Saturday, November 30, 2013
★Four Comets at Once Captured by NASA★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
The Obamas are Staying Indefinitely!
After oohing and ahhing over Obama family dogs Bo and Sunny, Ms. Wawa found out that when hubby is away, Bo settles into the spot where Mr. Romance normally snoozes in the conjugal bed alongside Mama Michelle.
Plumbing the depths of convivial conversation, Barbara, bless her heart, apparently thought that the First Liar and his bodacious bride Michelle, neither of whom are particularly honest people, were actually going to respond to her questions in a forthright manner.
Barbara asked the president, “Do you think that the first lady might have made a better president than you?” Maybe someone should have told Ms. Walters that the week Obama’s approval rate plummeted to 37% might not have been the best time to broach the ‘who’d be the better president’ topic.
Either way, it didn’t matter, because right about then it became evident that the fibbing first couple planned to play along and bust Baba’s Wawa.
First the haughty Barack Obama, who obviously doesn’t think anyone, let alone Michelle, is better at anything than he is, said that “Yes!” he thought Michelle would have made a better president.
Cut to commercial break, and somebody get the camera crew to douse Obama’s flaming trousers with a fire extinguisher.
Totally void of testicular fortitude, Obama should have told Barbara that Valerie Jarrett is already president and shares the seat of power with no one.
Nixing the ‘I’d be a better president’ idea, Michelle pointed out that Barack is a better choice because of his “patience, focus, tenacity and calm,” all traits she humbly admitted she lacks. Then, leaning in with adoring attentiveness, Barbara asked the First Nag, who incessantly nags the entire country, if she nags her husband. Michelle responded that she “stays out of his ear.”
Let me tell you that “staying out of his ear” is quite an impressive feat, especially because them-there’s some all-encompassing ears.
At one point during the interview, the president told Barbara, “I did promise [Michelle] an interesting life.”
To which Michelle replied, “That he did. And, you know, he keeps his promises.”
Moving right along, Barack Obama told Ms. Walters that he will never run for elective office again and that the family is planning on staying in Washington DC after 2016 because Malia will be in college and her sister Sasha a sophomore in high school.
America shouldn’t get all excited about the not-running-for-elective-office part. Why? Because although Michelle swears “he keeps his promises,” and just because Barbara didn’t challenge Michelle on the “he keeps his promises” comment, America is well aware Obama does not keep his promises.
Moreover, Obama officially not running again doesn’t necessarily mean he plans on leaving office, a suspicion he confirmed when he admitted that the family might not return to Chicago. In other words, the U-Haul truck everyone is hoping is already gassed up will not be heading back toward Illinois, home of Chicago deep-dish pizza anytime soon.
And Sasha’s academic aspirations are the excuse the Obamas are using to loiter around Washington DC after 2016?
Yep! In down-home, non-Telepromptered talk, the president told Barbara Walters, “So we’ve gotta—you know we gotta make sure that she’s doin’ well… until she goes off to college.”
Dad stressed that “Sasha will have a big say in where we are.” Sure she will! When America tries to run Michelle and Barry out of Washington DC, he can blame Sasha as the reason he refused to get out of town.
Then Mr. Obama told Barbara Walters the real reason he’s agreeing to stay in Washington DC: “Cause she’s, you know, obviously they–and Michelle–have made a lot of sacrifices on behalf of my cockamamie ideas, the running for office and things.”
Talk about sacrifices! Yeah, we know those “cockamamie ideas” are precisely what have subjugated 300 million people for close to six years under authoritarian rule.
And speaking of authoritarian rule, ironically the only other president who maintained a residence in Washington DC after office was progressive Woodrow Wilson. Wilson, like Obama, was also a Marxist despot who worshiped the power of the state, so wouldn’t it be fitting for Barack Obama to pay homage to another famous dictator type and stay in Washington DC just like Woodrow Wilson?
Either way, if Obama keeps chipping away at the US Constitution, at the rate he’s going by 2016 term limits and free and fair elections could very well be a thing of the past. With the Constitution out of the way, the Obamas may very well end up staying in Washington DC indefinitely, but not because of Sasha Obama or her educational needs.
If that happens, just think of the endless number of fascinating interviews Barbara Walters can conduct with President-for-Life Barack Obama. If Cloward-Piven chaos-induced Martial Law is finally declared, picture the enchanting White House tours of the Healthcare for the Holidays decorations!
What could be better for a decrepit liberal broadcast journalist in the coming years than to take her walker to 1600 Autocratic Avenue to reminisce with Barack Obama about the 2013 interview where she was the first to know he wouldn’t be running again and would never return to Chicago.
Freedom Outpost
There is a candidate lurking for a 2016 run that could change our nation’s history forever, and not in a good way. I am going to go on record with a prediction here and I honestly hope I end up with egg on my face.
It is my belief that a 3rd party candidate is being hand-picked and/or groomed as we speak. This is not just a normal 3rd party candidate that will get 1-2% of the vote. I believe this candidate will be more like Ross Perot and seriously complicate the election while guaranteeing that Hillary Clinton will become our next president.
It’s time for a reality check. We need to look no further than the recent Virginia Governor’s race.
It was not necessarily the strength of McAuliffe that defeated Ken Cuccinelli. It was more the presence of a third party (Libertarian) candidate named Robert Sarvis, who was able to gain 6.5% of the popular vote. Most of those votes came from Cuccinelli and thus guaranteed a McAuliffe victory.
I do not fault Sarvis or the Libertarian Party for competing in this election and trying to win, but people need to understand that most third party votes will come from the GOP, at least until third party candidates from the hard left (Socialist Party, Communist Party, etc.) start to become more relevant.
Reposted with permission.
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Before It's News Featured News
According to this just released report from the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS) which is translated here, the remnants of Comet ISON are slowing down and have changed direction. An intensification of meteor showers is expected as a 'Christmas gift' and a 'meteorite falling to Earth' cannot be excluded due to the slowing down of the comet and a general scattering of the comets' prior composition. The very interesting video report below is alarming.
"Christmas gift" from the comet
Such a transformation at the Pulkovo Observatory compared with "Maiden jump over the fire," and it threatens to become a surprise for earthlings. According to Smirnov, the destruction of the comet led to a sharp drop in speed and change direction of movement of its parts. Whether Comet ISON unharmed, she crossed to the Earth's orbit on December 24 at 65 million miles from Earth, without causing us any concern. But due to a general slowdown cloud movement compared with the nucleus and the backlog separate debris from the head of it crosses the path of the earth around the sun a week later, just before the New Year, and meet with our planet.
"New Year's Eve, and 2-4 January 2014, you can expect an intensification of meteor activity. This may seem like a bright flash in the sky tiny meteors, they will burn up in the Earth's atmosphere as a farewell smile our" Maiden. "But we can not exclude more formidable phenomena such as meteor shower, "- said Smirnov.
He also said that one can not exclude a meteorite falling to Earth - the probability of the event, astronomers will update as for speed and glowing fragments of the comet
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Excerpted from NY DAILY NEWS: A Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an “out-of-control” mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store’s front doors and trampled him, police said.
The Black Friday stampede plunged the Valley Stream outlet into chaos, knocking several employees to the ground and sending others scurrying atop vending machines to avoid the horde.
When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured.
“He was bum-rushed by 200 people,” said Wal-Mart worker Jimmy Overby, 43.
“They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me.
“They took me down, too … I didn’t know if I was going to live through it. I literally had to fight people off my back,” Overby said.
Damour, a temporary maintenance worker from Jamaica, Queens, was gasping for air as shoppers continued to surge into the store after its 5 a.m. opening, witnesses said.
Even officers who arrived to perform CPR on the trampled worker were stepped on by wild-eyed shoppers streaming inside, a cop at the scene said.
“They pushed him down and walked all over him,” Damour’s sobbing sister, Danielle, 41, said. “How could these people do that?
“He was such a young man with a good heart, full of life. He didn’t deserve that.” Keep Reading
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DarkSkyWatcher74 provided the first telescopic proof that Comet ISON had survived its dance of death with the sun in the video below. While NASA and the mainstream media consistently stated that ISON is 'no more', only to backtrack today, across the alternative media we saw signs like this that ISON was indeed 'alive', information confirmed by NASA today.
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