify as a "message received" signal in response to the geometry of Cydonia. Moreover, such a game of mathematics & symbolism is precisely what we would expect if NASA were being influenced by the type of occult conspiracy that Hoagland, for one, is always trying to espouse." -- Graham Hancock, "The Mars Mystery -- The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet" When Mars Pathfinder bounced to a halt on its innovative airbags after it's unprecedented straight in, meteor-like decent to the Martian surface on July 4th, 1997, most of us were convinced - watching its initial panoramas -- that we were simply looking at another boring Martian desert filled with rocks -- just like the scenes relayed from the previous Viking Lander missions some twenty years earlier. Overshadowed by Enterprise principal investigator Richard C. Hoagland's highly advertised political prediction -- that the Pathfinder Lander would be diverted to Cydonia, instead of arriving at its announced touchdown point a thousand miles away -- many of us in the "anomalist community" were initially distracted from viewing those first Pathfinder images in any great detail.
Read more about Sphinx And Pyramid Twin Peaks On Mars? Pathfinder Landing Site, A Sphinx Revisited
Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons”
Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons” Stocks globally surged, while gold fell sharply today despite renewed irrational exuberance on hopes that the Bank of Japan’s vastly increasing money printing will fill some of the gaps left by the apparent end of Federal Reserve bond buying. The BOJ decided to increase the pace at which it expands base money to a whopping 80 trillion yen ($726 billion) per year. Previously, the BOJ targeted an annual increase of 60 to 70 trillion yen. The BOJ sailed into deeper uncharted monetary territory with the announcement that they would triple annual purchases of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and Japanese real-estate investment trusts (REITS) to 3 trillion yen and 90 billion yen respectively.
Read more about Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons”
Signs Of The End: Jesus Face Seen In Smoke And More October Events
YouTube videographer ANGEL OF APOCALYPSE brings us their latest video compilation of 'signs of the end' for the month of October from around the world via mainstream media reports. While some report here seeing the face of 'Jesus in the smoke' at the exact same moment a man is rescued from a fire, are these myriad signs reported here REALLY 'signs of the end' or just more daily events in this day and age of the internet?
Read more about Signs Of The End: Jesus Face Seen In Smoke And More October Events
Mini-HAARP Horror: Secret Navy Electronic Weapon Beams To Test Radiating Millions Americans
The United States Navy will unleash its secret electronic warfare weapon terror on millions more Americans after the new year, the kind of nightmarish test already torturing thousands of innocent targeted individuals, unless enough outrage is expressed today, the last day for comment. Electronic Warfare Terror Guinea Pigs The Navy, in partnership with the Forestry Department plan to turn a massive part of Washington State's magnificent Olympic Peninsula, along with a large portion of the state's northeast into Electronic Warfare training ranges. Think you're immune? Think again.
Read more about Mini-HAARP Horror: Secret Navy Electronic Weapon Beams To Test Radiating Millions Americans
Zombie Pandemic, They're Real.
THIS POST WILL EXPLAIN AND REVEAL A GLOBAL ZOMBIE PANDEMIC TO THE WORLD. Zombies are all the rage, and they have been for a few years now. The inevitable fictional zombie apocalypse has spread unimaginable fear around the globe, but none of us actually believe a zombie apocalypse would be possible, right? Scientists have said many times that it would be impossible for our bodies to walk around after we’re dead, much less us craving fresh.
Read more about Zombie Pandemic, They're Real.
Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons”
Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons” Stocks globally surged, while gold fell sharply today despite renewed irrational exuberance on hopes that the Bank of Japan’s vastly increasing money printing will fill some of the gaps left by the apparent end of Federal Reserve bond buying. The BOJ decided to increase the pace at which it expands base money to a whopping 80 trillion yen ($726 billion) per year. Previously, the BOJ targeted an annual increase of 60 to 70 trillion yen. The BOJ sailed into deeper uncharted monetary territory with the announcement that they would triple annual purchases of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and Japanese real-estate investment trusts (REITS) to 3 trillion yen and 90 billion yen respectively.
Read more about Gold Falls, Stocks Record Highs as Japan Goes ‘Weimar’, “Here Be Dragons”
Signs Of The End: Jesus Face Seen In Smoke And More October Events
YouTube videographer ANGEL OF APOCALYPSE brings us their latest video compilation of 'signs of the end' for the month of October from around the world via mainstream media reports. While some report here seeing the face of 'Jesus in the smoke' at the exact same moment a man is rescued from a fire, are these myriad signs reported here REALLY 'signs of the end' or just more daily events in this day and age of the internet?
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Putin To Western Elites: Play-Time Is Over
From Zero Hedge - Most people in the English-speaking parts of the world missed Putin's speech at the Valdai conference in Sochi a few days ago, and, chances are, those of you who have heard of the speech didn't get a chance to read it, and missed its importance. Western media did their best to ignore it or to twist its meaning. Regardless of what you think or don't think of Putin (like the sun and the moon, he does not exist for you to cultivate an opinion) this is probably the most important political speech since Churchill's “Iron Curtain” speech of March 5, 1946. In this speech, Putin abruptly changed the rules of the game.
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101 Low Cost Items to Barter if the SHTF
I would be preaching the choir if I told you that it is wise to gather extra supplies that you can use for bartering in a post-collapse world. The issue for many, however, is that their budget allows no room for extras. Finding funds for long term personal preps, let alone daily needs can be an ongoing challenge. Let’s face it. We all know that the middle class is disappearing.
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101 Low Cost Items to Barter if the SHTF
I would be preaching the choir if I told you that it is wise to gather extra supplies that you can use for bartering in a post-collapse world. The issue for many, however, is that their budget allows no room for extras. Finding funds for long term personal preps, let alone daily needs can be an ongoing challenge. Let’s face it. We all know that the middle class is disappearing.
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Mini-HAARP Horror: Secret Navy Electronic Weapon Beams To Radiate Millions
The United States Navy will unleash its secret electronic warfare weapon terror on millions more Americans after the new year, the kind of nightmarish test already torturing thousands of innocent targeted individuals, unless enough outrage is expressed today, the last day for comment. Electronic Warfare Terror Guinea Pigs The Navy, in partnership with the Forestry Department plan to turn a massive part of Washington State's magnificent Olympic Peninsula, along with a large portion of the state's northeast into Electronic Warfare training ranges. Think you're immune? Think again.
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Reports of Ghostly Black Eyed Child
It is in the heart of the area where the black-eyed child has recently returned after a 30-year absence. Regulars have heard the spectre screaming in pain and seen it knocking at the door of the ale house. SOURCE: ABOVE SCIENCE
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PA Cop Killer An Actor! Russian Spetsnaz Link Found!? Eric Frein False-Flag Operation Exposed? Killer's MySpace Page Scrubbed But Saved Here! Check Out The Connections!
What we have uncovered about alleged Pennsylvania cop-killer Eric Frein in the last few days should be enough to make anyone question what's really going on in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania. It first needs to be said that we don't condone ANY violence against the police, nor anyone else, but after checking out Eric Frein's IMDB actor's page (the 2nd video below called 'Lustig' features Frein acting as a Nazi soldier!) and visiting his MySpace page (which has since been deleted but saved in screenshots and video below!), we see that there may be MUCH more going on with this horrible incident than meets the eye. The 1st video I created below outlines everything, including a picture of Frein with an individual who is wearing a Russian Spetsnaz patch and contacts on Frein's MySpace page that paint him a Communist sympathizer rather than a 'Patriot prepper' as the mainstream media is trying to lead America to believe. With MySpace contacts ranging from Che Guevara to the 13th Guards (a 'Soviet Red Army Rifle Division'), we have to wonder what they are trying to hide in deleting that page?
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Is Mark Zuckerberg David Rockefeller's Grandson?
Ok so this Greenberg / Zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second. A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg. His family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather.
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'UFO' appears to watch NASA astronauts on ISS spacewalk
Was a UFO watching NASA astronauts? Watch this space. A video published on the NASA YouTube channel of a spacewalk outside the International Space Station appears to show a blurry object appear behind an astronaut where nothing before was present. Nothing appears there now ...
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Daniel 12 and the Antichrist Part 2
DANIEL – CHAPTER 12 PART 2 (Daniel 12:7 KJV) And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. A “time, times, and a half” is a period of three and one half years of 360 day years which is the length of a “time” by the majority of commentators. This period is generally considered the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation period which traditionally, most consider has a length of seven years (Daniel’s 70th week). The mid-point of the seven years is, again traditionally, the time when the antichrist (beast) or the false prophet sets up the image of the beast, in or near the temple, which is called the abomination of desolation.
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3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Rock Your World (And Make You Much Happier!)
by Megan Bruneau MindBodyGreenYou don't have to practice yoga or follow an Ayurvedic diet to benefit from Buddhist ideas (but if you do, more power to you). So whether or not you think about balancing your dosha, here are three powerful elements of Buddhist philosophy, "The Noble Truths," and how you can incorporate them into every day. They might just change your life... 1.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
Nine US Cities Experiencing ‘Black Flight’
Maybe it’s just me but this surprised me for some reason. Maybe it’s that I never thought I’d see something like this actually Reported. In reflection, though, it seems that black people are no different than any other Americans. They want to avoid danger, they want to search for opportunity, and they are willing to go where things are better. What’s interesting in this report is that the direction of movement has changed.
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