by Dick Eastman The FEMA camps are for the next and biggest wave of homeowners and renters to be foreclosed or evicted following the biggest deflationary shock yet that comes in the next three months from both Sequestration and the Shrink of Total Medical Expenditure and Increase of Premium Leakage to the Financial Sector. We are at that point. Do you — we — speak up, agree and unite in political opposition or do we lay down and take it and watch family and neighbors “head for camp?” From Sutherland: Local people are reporting today that in South Carolina the FEMA camps have opened for business. This information is not hearsay. There are names with faces reporting these events. FACT: People who lose their homes for a variety of reasons, and thereby, become homeless are being told they have a choice: (1) get a job or (2) move into the closest FEMA camp.
Read more about The real purpose of the FEMA camps
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