Sunday, April 19, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama—A Legacy of Desecration -Barry Soetoro or BHO, or Whomever this Obscure Character is, I Chose to Call Him Out on Everything He has Done to Destroy Our Nation

Obie Usategui / Canada Free Press For the past seven years, maybe a little more, since back at the time when the 2008 presidential elections were reaching their peak of political controversy upon the unsightly possibility that a quisling candidate with a dubious pedigree by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, threatened to become the next president of the United States of America, I forewarned the world, especially the American people, of the magnanimous menace this enigmatic man represented to all of us and to the world. In my article “The Beginning of the End”, written in October 2008, followed by my book bearing the same name, and many other articles written in the last seven years, I have vigorously tried to reach out to every American and every free citizen of the world, pleading for everyone to open their eyes to the clear and present dangers that lied ahead embodied in the persona of this Barack Obama character. Throughout all my writings, I did make it a point, and went out of my way to support my assertions with factual evidence. I did so, as I knew, eventually, the enemy would try their best to discredit my dissertations as, they [the enemy] were, and still are, uniquely adept at distorting the truths.

Barack Hussein Obama—A Legacy of Desecration -Barry Soetoro or BHO, or Whomever this Obscure Character is, I Chose to Call Him Out on Everything He has Done to Destroy Our NationRead more about Barack Hussein Obama—A Legacy of Desecration -Barry Soetoro or BHO, or Whomever this Obscure Character is, I Chose to Call Him Out on Everything He has Done to Destroy Our Nation

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