Monday, March 31, 2014
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Obama, World Leaders Play "Nuclear War Game" In Western Financial Center (Video)
By Josey Wales
Last week world leaders like Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Barack Obama, among many other world leaders, were simulating a nuclear device going off in a major western financial center, then testing their responses to such an event.
This seems very concerning after Obama's recent comment Obama's recent comment at the summit in the Netherlands where he stated that "Putin wasn't a threat to America, but a nuclear bomb going off in New York is the real threat".
At the same nuclear summit in the Netherlands, world leaders played an interactive nuclear war game designed to test their responses to a terrorist atomic "dirty bomb" attack that threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.
Watch the video for details about the game, played by David Cameron, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Xi Jinping and other world leaders.
OBAMA Speaks at the NUCLEAR Security Summit - World is Currently On Brink of Thermonuclear War
World leaders including President Obama, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron and Chinese President Xi Jinping played a "nuclear war game" designed to test how they would respond to a global terrorist attack at a high-level meeting, the Telegraph reported Tuesday.
The leaders also included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who according to the Telegraph was unhappy and did not want to play the game.
The game took place at the nuclear summit at The Hague and included dozens of other heads of state.
It required leaders to respond to the scenario of a terrorist attack with a "dirty bomb" in a big Western city. Leaders had to answer a series of questions on how they would respond to the attack as the game progressed and new challenges arose.
Obama, who helped planned the game, overrode Merkel's complaints that the game was inappropriate at a high-level meeting, the Telegraph reports.
"Leaders had their doubts about participation on their own without their expert civil servants. It was about discussion and problem solving without leaders relying on written statements to read out. At the end the leaders were more enthusiastic," said a spokesman for the summit told the paper.
New Yorkers got a chilling wake up call Tuesday about just how badly terrorists want to strike the city.
The warning came straight from the top: President Obama.
During a news conference in the Europe, Obama said he's far more worried about the possibility of a nuclear weapon exploding in New York City than he is about the threat posed by Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.
He spoke dismissively of Russia as "a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors, not out of strength, but out of weakness."
"Russia's actions are a problem. They don't pose the No. 1 national security threat to the United States," Obama said in The Hague, Netherlands.
"I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan." president obama netherlands summit
Merkel miffed at Barack Obama and David Cameron 'nuclear war game'
World leaders played an interactive nuclear war game designed to test their responses to a terrorist atomic "dirty bomb" attack that threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of people
World leaders at this week's Nuclear Security Summit wore bizarre illuminati pyramid lapel pins while gathered around a giant eye with a floating holographic pyramid suspended above.
Interestingly enough, President Barack Obama was one of the few world leaders not to wear the pyramid symbol.
Is the symbol an innocent motif designed to express unity around the issue of nuclear security, or does it represent an occult display of power?
Though not much is being said about the the Ukraine in U.S. mainstream news circles, the tension in Europe is being stretched to a near breaking point.
A few weeks ago the country of Estonia warned that their sources indicated that the Russian Army was are preparing an invasion of the Western-supported Ukrainian government. The President of the country's provisional government has since deployed at leas 40,000 troops to its Eastern front as a countermeasure should Vladimir Putin's 80,000 strong military cross its border.
In the wake of the terror bombings last December in Volgograd killing 34 people, it was reported that Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan had indirectly threatened Russia and Vladimir Putin with terror attacks if Russia did not back off its support of the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have invested significantly in the Sunni mercenary campaign to overthrow al-Assad and the Shia Alawites who rule Syria.
Do you think that it's ultimately inevitable that a nuclear bomb will go off in a western city?
Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!
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HAARP Attack On The West Coast Of the United States
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HAARP Attack On The West Coast Of the United States
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Ancient Pyramids Around World Emitting Energy Beams to Aliens.
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Obama Is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America
Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America
Dave Hodges
This article will demonstrate that B. Obama (Soetoro) is the manifestation of a decades-old plot designed to subvert the leadership of the United States, thus making America vulnerable to being conquered.
Is America Worth Dying For?
I loathe the government that we are forced to endure every day, don’t you, with every communication you engage in being monitored by a bunch of government voyeurs? However, I do love my country, the American people and the ideals for which we stand (e.g. one nation under God). America’s present government is not worthy of one ounce of respect. However, the America’s Constitution and our traditions are indeed worth fighting for, but not with Obama at the helm.
I have often wondered if I had been a soldier in the Texan Army, would I have stayed, fought and died at the hands of Santa Anna’s forces at the Alamo? If I had been a defender at Bataan, Wake Island, or Guam, in the early days of World War II and I knew death was certain, would I stand my post to the last minute? I would, if I knew my sacrifice was honorable and my leadership was patriotic and willing to make the same sacrifice.
America Will Soon Stand Alone
As I have documented over the past several weeks, America will soon stand alone, with perhaps, only England as our last ally. Europe will soon be under the Russian sphere of control because of energy dependence on Russia. As a result, NATO will disintegrate. China has married their economy to the Russians based upon gas and oil and we will someday soon face their soldiers on the battlefield which will take place in our neighborhoods. Seemingly all of Latin America has turned their backs on the US and is allowing for Russian military bases and accepting Russian military equipment, thus, making a Red Dawn scenario a near certainty.
America stands on the edge of virtual extinction. The only question is whether Putin, after totally destroying the Petrodollar, will allow America to slowly crumble, or use the combined forces of the United Nations (e.g. North Korea, China, Latin America and Russia to invade). Either way, people like ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow boldly proclaim that eventually 90% of all Americans will be left dead. And isn’t that figure consistent with the globalist expressed desire to reduce the North American population by 90%?
And how does Obama respond to these threats? He has announced that he is reducing the America military to pre-World War II levels in yet another act of treason against the American people.
Back to the fundamental question, should we stand our ground and fight to the death? The answer is yes. However, I will not follow the psychopathic criminal that is in the White House. If America is to fall, and most of us will perish, we should not fall with a traitor at the helm. Though the heavens may fall, treason must not be allowed to prosper. The man with 11 social security numbers, several names (e.g. Barry Soetero) must not be allowed to remain in power. If I am to fall in defense of my country, I will do so with fellow Americans, not by following some mongrel masquerading as an American.
Obama Is the Soviet Fulfillment of Generations of Planning
After Viktor Suvorov, a former Russian intelligence analyst, defected to England, he revealed Russia’s top-secret plans to attack the United States at some future date after undermining the United States from within through the subversion of their political leadership. Suvorov had worked as a Russian intelligence analyst as well as having worked for the GRU and with elite Russian special forces, Suvorov, warned the Americans of Russia’s true intentions after the Russian high command had succeeded in getting Pentagon officials to let down their guard and engage in a high level, but mostly one-sided, technology transfer. And under the wrong President (i.e. Obama), America would be weakened to the point to where it could not adequately defend herself.
Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB defector fled to the United States in order to warn Americans about the secret Russian plan to attack the United States. Golitsyn is generally considered to be among the first and most revealing on the subject of the secret Russian plans to attack America after faking the demise of the old Soviet Union. He authored the The Perestroika Deception in which Golitsyn wrote about the deceitful intent behind the Leninist strategy which the present-day Communists are actively pursuing as they fake American style democratization efforts in Russia. From within, American leadership would be compromised in key positions, and the fall of America would be orchestrated from within and under the leadership of an Obama type of President. Golitsyn and Suvorov were only two of dozens of Soviet defectors who told exactly the same story dating back to the 1960′s.
Obama Is the Pawn of the Russians to Conquer America
From the official files of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, we find Allen Hulton, a 39 year veteran of the postal service, who provided a sworn affidavit to Maricopa County, AZ. Sheriff investigators.
Arpaio was leading an investigation to determine whether or not former foreign college student, Barack Obama, was eligible to be placed on Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. After reviewing Hulton’s affidavit, it is apparent that 1960′s communist agitators and revolutionaries from the communist-inspired Weathermen Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were in fact the de facto adoptive parents to this foreign student destined to become the first illegitimate President of the United States. As a result, Obama was treated to the finest Ivy League education that communist backed money could buy as Hulton maintains that the Ayers told him that he was financing the education of a promising foreign student at Harvard. Hulton also testified that he met Obama while at the Ayer’s home and he asked Obama what he going to do with all his education, to which Obama politely answered, “I am going to become the President”. Readers should take note that this is an affidavit, and as such, is formally considered to be evidence, not conjecture or hearsay. There can be no other conclusion that the criminally convicted communist terrorist, Bill Ayers, began grooming Obama to become America’s first communist President during Obama’s college years. Their relationship continues into the present time as it is on record that Ayers visited the White House in August of 2009. Please note the words “foreign student”, which makes Obama ineligible to be in the White House.
Obama’s communist affiliations continued well into his adulthood because of the good work of Joel Gilbert who discovered that Obama was active with a Weathermen Underground support group known as The May 19th Communist Organization, in New York. Perhaps, this is why Ayers was visiting the White House. And speaking of Ayers and Dorne, Adding more fuel to this communist fire, it is interesting to note that both Senior White House Advisors, David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett were both Weatherman Underground “Red Diaper Babies, in which they were the sons and daughters of well-to-do parents who desired communism and lived out their dreams through their children’s revolutionary activities. Other notable red-diaper babies also include such notables as Rahm Emanuel and Eric Holder. Jarrett’s situation is particularly interesting in that her family and the Ayers family have been multi-generational friends which also included a marriage between the two families. Much of the Obama administration is a nest of communists and this should serve to gravely concern every American citizen. It was Ayers and Dorne who launched State Senatorial candidate Obama’s political career from their Hyde Park, IL. living room according the late Larry Grathwohl a former FBI undercover operative who penetrated the Weathermen Underground. Hollywood could not write a movie this good, with this much intrigue.
Frank Chapman, a communist activist and a member of the communist front group known as the World Peace Council. Chapman clearly used the term “mole” to describe Obama. He said Obama’s political climb and subsequent success in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries was “a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle.” Chapman further stated that, “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through. “The Communist Party USA backs Obama to the hilt.” It is clear that Obama is their man! Obama is Putin 2.0.
The Middle East is turning away from the Petrodollar. Europe will soon abandon the dollar to buy Russian gas. The Petrodollar is the only thing of value backing the dollar. When the fall of the Petrodollar is complete, it will not take 30 days to witness the complete and utter destruction of this economy. Dr. Garrow believes when the economic collapse arrives, it will be masked with an EMP attack designed to accelerate the process of decline. In this scenario. the Naval War College predicts 90% of us will be dead within two years under these circumstances! And what is Obama doing about all of this? He is doing nothing!
To those who think this is far-fetched, read on and see what the defectors tell us was coming and it will hard to deny Obama’s complicity.
Golitsyn’s Blueprint for Obama
According to Golitsyn, the short-term strategic objective of the Russians is to achieve a technological convergence with the West solely on Russian terms and mostly through a series of one-sided disarmament agreements. He also stated that the Russians and the Americans would engage in joint military exercises just prior to America’s fall and this is exactly what we find when we look at the historical record under Obama.
“In 2010, American soldiers participate in the 2010 Moscow Victory Day Parade alongside its European allies and members of the CIS, marking the first time American soldiers have ever participated in the annual event on May 9.
In 2010, American and Russian special forces conduct their first joint operation in Afghanistan and destroy four drug-producing labs that make heroin on October 31. (S. Shuster (Oct.2010). Russia returns to Afghanistan for drug raid.TIME World. Retrieved 6 February, 2010).
In 2012, the United States, Russia and NATO hold missile defense exercises in Ottobrunn, Germany from March 26 to March 30.
In 2012, Russian troops are allowed into the United States for the first time to participate in a joint U.S.-Russia military drill in Colorado on April 25.
In 2012, American and Russian navies participate in the RIMPAC 2012 naval exercises from June 29 to August 3 and this process is ongoing.
In 2012, The United States and Russia hold joint naval exercises in the Norwegian Sea on August 22.
In 2012, Russia sends aid to the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy on November 11.
In 2013, American, Russian and NATO military forces perform a counter piracy exercise in the Gulf of Aden on February 26.
In 2014, The United States, Russia and NATO announce plans to conduct a joint naval operation in the Mediterranean to protect a U.S. ship that will destroy Syria’s chemical weapons on February 14.”
There are literally dozens more of these bilateral cooperative efforts involving the militaries of Russia and the United States. This is following a time when leaders like George Bush placed a missile shield in Poland and beefed up our support of NATO. It is clear that Obama is in bed with the Russians.
Golitsyn and the Scissors Plan
Golitsyn stated that Russia, after lulling America to sleep, will join with China in order to attack the United States from both the outside and inside as he detailed that “In each of these the scissors strategy will play its part; probably, as the final stroke, the scissors blades will close. The element of apparent duality in Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination between them will become visible and predominant. The Soviets and the Chinese will be officially reconciled. Thus the scissors strategy will develop logically into the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’ to provide the foundation and driving force of a world communist federation…before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their favor. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet ‘reconciliation.’ The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of “one clenched fist.” The enemies now are gathered from within. At that point the shift in the political and military balance will be plain for all to see.
The inking of the recent energy deal which married the economies of the Russians and the Chinese is the manifestation of Golitsyn’s revelations.
As I stated earlier, the death of the Petrodollar means that you will not a have job to go to tomorrow. Because of Obama, the Chinese own our money. Which means they own your mortgage, retirement and savings accounts. Everything you own, is controlled by the Chinese. Soon, they will be coming to collect.
My insider military sources, as well as Dr. Garrow, tell me that plans for an American guerrilla warfare resistance are being put into play as we speak. This means that millions of us are going to die at the hands of foreign invaders and from being caught in the crossfire.
I no longer believe in the America political process and for good reason (e.g. electronic voting machines). However, there is one way we could use this process, one more time, to remove the Traitor-In-Chief. Every member of the House of Representatives is up for re-election this fall. We have the ability, if we could achieve the unlikely goal of unification, to force Congress to enact articles of impeachment against Obama.
We may not be able to control the final outcome, but we can control who we follow to our demise, and for me, it will not be Obama.
(N.Morgan) Yet another prime example of the shenanigans going on in this regime and with the Obama crew! Voters in California received their Voter Registration cards pre-marked for the Democratic party! Pretty presumptuous, isn't it? A couple in the southern California community of La Mesa are not too happy after receiving a voter registration card pre-marked with an "x" next to the Democratic Party from Covered California, the state's Obamacare exchange website, ABC 10 reported Saturday.
The couple, who wished to remain anonymous, said they have lived in La Mesa for years and have always been registered Republicans. Now, ABC 10 said, they are wondering why they received the pre-marked registration card. “I'm an old guy and I never would have noticed it, except I have an accountant that notices every dot and dash on a piece of paper as a wife,” the man said. ABC explained that Covered California began mailing the cards to some four million people last week after it was threatened with a lawsuit from a voting rights group. "But," ABC 10 added, "that does not explain the pre-filled out voter registration card."
This regime has no limits to the dirty tricks they will pull to try to stack the cards in their favor. Our world seems to be full of individuals who want to bypass the rules, just to get ahead. well, Obama, you did it again! Just when we think you cannot possibly stoop any lower, you never fail to disappoint!
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Getting Ready to Microchip the Entire Human Race
Former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Duncan, has unveiled a super small, ingestible microchip that we can all be expected to swallow by 2017. “A means of authentication,” she calls it, also called an electronic tattoo, which takes NSA spying to whole new levels. She talks of the ‘mechanical mismatch problem between machines and humans,’ and specifically targets 10 – 20 year olds in her rant about the wonderful qualities of this new technology that can stretch in the human body and still be functional.
Hailed as a ‘critical shift for research and medicine, ’ these biochips would not only allow full access to insurance companies and government agencies to our pharmaceutical med-taking compliancy (or lack thereof), but also a host of other aspects of our lives which are truly none of their business, and certainly an extension of the removal of our freedoms and rights.
The New York Times writes:
“These biochips look like the integrated circuits in a personal computer, but instead of containing tiny semiconductors, they are loaded with bits of actual DNA that make up genes or fragments of genes. Inserted in a PC-sized analytical instrument, the chips allow scientists to perform thousands of biochemical experiments at a fraction of the cost and time required for traditional tests.”
With bio-tech’s track record of hybridizing genes in our food and trees as GMO, why should we give them full access to our entire genetic makeup? With a satellite or the click of a button, these tiny micro-chips could also be set to begin our own demise, or even control our minds.
And the fact that microchipping has even been mentioned or considered in health care bills is insane:
“This new Health Care (Obamacare) law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: ‘Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it…’”
This is not a new idea - Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974 discusses it extensively in a paper in which he states, “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”
Is this the kind of mind that is creating bio-tech warfare in the form of GMOs, chemtrails, and vaccines? Don’t sign me up for micro-chipping or high-tech tattoos. I trust the medical establishment and biotech about as far as I can throw a rotten, cancer-causing GMO apple.