Ninjutsu Martial Arts Strategy: Key Moments & Phases in a Self-Defense Situationby: Jeffrey M. Miller A major pivoting point in my ninjutsu martial arts learning process happened when I realized that there was something more going on than just the punching, kicking, and what-not, that makes up conventional martial arts and self-defense training. In fact, once I saw it happening, my mind shifted away from the typical orientation toward this “style” or that, and started looking beyond the techniques themselves to…..what was being “done” by each move in a technique string.The question I began to ask was, “what’s the logic behind the moves?” And, “why are the moves where they are in this particular string?”And THAT is what the book, “Controlling the Fight: The 5 Keys of Effective Self-Defense Strategy,” is all about.It’s about understanding and recognizing the keys, or bridges, between one phase… strategic moment… a self-defense situation, and another.It’s about controlling the “pieces” of a fight-scenario that must be strategically managed in the correct order, and at the correct time, if you are to be successful.What are these critical moments within the flow of the fight? Let me first tell you what they’re NOT.They are not…..when you’re fist makes contact with the surface of your assailant’s body…..when you lock his joints to immobilize him and prevent him from continuing to fight…..when you take up your “way-cool” stance…..the way with which you’ve been taught to hold your weapon, or…..a hundred other “things” that most books, videos, and schools of martial arts and self-defense focus almost exclusively on.But, they are not NOT these things either.
Read more about 5 Key Ninjutsu Martial Arts Strategies
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