Pat Buchanan says Obama's a rogue president at 8:25: "If Obama invades Syria he's a rogue president." "He'll be impeachable then." Pat Buchanan: Obama's 'Illegal War' in Syria Grounds for Impeachment Obama's behind the stacks of bodies littered throughout the Middle East, Libya (30 000 killed), Egypt, Syria (more than 100 000 killed.). He's the Antichrist known as the "False Man of Peace." The Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama is a joke. Obama's been illegal for years now Mr Buchanan not just because of Syria. This video below is from 2008 and the original video has scored 4,5 million views; it's the most viewed birther video on Internet and it's a runaway hit.
Read more about Rogue President AC Obama. Video. Obama Citizenship: I Invented The Internet (Ep. 6: October Surprise) -
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