Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mystery Of Streetlight Interference – Are You Also A SLIder?

The enigma of streetlight interference (SLI) has been recorded in various parts of the world. Many people say they are able to turn off the streetlights just by walking under them. Is this an explainable electrical phenomenon or the product of unknown energies? How can we explain that a street lamp nearest a particular person suddenly blinks out, turning on again as soon as the person passed it. If it happened once, we could easily explain it as a coincidence, but if it occurs over and over again just to that particular person then it is an enigma. The true reason why some people cause streetlight interference remains a mystery. The opinions vary and it is an interesting subject worthy to explore in more detail. Late Fortean writer and researcher Hilary Evens was prior to his death in 2011, the foremost authority on SLI. “SLIder” is the term he coined to refer to someone who reports a SLI experience. [More...] Philosophers stone - selected views from the boat

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