Wednesday, September 10, 2014

War! Russia And China Bomb The US Dollar

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine For months we have been hearing it would happen and as economic ties between China and Russia deepen, both countries are making trade agreements that are further weakening the US Dollar. The Moscow Times reports "Russia and China Gang Up on U.S. Dollar as Economic Ties Deepen," in an article which explains yet another pledge between Russia and China to conduct more bilateral trade in ruble and yuan to lessen dependence and dominance of the US Dollar. They state they will not break old contracts but will also encourage "companies from the two countries to settle more in local currencies, to avoid using a currency from a third country," according to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov While Russia and China have been pushing to limit the US greenbacks influence, the recent sanctions imposed on Russia over the Ukraine/Russia issue has spawned a level of cooperation and new trade deals that will speed up the demise of the dollar.

Read more about War! Russia And China Bomb The US Dollar

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