Friday, August 2, 2013

It’s Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government

It’s official, every single American can now be classified as a terrorist by the US government. The label of ‘terrorist’ no longer applies to members of al-Qaeda of ‘extremists’, but the average citizen of this nation. And I can show you how literally 100% of the population can be classified as a terrorist under the truly outrageous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI characteristics that define a terrorist or terrorist activity. These broad qualifications of ‘terrorism’ that have spawned a new wave of absolute paranoia within the population regarding their fellow citizens, who the nightly news says may be sleeper cell terrorists. Paranoia that has led to one woman facing an armed ‘terrorism taskforce’ who demanded a home search without a warrant after she ran a Google search for pressure cookers online. A search that, as it turns out, qualifies for terrorist activity within the United States of America.

via B4IN Top 50 Stories

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