- Archaeologists have discovered more than 150 graves belonging to a previously unknown culture in Peru. The cemetery was discovered in the Tambo River delta, in the northern part of the Atacama Desert. "These graves had been dug in the sand without any stone structures, and for this reason they were so difficult to locate that they have not fallen prey to robbers", Professor. Józef Szykulski, leader of the research project said.
Read more about Graves Of Ancient Unknown People Discovered In The Atacama Desert
Monday, June 30, 2014
Obama is a Liar and Hates His Dog
from Peter Schiff Listen to The Peter Schiff ShowLive Weekdays 10am to noon ET on my newest book at me on me on Tweet
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Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever–Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos)
For many generations, it has been questioned and debated. Many long hours and much time has been spent pouring over the evidence, yet with no clear answers and no hard proof. However, today, more evidence keeps piling up that proves the ancients did have technology far beyond what we can even begin to imagine. Brien Foerester takes you down dark tunnels, beneath pyramids, and inside places you have only seen in your imagination.
Read more about Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever–Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos)
Forced Medicine: Gunpoint Medicine has Become Normal in America
From Africa there have been stories of mothers being hunted down by armed soldiers as they try to escape villages with their children to avoid having them receive oral polio vaccines (OPV), known to produce adverse reactions, including polio itself. This might be expected in third world countries, but the same essential tyranny has also been occurring in America. As an adult, you can still manage to avoid toxic cancer treatments and toxic vaccinations, but if you attempt to seek alternative cancer treatments for your child, you risk your freedom and endanger your family. You could be charged as a criminal and your child will be abducted by a local Child Protection Services (CPS) agent, and then forced by court order to undergo chemo. Gun point medicine includes vaccinations too. Actual Forced Chemo Cases Jim and Donna Navarro’s child Thomas was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was four. Donna was a former RN with emergency room and military experience.
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The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be History — Karen Hudes
[Ed. Note: Homo Capensis, you say? Hmmmm.... Not so sure about this lady.] from Sorry for the drama, just trying to do right by our listeners..
Read more about The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be History — Karen Hudes
Forced Medicine: Gunpoint Medicine has Become Normal in America
From Africa there have been stories of mothers being hunted down by armed soldiers as they try to escape villages with their children to avoid having them receive oral polio vaccines (OPV), known to produce adverse reactions, including polio itself. This might be expected in third world countries, but the same essential tyranny has also been occurring in America. As an adult, you can still manage to avoid toxic cancer treatments and toxic vaccinations, but if you attempt to seek alternative cancer treatments for your child, you risk your freedom and endanger your family. You could be charged as a criminal and your child will be abducted by a local Child Protection Services (CPS) agent, and then forced by court order to undergo chemo. Gun point medicine includes vaccinations too. Actual Forced Chemo Cases Jim and Donna Navarro’s child Thomas was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was four. Donna was a former RN with emergency room and military experience.
Read more about Forced Medicine: Gunpoint Medicine has Become Normal in America
Camp Roberts just held the largest military "Training" ever with over 5000 troops attending ( just ended on June 22), the CHP literally had our freeways shut down in a matter of minutes yesterday with a motorcade of police cars, motorcycles and choppers ALERT FROM STEVE QUAYLE'S ALERT; IS WAR COMING INSIDE THE USA VERY SOON? Dear Steve, Just wanted to update you on stuff happening here on the central coast of California in just the past couple of days. This week Vandenberg Air Force base launched a missile "test" without warning (they usually announce it ahead of time), Camp Roberts just held the largest military "Training" ever with over 5000 troops attending ( just ended on June 22), the CHP literally had our freeways shut down in a matter of minutes yesterday with a motorcade of police cars, motorcycles and choppers for "Training", the CHP chopper was flying over our town just as local residents received a message on their cell phones at 3:56 pm stating, "Emergency Alert" Civil emergency in this area until 4:00 PST. Prepare for Action.
Islam and the death of all civilizations from history to present! This Dr. tells all!
What we face is something dark and grim, what we have yet to see is the fall of our society. The reason we will see the fall of our civilization, its very simple. It’s Islam, the truth and real nature can be found in this video below about the intended nature of Islam, and the future of our world if we sit idly by and do nothing. This force of people will kill all, rape all, and say it is the religion on peace when they slaughter left and right every good thing about our world.
Read more about Islam and the death of all civilizations from history to present! This Dr. tells all!
17 Facts That Prove That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Down The Drain
Do you wish that you had a better job? If so, you are not alone. In fact, there are millions upon millions of Americans that get up every day and go to a job that they wish that they could afford to quit. Unfortunately, most Americans end up just desperately holding on to the jobs that they have because just about any job is valuable in this economic environment.
Read more about 17 Facts That Prove That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Down The Drain
★★Central Bankers Announce Their Plan For An “Islamic State” X22Report How High Can Gold GO? ★★(Shocking Videos)★★★
Dave recorded this June 30th, he updates us on world events - you won't hear on mainstream news. Alien Fire Fight with New Mexico Construction Crew and Wars Begins Deep Underground Large Cities
Read more about ★★Central Bankers Announce Their Plan For An “Islamic State” X22Report How High Can Gold GO? ★★(Shocking Videos)★★★
Bastardi: ‘potential nightmare.. a tropical cyclone coming at the outer banks on the July 4 weekend’ - (June 30, 2014)
Bastardi: ‘potential nightmare.. a tropical cyclone coming at the outer banks on the July 4 weekend’ - (June 30, 2014) (psst...Nibiru's coming)
Read more about Bastardi: ‘potential nightmare.. a tropical cyclone coming at the outer banks on the July 4 weekend’ - (June 30, 2014)
RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY — Karen Hudes
Sorry for the drama, just trying to do right by our listeners, it’s probably anti-climactic at this point. But here’s the original interview with a short caveat. The interview begins at 6:05 or so. Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the World Bank joins us to discuss the impending collapse of the international criminal banking cartel which Karen says is “imminent”.
Read more about RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY — Karen Hudes
Burger King Closes Door In Florida Due To Non Shipment Of Food-Wait Till This Happens Across The U.S.-Remember Katrina
I live in a small community and have a number of fast food restaurant in our city. My granddaughter and I decided to go out to eat at our local Burger King around 8:30pm on Monday, 30 June. To our surprise the restaurant door was locked. Then my granddaughter saw a note on the door that said "Sorry, our business closed effective today from 3:00pm today until further notice due to non-shipment of truck delivery".
Read more about Burger King Closes Door In Florida Due To Non Shipment Of Food-Wait Till This Happens Across The U.S.-Remember Katrina
18 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Accelerating As We Enter The Last Half Of 2014
A lot of people that I talk to these days want to know "when things are going to start happening". Well, there are certainly some perilous times on the horizon, but all you have to do is open up your eyes and look to see the global economic crisis unfolding. As you will see below, even central bankers are issuing frightening warnings about "dangerous new asset bubbles" and even the World Bank is declaring that "now is the time to prepare" for the next crisis. Most Americans tend to only care about what is happening in the United States, but the truth is that serious economic trouble is erupting in South America, all across Europe and in Asian powerhouses such as China and Japan.
Read more about 18 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Accelerating As We Enter The Last Half Of 2014
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Water
You cannot afford to make mistakes in your disaster preps; not only will it cost you money and resources; it might also be fatal to you and your family when the crisis strikes. You already know how important water is for survival: you can survive without food for 3 weeks, but you can only survive without water for 3 days. So when storing water, be careful and make sure to avoid these 5 common mistakes. Vintage Water Storage: Water was stored in metal barrels protected by two 4-mil polyethylene liners (the inner liner held the water, andthe outer liner was a backup), closed with a wire-tie. Each barrel stood 22 inches tall and 16 inches in diameter,and held 17.5 gallons of water. Each barrel was intended to supply 5 people.
Read more about 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Storing Water
18 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Accelerating As We Enter The Last Half Of 2014
A lot of people that I talk to these days want to know "when things are going to start happening". Well, there are certainly some perilous times on the horizon, but all you have to do is open up your eyes and look to see the global economic crisis unfolding. As you will see below, even central bankers are issuing frightening warnings about "dangerous new asset bubbles" and even the World Bank is declaring that "now is the time to prepare" for the next crisis. Most Americans tend to only care about what is happening in the United States, but the truth is that serious economic trouble is erupting in South America, all across Europe and in Asian powerhouses such as China and Japan.
Read more about 18 Signs That The Global Economic Crisis Is Accelerating As We Enter The Last Half Of 2014
50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real
50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real "The truth, always the truth--at all costs" I will strive to give you perspectives on the news that you will rarely receive from other sources. At times, there will be eye-witness reports from troubled areas, at other times, there will be documentary,interviews and other interesting works. I am committed to providing information by posting/archiving videos, articles, and links. I also investigate to raise awareness on numerous issues, inspire critical thinking, involvement, and hopefully to help make our world a better place for all.
Read more about 50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real
Burger King Closes Door In Florida Due To Non Shipment Of Food-Wait Till This Happens Across The U.S.-Remember Katrina
I live in a small community and have a number of fast food restaurant in our city. My granddaughter and I decided to go out to eat at our local Burger King around 8:30pm on Monday, 30 June. To our surprise the restaurant door was locked. Then my granddaughter saw a note on the door that said "Sorry, our business closed effective today from 3:00pm today until further notice due to non-shipment of truck delivery".
Read more about Burger King Closes Door In Florida Due To Non Shipment Of Food-Wait Till This Happens Across The U.S.-Remember Katrina
Mississippi has some very serious issues. With audio, pictures, and transcript
Charles C. Johnson and Aaron Gardner broke this story after 9 PM Monday night. Click here for Charles’ report. A black reverend stiffed by the Cochran campaign has exposed an alleged criminal conspiracy by Cochran staffers to commit massive voter fraud ahead of Tuesday’s controversial U.S. Senate Republican runoff election in Mississippi. Reverend Stevie Fielder, associate pastor at historic First Union Missionary Baptist Church and former official at Meridian’s redevelopment agency, says he delivered “hundreds or even thousands,” of blacks to the polls after being offer money and being assured by a Cochran campaign operative that Chris McDaniel was a racist. “They [the Cochran campaign] told me to offer blacks fifteen dollars each and to vote for Thad.” A black reverend stiffed by the Cochran campaign has exposed an alleged criminal conspiracy by Cochran staffers to commit massive voter fraud ahead of Tuesday’s controversial U.S.
Read more about Mississippi has some very serious issues. With audio, pictures, and transcript
The Obama's, I Knew They Had Both Lost Their Law License, But I Didn't Know Why Until I Read This
I am reposting for those who have missed it. FORMER LAWYERS? I knew they had both lost their law license, but I didn't know why until I read this. This is 100% legit.
Read more about The Obama's, I Knew They Had Both Lost Their Law License, But I Didn't Know Why Until I Read This
Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan!
The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule. But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan. Stars and Stripes reported: U.S.
Read more about Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan!
Update: Today's #Yellowstone #SuperVolcano Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake (Video) Heads Up
Update: Today's #Yellowstone Super Volcano #Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake June 30 2014 USGS still sleeping at their desks with their feet up on their desks. I agree completely with Mary, always be prepared for a disaster. So ... Are you prepared?
Read more about Update: Today's #Yellowstone #SuperVolcano Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake (Video) Heads Up
50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real
50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real "The truth, always the truth--at all costs" I will strive to give you perspectives on the news that you will rarely receive from other sources. At times, there will be eye-witness reports from troubled areas, at other times, there will be documentary,interviews and other interesting works. I am committed to providing information by posting/archiving videos, articles, and links. I also investigate to raise awareness on numerous issues, inspire critical thinking, involvement, and hopefully to help make our world a better place for all.
Read more about 50 Shades Of Crazy-'Deliver Us From Evil': Demons Get Real
Breaking: Israel Launches Air Strikes In The Gaza Strip Against Hamas
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network Breaking: On Tuesday morning July 1, in an apparent retaliation against Hamas, (who is suspected by Israel of killing the three Israeli teenagers), the Israeli air force launched airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on what they say are precision strikes on Hamas islamic jihad targets structures. This occurred only hour after the body of the three Israeli teenagers. Israeli jets strike 34 targets in Gaza Strip The Israeli Air Force struck 34 targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, carrying out “precision strikes” against Hamas and Islamic Jihad structures, the IDF said in a statement early Tuesday. “The IDF will continue to act in order to restore the peaceful living to the civilians of the state of Israel.
Read more about Breaking: Israel Launches Air Strikes In The Gaza Strip Against Hamas
Military Bans Bibles But Forces Soldiers to Adhere to Ramadan!
The US Air Force kicked Christian Gideon’s volunteers off base in March. The Bibles were too offensive and violated the separation of church and state rule. But US military personnel are expected to adhere Islamic practices during Ramadan. Stars and Stripes reported: U.S.
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BOMBSHELL SECURITY ALERT! New Terror Threats to U.S. From Al Qaeda Bomb Makers (Video) Must, MUST See! Seriously.
New Threats to U.S. From Al Qaeda Bomb Makers "I have never seen a threat matrix so serious." A new generation of explosives. Plus new airport threats this holiday week and much more that needs to be shared! Plus more on the US-Mexico humanitarian border crisis.
Read more about BOMBSHELL SECURITY ALERT! New Terror Threats to U.S. From Al Qaeda Bomb Makers (Video) Must, MUST See! Seriously.
Israel Launches Air Strikes In The Gaza Strip Against Hamas
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network Breaking: On Tuesday morning July 1, in an apparent retaliation against Hamas, (who is suspected by Israel of killing the three Israeli teenagers), the Israeli air force launched airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on what they say are precision strikes on Hamas islamic jihad targets structures. This occurred only hour after the body of the three Israeli teenagers. Israeli jets strike 34 targets in Gaza Strip The Israeli Air Force struck 34 targets in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, carrying out “precision strikes” against Hamas and Islamic Jihad structures, the IDF said in a statement early Tuesday. “The IDF will continue to act in order to restore the peaceful living to the civilians of the state of Israel.
Read more about Israel Launches Air Strikes In The Gaza Strip Against Hamas
Update: Today's #Yellowstone #SuperVolcano Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake (Video) Heads Up
Update: Today's #Yellowstone Super Volcano #Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake June 30 2014 USGS still sleeping at their desks with their feet up on their desks. I agree completely with Mary, always be prepared for a disaster. So ... Are you prepared?
Read more about Update: Today's #Yellowstone #SuperVolcano Earthquake M3.5-M3.2 Earthquake (Video) Heads Up
Chemtrail Forecast Maps 6/30/2014 to 7/2/2014
Read more about Chemtrail Forecast Maps 6/30/2014 to 7/2/2014
Civil War, UN Takeover, Obama Impeached And The Fall Of America
The newly released video report below from Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time outlines a Dave Hodges story that warns us of the 'trigger event' that will be used to takeover America. This excellent video has just been picked up by Investment Watch Blog. With food riots now hinging upon the collapse of the economy and civil war a true possibility in our future, how long will it be until Barack Obama is impeached; how long will it be till America falls? This report begins at the 1 minute 8 second mark after a brief introduction.
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Immigration Study Proves Loss of US Jobs to Illegals
The End Times News Report By Jake Morphonios In this video, Jake Morphonios discusses the dire effects of unrestrained immigration on employment in America using statistics from the US Department of Labor and the findings published in a recent study by the Center for Immigration Studies.
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"People Will Be Wiped Out": Greg Hunter And Chris Martenson Talk About The Coming Crash
Chris Martenson, co-founder of Peak Prosperity, joins Greg Hunter and warns that 2008 was just a warm-up to what is soon coming, "people are going to get wiped out". Martenson warns that the economic system is so out of balance: "...that's what we are talking about when we talk about a market crash. The claims get destroyed. People get wiped out.
Read more about "People Will Be Wiped Out": Greg Hunter And Chris Martenson Talk About The Coming Crash
"People Will Be Wiped Out": Greg Hunter And Chris Martenson Talk About The Coming Crash
Chris Martenson, co-founder of Peak Prosperity, joins Greg Hunter and warns that 2008 was just a warm-up to what is soon coming, "people are going to get wiped out". Martenson warns that the economic system is so out of balance: "...that's what we are talking about when we talk about a market crash. The claims get destroyed. People get wiped out.
Read more about "People Will Be Wiped Out": Greg Hunter And Chris Martenson Talk About The Coming Crash
Stunning UFO Sighting Over Murrieta/Temecula, CA On June 25, 2014 (Video)
(N.Morgan) In the video below, several UFO like objects are captured hovering over the Murrieta/Temecula skies on June 25, 2014. The objects seem to endless flow in the sky, at least 12 of them hovering and floating around. They stay in a somewhat tight formation, yet seem relaxed. Here's the account: This group of lights was captured on video by a couple out of their bedroom window.
Read more about Stunning UFO Sighting Over Murrieta/Temecula, CA On June 25, 2014 (Video)
25,000 Years: Scientific Proof the 'Ancients' Had Alternative Energy
Radiocarbon dating at the Bosnian Archaeological site, the most active pyramid site in the world, dates the pyramid complex back 25,000 years and also has released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids around the world were used as an energy source. The study reveals an energy beam, 13 feet in radius that transmits an unexplainable electromagnetic signal measuring 28 kilohertz coming from the center of the Pyramid of the Sun unexplainable by our science. The potential for a viable source for alternative energy from our ancient past should not be suppressed like Nikola Tesla's work because it cannot be metered and monetized. Dr.
Read more about 25,000 Years: Scientific Proof the 'Ancients' Had Alternative Energy
General Announces: "After America..." - What Does He Know That We Don't Know?
Former general and CIA chief General David Petraeus has announced that America will soon be 'no more'. This newly released video report from DAHBOO77 shares the news in Patraeus' own words. What does David Patraeus know that we don't know? The signs are more clear every day; time is running out on our nation.
Read more about General Announces: "After America..." - What Does He Know That We Don't Know?
10 Strange Mysteries That Remain Unsolved - Part 1
We will never solve all the mysteries out there. Not only will many historical enigmas remain unsolved, but many more will arise in the future. The MH370 Malaysian plane is a good example. With nothing conclusive after weeks of searching, will we ever discover its fate?
Read more about 10 Strange Mysteries That Remain Unsolved - Part 1
General Announces: "After America..." - What Does He Know That We Don't Know?
Former general and CIA chief General David Petraeus has announced that America will soon be 'no more'. This newly released video report from DAHBOO77 shares the news in Patraeus' own words. What does David Patraeus know that we don't know? The signs are more clear every day; time is running out on our nation.
Read more about General Announces: "After America..." - What Does He Know That We Don't Know?
Stunning UFO Sighting Over Murrieta/Temecula, CA On June 25, 2014 (Video)
(N.Morgan) In the video below, several UFO like objects are captured hovering over the Murrieta/Temecula skies on June 25, 2014. The objects seem to endless flow in the sky, at least 12 of them hovering and floating around. They stay in a somewhat tight formation, yet seem relaxed. Here's the account: This group of lights was captured on video by a couple out of their bedroom window.
Read more about Stunning UFO Sighting Over Murrieta/Temecula, CA On June 25, 2014 (Video)
How The New World Order Attacks Truthers On Television (Video)
(N.Morgan) The tactic of demonizing the regime's enemies has become rather common place in today's world. You see it on TV all the time, the Conspiracy Theorists are crazy, loons, who are hell bent on a Revolution, or they are paranoid, tin foil hat wearing nut jobs, who are preparing for the end of times. All of these assumptions are false. These Truthers are those who question the official stories of the liars in the White House.
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How The New World Order Attacks Truthers On Television (Video)
(N.Morgan) The tactic of demonizing the regime's enemies has become rather common place in today's world. You see it on TV all the time, the Conspiracy Theorists are crazy, loons, who are hell bent on a Revolution, or they are paranoid, tin foil hat wearing nut jobs, who are preparing for the end of times. All of these assumptions are false. These Truthers are those who question the official stories of the liars in the White House.
Read more about How The New World Order Attacks Truthers On Television (Video)
New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airport!
By Susan Duclos The mystery deepens about the Denver International Airport after a source of IHN within the airport confirmed for the first time astonishing information regarding the underground facility, providing details unknown to airport staff and the general public until now. DIA has inspired many conspiracy theories in the past, even moreso after more investigative reports, including one headed up by former Governor Jesse Ventura determined there was a whole underground city below the mysterious airport. The secrecy, the images on the walls, murals, artwork have all spawned more than their share of questions that have not been answered.... until now.
Read more about New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airport!
New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airport!
By Susan Duclos The mystery deepens about the Denver International Airport after a source of IHN within the airport confirmed for the first time astonishing information regarding the underground facility, providing details unknown to airport staff and the general public until now. DIA has inspired many conspiracy theories in the past, even moreso after more investigative reports, including one headed up by former Governor Jesse Ventura determined there was a whole underground city below the mysterious airport. The secrecy, the images on the walls, murals, artwork have all spawned more than their share of questions that have not been answered.... until now.
Read more about New Details On Secret Underground Base Beneath Denver International Airport!
The History of the Galaxy as told by the Star people, which are the Origin of the (STAR WARS) Saga.
Two years after Roswell, a space craft landed approximately in 1949,( 20 years before the Star wars movies)near the four corners monument area and told the Apache Leaders and probably other tribal leaders the complete story of our Galaxy. In these tales were the story of our planets and how they were each populated and then their destruction and how Earth was moved to where it is now, some 2 million years ago. Complete recordings were made by the Native American people and the names that were given are the same names given in the Sumerian tablets and found in every culture of this planet, plus a lot more. It tells of the SSST (Sith in the movies) warriors and gives great detail in the book with art work (Terra, by Robert Morning Star) which I have posted his three hour seminar for you to review and make sure you watch the whole video as there is important information even near the end, which if true explains every aspect of our planet.
Read more about The History of the Galaxy as told by the Star people, which are the Origin of the (STAR WARS) Saga.
THE SILVER CODE: “Something Very, Very BIG is About to Happen”
from JohnBWellsCTM: A Global Checkup with W & V; an episode not to be missed.
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Scary ghost footages caught on camera (Crazy video)
Ghost Hunters and Paranormal Investigators are searching ghost activities all over the world. GhostWorldTV brings you such scary videos for you. Please watch scariest videos Real ghost caught...
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HERCOLUBUS: The Planet of The End of The World
HERCOLUBUS: The Planet of The End of The World Nibiru, Hercolubus, Marduk, Red Kachina, Red Dragon, Red Planet, Frightener, the Destroyer, etc.
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Gold looks like a trap up move!
December gold futures – daily chart As another trading month comes to an end, gold traders will be watching wondering and waiting as the precious metal is once again poised delicately at a tipping point on the daily chart. June could best be described as a game of two halves to use a footballing analogy, with the massive wide spread up candle defining the two regions. The early part of the month was characterized with a slow recovery, followed by the surge at half time, and then moving into the second half of the month with a phase of price congestion, and there are now several key issues to consider from a technical perspective. The first of these is the ultra high volume of the 1oth of June, the highest volume of the month in fact, which saw the price of gold close modestly higher on the day, gaining just over $8 per ounce. At the time I suggested that this was an early sign of weakness.
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10 Strange Mysteries That Remain Unsolved - Part 1
We will never solve all the mysteries out there. Not only will many historical enigmas remain unsolved, but many more will arise in the future. The MH370 Malaysian plane is a good example. With nothing conclusive after weeks of searching, will we ever discover its fate?
Read more about 10 Strange Mysteries That Remain Unsolved - Part 1
Henry Makow Article, 6-26-14… “Proof World War Two Was a Charade”
Before reading this, recall a) David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny (regarding how both sides of wars are funded by the same folks (Rothschilds, Rockefellers), and b) click the audio player* below: (note: if the player doesn’t work for you, click here: Now, I cannot vouch for any of the information here in this article, as I have not read the book, “Op JB“. But it sure sounds like this could very well be “right on”. I just found it fascinating reading. See how it strikes you. [Kp note 1: click this link to view the video from which this audio clip was taken] [source] [Kp note 2: please go to the original article for links and photos.] —————————————————————————- Proof World War Two Was a Charade.
Read more about Henry Makow Article, 6-26-14… “Proof World War Two Was a Charade”
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