Monday, September 30, 2013
ALL Bluefin Tuna Caught In California Are Radioactive

Ancient City Discovered Buried Beneath Mound in Iraq

Massive Quake To Hit USA!
★Comet Ison★Ohio Comet★ US Drone Strike ★News In Two Minutes ★Hospital Superbug★ Greek Soft Coup★Can The Governmanet Wipe Out Your Bank Account? See This★
War is Peace - Obama's NCTC/NSA - Obama Given "Nobel Peace Prize" Quid Pro Quo - Today Obama is the #1 Killer in the World - Obama's Secret NCTC is responsible for generating the disposition matrix of who to Terminate in the USA

★Comet Ison★Ohio Comet★ US Drone Strike ★News In Two Minutes ★Hospital Superbug★ Greek Soft Coup★Can The Governmanet Wipe Out Your Bank Account? See This★

New ObamaCare Taxes You Probably Don't Know About
Before It's News | Popular Politics
New ObamaCare Taxes You Probably Don't Know About
We all need to know exactly how we'll be affected by Obamacare. This video includes details you might not know about, but need to.
The Other Shoe: Obama Removes The Word ‘Free’ From Obamacare Site On Eve Of Rollout
Before It's News | Popular Health
The Other Shoe: Obama Removes The Word ‘Free’ From Obamacare Site On Eve Of Rollout
Even as President Obama and his administration are making a last minute push to encourage enrollment in Obamacare, a quiet change was made on the Healthcare.gov website regarding those who will still not be able to afford coverage after the program kicks in. From at least June 26, 2013 to as recently as September 15, under the topic, "Where can I get free or low-cost care in my community?" the following statement appeared: "If you can't afford any health plan, you can get free or low-cost health and dental care at a nearby community health center." Here is how the page in question appeared: Watch the birdie, people However, sometime between September 16 and September 23, the reference to "free" care was dropped. The title of the topic was changed as well, and now reads: "Where can I get low-cost care in my community?" Here is how the page currently appears: The page in question is not a new one, as the webpage's Internet address remains the same, still containing the word "free": www.healthcare.gov/where-can-i-get-free-or-low-cost-care/. However, there is no notation anywhere on the page that it was revised; the change just appeared unannounced.
Other changes include dropping references to "dental" care and the availability of "prescription drugs," as well as exchanging the phrase "specialized care for more serious conditions" for the milder "referrals to specialized care."
Since President Obama has been emphasizing of late how inexpensive Obamacare will be for many Americans, advertising the availability of "free" health care might have been viewed as a deterrent to purchasing even the least expensive option from the government-run exchanges. Since the "bronze" and "silver" level plans that the president has recently been touting as equaling "the cost of your cable bill" and "less than your cell phone bill" will still entail significant out-of-pocket costs for medical care, "free" might still look more attractive to many on the lower end of the income scale. It may be that community health centers will still offer free care to some, but visitors to Healthcare.gov will no longer be made aware of the option. source - Weekly Standard
The post THE OTHER SHOE: Obama Removes The Word ‘Free’ From Obamacare Site On Eve Of Rollout appeared first on Now The End Begins.
11 Crucial Tips For Better Digestive Health
By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H.
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
The following tips are helpful for everyone, especially those with digestive issues. They are culled from years of personal and clinical experience, as well as from the annals of both Eastern and Western medicine. Many of these tips have conflicting research and opinions. The suggestions I offer, therefore, are ones that I have seen work.
These are guidelines; try them and notice what works for you.
Remember too, however, that future imbalance may develop from poor habits, even if they feel okay in the present. If you suffer from poor digestion, or want to optimize your health, I recommend you give these a try. These tips are not meant to diagnose or to treat any specific disease. Please consult with a physician if symptoms are severe or persist.
Tip #1: Do not drink liquids just before, during or just after your meal — especially not cold ones.
Explanation: This can dilute your digestive enzymes (conflicting research on this) and weakens digestive fire. If you do drink, a cup of warm tea or water is usually okay, and will likely not affect enzyme activity. Meals high in salt are doubly injurious because they promote imbalance of excessive thirst and water intake. Pay attention; notice what works.
In TCM terms, drinking excessively (and any cold drinks at all) while eating injures the Stomach and Spleen Qi, the two organs systems most important for digestive health.
Tip #2: Try squatting while you eat.
Explanation: The rest of the world does it for good reason, not just for the absence of chairs. Squatting is helpful especially if you have been sitting or doing sedentary, intellectual work, where energy stagnates in the upper body (e.g., computer work). Squatting stimulates digestion by encouraging energy to flow downward, helping to relax breathing and the diaphragm, as well as activating the “middle and lower burners,” the areas of the torso corresponding with digestion.
The Spleen and Stomach meridians/channels on the leg are activated by squatting; these are the primary channels and organ systems responsible for digestive health in Chinese medicine.
Tip #3: Talk minimally while eating, if at all, and chew your food really well.
Explanation: Talking impairs chewing, allows excess air into digestive tract, and often creates tension, which hampers good digestion. Excessive talking while eating distracts one from body-awareness and leads easily to over-eating. On the other hand, if you are upset/stressed and you have to eat, talking might help you alleviate your upset, in which case it is beneficial. This highlights the importance of listening to your body for what feels good.
Chewing well increases the surface area of your food, making it easier for digestive enzymes to further break it down. Chewing well allows digestive enzymes in your saliva, HCL in your stomach, and pancreatic enzymes in your intestines to mix thoroughly with food to further the digestive process. Remember also, you want your food to be as liquefied as possible by the time you swallow your food.
Tip #4: Do not eat when stressed or emotionally upset.
Coconut Oil Cures Alzheimer’s Disease: Truth or Wishful Thinking?
By Deane Alban
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
In the 1950s, research wrongly speculated that hydrogenated fat was the cause of heart disease and that butter, lard, coconut oil, and palm oil were the culprits.
Tariffs were even placed on coconut oil to encourage people to buy new partially hydrogenated oils like margarine and Crisco instead. Now it’s known that these highly processed vegetable oils contain dangerous trans fats that are so unhealthy they are banned in some places like New York City, and even in entire forward-thinking countries like Iceland, Sweden, and Austria.
Up until very recently, coconut oil was vilified as an artery-clogging, cholesterol-raising food that had no place in a healthy diet. But now the pendulum has swung the other way. So many people have turned onto the health benefits of coconut oil that demand has soared, threatening to raise prices or even cause shortages!
The Many Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the best oils for cooking. It’s high content of saturated fat (around 90%) makes it very stable. While monounsaturated vegetable oils like extra virgin olive oil are healthy to use “as is”, they become unstable at relatively low temperatures and burn easily. And unlike typical vegetable oils like canola, soy, and safflower, coconut oil doesn’t contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids which encourage inflammation.
Coconut oil is 50% lauric acid which is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. It lowers risk of heart disease by increasing good cholesterol and boosts the immune system. Lauric acid naturally occurs in breast milk. Coconut is the only way to get it in your diet.
Coconut oil has a growing legion of enthusiastic fans who claim it can cure everything from tooth decay to cancer. (One website I visited listed 1,001 conditions it could treat!)
But one of the most intriguing claims is that it can be used to cure the most dreaded disease of our time – Alzheimer’s. But is this true or merely wishful thinking?
Where the Coconut Oil Cure Originated
The woman who popularized this idea was no quack. As a neonatal physician, Dr. Mary Newport was familiar with the use of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the kind found in coconut oil, for feeding newborns. MCTs are administered to premature babies because they are easily utilized even before they have developed digestive enzymes. MCTs naturally occur in mother’s milk and are added to all infant formulas.
Because of her background, Dr. Newport understood how MCTs could supply energy to the brain. Her husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s and was getting rapidly worse so she decided to add coconut oil to his diet to see if it would help.
The initial results were quite amazing. His mental decline not only halted but measurably reversed much improving his quality of life.
In her book Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure? she details her husband’s progress, the science behind using coconut oil, and her frustration in trying to get her peers to consider her theories. Coconut oil not only halted but reversed the progression of her husband’s symptoms.
How MCTs Uniquely Feed the Brain
U.S. Prepares For Martial Law With MRAP's (Video)
The Great Escape : Government Shutdown perfect cover for heading to Bunkers!
Poor Dog Eaten by Python in Bangkok - Video
World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World
SHUTDOWN: U.S. Prepares for Martial Law with MRAP's
#Obama to Resign Over Terrorgate Pending Congressional Charges of Conspiracy and Treason

New ObamaCare Taxes You Probably Don't Know About
World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

New ObamaCare Taxes You Probably Don't Know About

First Cloud Map Of Alien Planet, Kepler-7b.
FSA Cameraman Filming As Suicidal Bomber Friend- Blows Himself Up (Video )
FEMA Ad: The Day Before - Creepy! (Video)
First Cloud Map Of Alien Planet, Kepler-7b.

FSA Cameraman Filming As Suicidal Bomber Friend- Blows Himself Up (Video )

NC Republicans vow to fight US DOJ over voter laws
Before It's News | Popular Politics
NC Republicans vow to fight US DOJ over voter laws
Via LH

DARPA's Plan: Fill The Sea With Drones, Carrying More Drones (Video)
(N.Morgan) Another wonderful innovation brought to us, by DARPA. DARPA, the Pentagon’s research agency, has recently revealed its plans to boost the Navy’s response to threats in international waters by developing submerged unmanned platforms that can be deployed at a moment’s notice. Hydra, named after the serpent-like creature with many heads in Greek mythology, would create an undersea network of unmanned payloads and platforms to increase the capability and speed the response to threats like piracy, the rising number of ungoverned states, and sophisticated defenses at a time when the Pentagon is forced to make budget cuts. According to DARPA, the Hydra system ”represents a cost effective way to add undersea capacity that can be tailored to support each mission” that would still allow the Navy to conduct special operations and contingency missions. In other words, the decreasing number of naval vessels can only be in one place at a time.
Gold And Silver Central Bank Death Dance

Gold And Silver Central Bank Death Dance
Prophecy Sign September 30, 2013
DARPA's Plan: Fill The Sea With Drones, Carrying More Drones (Video)

In Case of Government Shutdown – We Can Still Buy Guns
A $600 AR-15 Rifle

In Case of Government Shutdown – We Can Still Buy Guns

A $600 AR-15 Rifle
New: Best UFO Sightings Shocking Events Over Ohio, Sweden, And Hawaii September 2013 (Awesome Video)
“6th-Grader Terrorizes Students With Horrific Drawing”
Meteor Sightings in the 1000′s across the U.S.
“6th-Grader Terrorizes Students With Horrific Drawing”

Meteor Sightings in the 1000′s across the U.S.

Great Pregnant Balls Of Fire: A Rapper Got Miley Pregnant not safe for work viewing
ISON to Sweep Closely Past Mars on October 1 (Video- New Images)
Just Released: Middle East Report Translated--Barack Hussein Obama Is A Muslim Terrorist! (Video News Report)
Before It's News | Popular Politics
Just Released: Middle East Report Translated--Barack Hussein Obama Is A Muslim Terrorist! (Video News Report)
This video is shocking and disturbing. I know Walid Shoebat personally, and believe me when I tell you that the information he distributes is VERY accurate and reliable! Walid does NOT mince words! -Lyn Leahz
Your mouth will be hanging open by the end of this video! Copy before they pull it off line! Share and LIKE this! Spread the news like Wild Fire!
Walid Shoebat Being Spied On For Exposing Obama's Islamist Ties
YouTube Text: Walid Shoebat tells Radio Host Jeff Kuhner of how he is now being harassed and spied upon by the Obama administration over the work he has done uncovering Obama's familial Islamist ties, especially his brother Malik Obama who is a supporter of terrorism. Shoebat said his phone is being tapped so they can listen into his house even when he is not on the phone. He said he has received harassing phone calls over and over and that a pre-taped, un-aired phone interview he had just recorded was played back to him on his phone just after he had finished recording it and hung up. Just unbelievable.
But Shoebat says he is an Eastern Christian and try as they may to wear him out by harassing him, he will not give up telling the truth to the American people about this president. Shoebat says the only way they will stop him is to kill him and he says, essentially, 'bring it on.'
And, going back to December of last year, here is Glen Beck discussing a similar issue:
And, if this isn't enough for you, check this one out, made just a few days ago:
September 21 2013 Breaking News NWO Islam Terrorists Brotherhood in Obama Administration Sharia Law in the USA - Last days final Hour End Times News prophecy update.
Soul Deceiver. The world thinks he is their savior, but he is luring their souls on a one-way ticket to hell. If you like action, suspense, and mystery, check out Lyn Leahz’s Best Seller, Soul Deceiver, BOOK ONE in the fast-paced Eternal Soul Series. Recommended by international best-selling authors, Walid Shoebat & Joel Richardson .. It’s a page turner! CLICK BOOK PHOTO to find out more!
GOP Star: BO peddling 'Crack Cocaine' of Dependency - Congresswoman Says Dems 'Can't Wait to Addict' Americans to Obamacare

Garth Kant * WND
Pulling no punches, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., told WND exactly why she thinks President Obama and Democrats are unwilling to negotiate with the GOP over Obamacare’s well-documented problems.
“I think the reason is because President Obama can’t wait to get Americans addicted to the crack cocaine of dependency on more government health care.”
“Because, once they enroll millions of more individual Americans, it will be virtually impossible for us to pull these benefits back from people,” the congresswoman explained.
“All they want to do is buy love from people by giving them massive government subsidies,” Bachmann summed up.
That’s why she wants lawmakers to do whatever they can to stop Obamacare, now.
“If it means delaying it, rather than repealing it. I’m for it. We have to do what we can do.”
Warning they are “making it up as they go along,” Bachmann predicted disaster if Obamacare goes ahead, because, “They’re trying to fly a plane they haven’t even built yet.”
In her interview with WND, Bachmann was blunt, but described with surgical precision, all the reasons she opposes the implementation of Obamacare.
Her observations included:
Almost every one of his promises about Obamacare has turned out to be false.
The president lied about abortion not being funded under Obamacare.
No one should hand over any private information to the health care exchanges and the federal data hub.
The HHS admits there is no way to prevent Obamcare fraud.
People don’t trust the government after the NSA abuse of private information.
People don’t trust the government can’t be hacked.
The government isn’t even trying to secure Americans’ private information.
You can’t trust the people running the heathcare exchanges.
The people running the healthcare exchanges obviously are not trained.
The people running Obamacare are completely unprepared to go forward.
They’re making the decision to move forward based upon politics.
The president, arrogantly, is more concerned with saving face than keeping healthcare data secure.
Delay instead of defund
The House of Representatives passed a bill defunding Obamacare, but on Friday, the Senate restored the funding. Over the weekend, the House responded by sending the Senate a spending bill that would keep the government running past the Sept. 30 deadline, but would also delay implementing Obamacare by a year.
Some Republicans think that is the wrong move — they believe the health care law should be implemented immediately because it will be such a disaster, voters will make Democrats pay for it at the polls in the 2014 elections.
But Bachmann, like her fellow Republican and staunch Obamacare opponent, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, does not think it is fair to the American people who she says will be hurt if the law goes into effect in its present state.
“Whatever we can do to relieve the suffering of this economy and the American people,” is what is most important, said the Minnesoatan.
“On every possible level, this is a government program that is cleary not ready for prime time,” she reflected, adding, “The administration is very defensive about this program because it’s bad on so many levels.”
Scams and con artists
Read more at WND:
How an Attempted Home Invasion Turned Me into a Prepper
UFO Panics Yakima, Military Claims Credit
NY Family Swarmed By Motorcycle Gang: Can They Have Guns? (Scary Video)
Niacin, "The Fountain Of Youth" Says Swiss Researchers
Before It's News | Popular Health
Niacin, "The Fountain Of Youth" Says Swiss Researchers
The vitamin niacin has a life-prolonging effect, as Michael Ristow has demonstrated in roundworms. From his study, the ETH-Zurich professor also concludes that so-called reactive oxygen species are healthy, not only disagreeing with the general consensus, but also many of his peers.
Roundworms live longer when fed the food supplement niacin (inverted microscopic photo).

Photo: Michael Ristow / ETH Zurich
Who would not want to live a long and healthy life? A freely available food supplement could help in this respect, scientists from ETH Zurich have demonstrated in roundworms. Vitamin B3 – also known as niacin – and its metabolite nicotinamide in the worms’ diet caused them to live for about one tenth longer than usual.
As an international team of researchers headed by Michael Ristow, a professor of energy metabolism, has now experimentally demonstrated, niacin and nicotinamide take effect by promoting formation of so-called free radicals. “In roundworms, these reactive oxygen species prolong life,” says Ristow.
“No scientific evidence for usefulness of antioxidants”
This might seem surprising as reactive oxygen species are generally considered to be unhealthy. Ristow’s view also contradicts the textbook opinion championed by many other scientists. Reactive oxygen species are known to damage somatic cells, a condition referred to as oxidative stress. Particular substances, so-called antioxidants, which are also found in fruit, vegetables and certain vegetable oils, are capable of neutralising these free radicals. Many scientists believe that antioxidants are beneficial to health.
“The claim that intake of antioxidants, especially in tablet form, promotes any aspect of human health lacks scientific support,” says Ristow. He does not dispute that fruit and vegetables are healthy. However, this may rather be caused by other compounds contained therein, such as so-called polyphenols. “Fruit and vegetables are healthy, despite the fact that they contain antioxidants,” says the ETH-Zurich professor. Based on the current and many previous findings he is convinced that small amounts of reactive oxygen species and the oxidative stress they trigger have a health-promoting impact. “Cells can cope well with oxidative stress and neutralise it,” says Ristow.
Substance mimics endurance sport
In earlier studies on humans, Ristow demonstrated that the health-enhancing effect of endurance sports is mediated via an increased formation of reactive oxygen species – and that antioxidants abolish this effect. Based on the present study, he concludes that niacin brings about a similar metabolic condition to exercise. “Niacin tricks the body into believing that it is exercising – even when this is not the case,” says Ristow. Such compounds are known as “exercise mimetics”.
The researchers conducted their experiments on the model organismCaenorhabditis elegans. This worm, which is merely one millimetre in length, can be easily maintained and has a lifespan of only a month, making it the ideal model organism for ageing research.
Also relevant for humans
The results of the study may also be of relevance for humans, says Ristow. After all, the metabolic pathway initiated by niacin is very similar in roundworms and higher organisms. Whether niacin has similar effects on the life expectancy of mice is the subject of Ristow’s current research. Previous studies also suggest a health-enhancing effect of niacin in humans with elevated blood cholesterol levels.
Niacin and nicotinamide have been approved as dietary supplements for decades. Ristow could easily envisage the substances being used broadly for therapeutic purposes in the future. A whole series of foods naturally contain niacin, including meat, liver, fish, peanuts, mushrooms, rice and wheat bran. Whether nutritional uptake is sufficient for a health-enhancing or lifespan-extending effect, however, remains to be demonstrated, says Ristow.
Disputed impact of enzymes
The latest study on the effects of niacin and nicotinamide is based on a particular class of enzymes, the sirtuins, which convert niacin into nicotinamide. Moreover, they are also involved in gene regulation, helping to down regulate the activity of certain genes. Until today, scientists have been disputing whether sirtuins have a life-prolonging impact.
Ristow and his team’s work now suggests that the activity of sirtuins actually prolongs life in roundworms. According to the study, however, the life-prolonging effect is not down to gene regulation, as has often been supposed in the past. Instead, the effect is due to the conversion of niacin into nicotinamide. Studying genetically modified roundworms that were unable to convert nicotinamide into certain other metabolic products, the scientists did not observe any lifespan extension, even after overexpression of sirtuins, which otherwise lead to an increased life expectancy.
Contacts and sources:
Citation: Schmeisser K et al.: Role of Sirtuins in Lifespan Regulation is Linked to Methylation of Nicotinamide. Nature Chemical Biology, 2013, Advance Online Publication, doi: 10.1038/nchembio.1352
Just Released: Middle East Report Translated--Barack Hussein Obama Is A Muslim Terrorist! (Video News Report)