Thursday, August 1, 2013

CIA in panic over revelations: Dozens of CIA were on the ground at Benghazi

What kind of panic are we talking about here? Actual quote from agency “insider” communications obtained by CNN: “You don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.” The word of the day is “unprecedented.” Phony scandal no more: Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings… It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career… Another [insider] says, “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.”… Among the many secrets still yet to be told about the Benghazi mission, is just how many Americans were there the night of the attack. A source now tells CNN that number was 35, with as many as seven wounded, some seriously. While it is still not known how many of them were CIA, a source tells CNN that 21 Americans were working in the building known as the annex, believed to be run by the agency.

via B4IN Top 50 Stories

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