(updated March 31, 2014 , 1045pm CT) Over the past several days ( up to March 31 currently) , a noticeable increase in seismic activity has occurred across the Western United States. Specifically, a swarm of earthquakes has occurred extending from the Western edge of the Yellowstone magma chamber, now Eastward into the center of the National Park itself. This building pressure is now manifesting as multiple 3.0M+ earthquakes, all at a 3.0mile or greater depth inside the Yellowstone magma chamber. As if Yellowstone were not enough, the pressure is also translating to earthquakes occurring farther Southwest from Yellowstone, along the deformed edge of the North American Craton, extending into Central California , along the subduction zone of the North American Plate (and the Pacific Plate). FPRN RADIO YELLOWSTONE THE ANIMAL SAID SOMETHING WAS UP Yellowstone volcanic movement (greater than 4.0M) here: California volcanic movement (greater than 4.0M) here: Oklahoma fracking movement (greater than 4.0M) here: (click to view full size) The above screenshots show the past 2 United States earthquakes greater than 3.0M. One inside the Yellowstone supervolcano, the other at an “unnamed” volcano in California. More on the Yellowstone movement from tatoott1009 here: The heavy earthquake activity along the West Coast of the United States , over the past few weeks, has now translated in the craton displacement that we were expecting. The earthquakes inside the magma chamber at Yellowstone, and the earthquakes now occurring at dormant volcanic chains along South / Central California, mean we can expect further activity in the near term to INCREASE. The increase in activity along the edge of the craton will continue into the near term future due to the overall Pacific displacement occurring internationally. Until things cool off internationally in the West Pacific, we can expect sizable displacement to occur along our plate in North America.
Read more about UPDATE 3/31/14 Yellowstone Magma Chamber Animals Leaving Yellowstone? What Do They Know We Don’t Know?
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