Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New world currency is measured in terabytes

As many of you will know all the money tied up in credit default swaps (CDS) can never be spent or else the cost of a cup of tea would cost us all $500 each, it's become monopoly money, outside the real system and yet people still play the game, win some money and invest again in more CDS it's not wealth because it can never be spent en-mass, it's just a game where a computer just prints up more digits as needed and the object of the game is to hold as many digital credits as you can win. Well my theory is that information is now being traded or played in the same way where all the players trade our personal information with each other and sell it on as if it has any real value. Here is how the game is played You buy a smart TV from Samsung and as soon as you switch it on it connects to Samsung and it sends them the MAC address of the device along with your IP-Address, they know 100% that it is you because they hold the guarantee for the device. The TV then wanders around the internet even if no apps are loaded, all within a second and lets everyone know the device contacting the site is a Samsung TV via the use of the web-browser user-agent This is top quality information but Samsung cannot use this to try to sell you a new car, Google does not sell cars but it know a lot of people who do so it trades information (NOT CASH) with Samsung to obtain this information so that Google now knows it you again long after you have deleted your Google cookies (Plus ten other things to loose Google) and Cookie 1234 has now been attached back to your hidden Goole ID Samsung cannot do anything much with this information it gets back from Google apart from extracting anything it finds useful and then trades the information back on again.

Read more about New world currency is measured in terabytes

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