Dave Hodges September 29, 2013 The Common Sense Show In part one of this series, I documented how the banks are positioning for an economic crash by securing as many hard assets as possible. Whether it be your home that is stolen through MERS fraud, or your secure brokerage account which is stolen by John Corzine and MF Global, or if it is an unjust court ruling which allows the banks the legal right to steal your bank deposits, nobody’s private property is safe from confiscation Policing for Fun and Profit The practice discussed in this article is called civil asset forfeiture is often referred to as “policing for profit”, and it involves every aspect of law enforcement from the local police to federal authorities. Civil asset forfeiture laws permit the authorities the legal right to actually steal your private assets. No, these laws are not the RICO laws in which convicted drug dealers and money launderers forfeit their private property which was obtained in the commission of organized criminal activity.
Read more about The New Mafia Wears A Badge

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