‘Hundreds of residents of Kalachi, a small town near a former Soviet Union uranium mine in Kazakhstan, have been suffering from a mysterious sleeping sickness that causes them to fall asleep for two to six days and wake up with significant memory loss. While the eerie sickness was first reported in 2010, cases have been emerging in droves since March 2013. Other symptoms include feeling dizzy, being unable to stand up and extreme fatigue. The Russian Times reports that eight children fell asleep within an hour during the first week of school, and several months later, 60 people were hit with the disease on the same day.’ Read more: Terrifying: Why Are People in Kazakhstan Falling Asleep for Days?
Read more about Terrifying: Why Are People in Kazakhstan Falling Asleep for Days?
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
6 Mindblowing Underwater Cities
Scientific discoveries - source wikipedia Whether scientists are still scratching their head over what they have found and who build this underwater cities, this discoveries are truly amazing and they definitely deserve greater attention from the world. What would you like to see next? Please hit the Like button if you enjoyed it, leave a comment and share it around :) music PeterSun-Sungazzing
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Chechnya Threatens To Arm Mexico If U.S. Sends Weapons To Ukraine
Ukraine’s voluntary militia called the Azov Battalion holds artillery training in east Ukraine’s village of Urzuf that sits west of the port city of Mariupol on the Azov Sea, March 19, 2015. Marko Djurica/ REUTERS The Chechen parliament have threatened to send weapons to Mexico in retaliation to the U.S. Congress calling for defensive lethal aid to be sent to Ukraine. On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favour of sending arms – the resolution was passed 348 to 48. U.S.
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Ruins of Atlantis might be in Morocco, Not on the Bottom of the Atlantic
Ruins of Atlantis might be in Morocco, Not on the Bottom of the Atlantic According to one computer expert, we have been looking for the ruins of Atlantis in all the wrong places. As it turns out, they might be found on dry land, in Morocco. The fabled city has been on the tips of so many pens and tongues that over the years it’s become synonym with a goose chase of insular proportions. While critics argue that Plato’s account is merely an allegoric tale of a fictional city, there are many more who believe Atlantis was a real place and perhaps a point of origin for the rest of the ancient civilizations.
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Ruins of Atlantis might be in Morocco, Not on the Bottom of the Atlantic
Ruins of Atlantis might be in Morocco, Not on the Bottom of the Atlantic According to one computer expert, we have been looking for the ruins of Atlantis in all the wrong places. As it turns out, they might be found on dry land, in Morocco. The fabled city has been on the tips of so many pens and tongues that over the years it’s become synonym with a goose chase of insular proportions. While critics argue that Plato’s account is merely an allegoric tale of a fictional city, there are many more who believe Atlantis was a real place and perhaps a point of origin for the rest of the ancient civilizations.
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Native Americans Reveal Secrets Of Bigfoot
by Craig Adams I've discovered some very interesting articles written in "The Oregonian" 88 years ago on the subject of Bigfoot. Most articles of the time made light of Sasquatch sightings. The articles below reveal information about the creature we're just beginning to understand. You'll find in reading, be wary of these huge beasts.
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VIDEO: Chainsaw-propelled ice skating
Shayne Jacopian for redOrbit.com - @ShayneJacopian When I came across this video, my first thought was: “Oh boy, our editor-in-chief, Chris ‘Chainsaw’ Pilny, is gonna love this.” This is in fact not a scene out of a horror movie in which the killer chases after his victims on a frozen lake propelling himself on ice skates with the chainsaw that he ultimately uses to dismember his prey (I’d watch that movie), but rather, a man probably seeking relief from cabin fever and having what looks to be a hell of a good time outside in the Swedish winter. I’ve gotta say, I’m a little disappointed that Erik Sunnerheim didn’t strap chainsaws to each of his feet and skate around on those, but I don’t the human body can handle the amount of alcohol it would take to make someone dumb enough to do that. This looks pretty dangerous as it is, so props to you, brother! (We do not encourage anyone to try this--EVER.
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Kerry Sustains Wounds In Switzerland
Diogenes Middle Finger MFNS Correspondent Earl of Taint Reporting:Lausanne, Switzerland -Secretary of State John Kerry was pulled out of the Iranian nuclear negotiations on a stretcher today after he was reportedly “bitch-slapped” severely by the Iranian delegation and then de-pantsed. Additionally, his latest injuries mark his third time to be wounded in-theater*, earning him his (world record) sixth self-awarded Purple Heart and a golden ticket back to the States. - READ EARL'S FULL REPORT HERE
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VIDEO: Chainsaw-propelled ice skating
Shayne Jacopian for redOrbit.com - @ShayneJacopian When I came across this video, my first thought was: “Oh boy, our editor-in-chief, Chris ‘Chainsaw’ Pilny, is gonna love this.” This is in fact not a scene out of a horror movie in which the killer chases after his victims on a frozen lake propelling himself on ice skates with the chainsaw that he ultimately uses to dismember his prey (I’d watch that movie), but rather, a man probably seeking relief from cabin fever and having what looks to be a hell of a good time outside in the Swedish winter. I’ve gotta say, I’m a little disappointed that Erik Sunnerheim didn’t strap chainsaws to each of his feet and skate around on those, but I don’t the human body can handle the amount of alcohol it would take to make someone dumb enough to do that. This looks pretty dangerous as it is, so props to you, brother! (We do not encourage anyone to try this--EVER.
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Ten Facts About Switzerland, The Vatican, The CIA (holy C) And "Neutrality" You Are Not Allowed To Know..
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following information was first published on December 21, 2014 in “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014), a book and website by David Chase Taylor. Due to its shocking revelations, especially in respect to the CIA in Switzerland, it’s naturally being censored on an international level. Consequently, it is imperative to share this information in order to bring the country of Switzerland and its murderous CIA to justice for centuries of war crimes against humanity. David Chase Taylor March 31, 2015 Truther.org SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Located in central Europe, Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA).
Read more about Ten Facts About Switzerland, The Vatican, The CIA (holy C) And "Neutrality" You Are Not Allowed To Know..
Congressman Says Militias On High Alert Due To Announcement Of Jade Helm Exercise
Since the news first broke of the military training exercises titled "Jade Helm 15" on March 13, 2015, the military has pushed back, the Internet has exploded with news of what many see as martial law preparedness on US soil, and finally the mainstream media started reporting on it, albeit the "official spin," with videos of the exercises going viral, and unsatisfactory explanations over the "unconventional warfare" language in the leaked documents to which one former Lt. Col of the Army called "unprecedented and dangerous." Now we see that former Georgia Congressional 4th District candidate Greg Pallen posted on Facebook on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, "From a reliable, well-connected inside source, we have word that the militias are on high-alert.....YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER YOUR OWN PERSONAL PREPAREDNESS....PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE THIS VIDEO WHILE YOU CAN- THIS IS BECOMING VERY REAL..... VERY QUICKLY....." The video he refers to was published by YouTube videographer Jason A on March 29, 2015 and will be shown below the article. PallenFBPost.jpg In researching Pallen's comments I ran across a very interesting interview published on March 26, 2015, titled "Operation Jade Helm 15 huge info Interview with Militia," where a member of Montana Militia, Mr.
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Caller Reports Strange Events At Naval Base -Video
Published on Mar 30, 2015 David Knight takes the studio for Alex Jones and hears form the listeners. http://ift.tt/1CvlKXi...
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Enough, Already....States Tell Feds To Pound Sand....
states and feds conceptPersonal Liberty – by Michael Boldin The Internal Revenue Service gives subsidies when it wants. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Environmental Protection Agency redefine words on a whim in an effort to give themselves more power and more control over your life. “Legislating from the bench” has been superseded by this even more dangerous “lawmaking” by unelected, unaccountable federal agencies. As Chapman law professor Ronald Rotunda noted recently, we “have come a long way towards governance by bureaucrats.” Some states, however, are taking positive steps in 2015 to thwart the effects of these unilateral — and wildly unconstitutional — acts.
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67-Year-Old Vet Hands It Back to a Punk
Careful, social justice warriors. Sometimes public transportation assaults don’t turn out as planned — as when this punk pushed a 67-year-old vet too far: On a tip from Wingmann.
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Why the U.S. Gave Up on the Moon
Discussions concerning all matters of humanity's ascension into a higher dimensional existence culminating in 2012 Excerpt from spacenews.comRecently, several space advocacy groups joined forces to form the Alliance for Space Development. Their published objectives include a mention of obvious near-term goals such as supporting the commercial crew program, transitioning from use of the International Space Station to future private space stations and finding ways to reduce the cost of access to space. What is notably missing from these objectives and those of many other space agencies, companies and advocacy groups is any mention of building a permanent settlement on the moon. It’s as if the lunar surface has become our crazy uncle that we all acknowledge exists but we’d prefer not to mention (or visit).
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Top Freaky Pics That You've Ever Seen - Part I
Great pic from John and Teenuh Foster's site Accidental Mysteries Malaysia Ghost Picture This ghost picture was taken on the scene of an accident in Malaysia. Nobody noticed the strange and ominous figure under the bridge in the background until later. The couple from this picture have no other children, no dolls, and no way for another child to be present in the next room - They claim it is a ghost. Looks rather like a doll to me.
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Chechnya Threatens To Arm Mexico If U.S. Sends Weapons To Ukraine
Ukraine’s voluntary militia called the Azov Battalion holds artillery training in east Ukraine’s village of Urzuf that sits west of the port city of Mariupol on the Azov Sea, March 19, 2015. Marko Djurica/ REUTERS The Chechen parliament have threatened to send weapons to Mexico in retaliation to the U.S. Congress calling for defensive lethal aid to be sent to Ukraine. On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly in favour of sending arms – the resolution was passed 348 to 48. U.S.
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Five Banned Websites You Should Definitely Read (Part 2)
These websites are banned in China, not for any legitimate reason, but because they explain the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong meditation. Therefore, I can’t recommend them highly enough. The Internet in China is censored to keep citizens from realizing that, right under their noses, millions are being unjustly harassed, tortured, and killed for their beliefs. The Chinese Communist Party is also trying to keep the news from spreading to other countries, hoping to save face in the international community and meanwhile let the persecution continue unchecked.
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Imperial Collapse And A License To Kill
Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog, The story is the same every time: some nation, due to a confluence of lucky circumstances, becomes powerful—much more powerful than the rest—and, for a time, is dominant. But the lucky circumstances, which often amount to no more than a few advantageous quirks of geology, be it Welsh coal or West Texas oil, in due course come to an end. In the meantime, the erstwhile superpower becomes corrupted by its own power. As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures—all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly. George Orwell once offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial end-game approaches, it becomes a matter of imperial self-preservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class—one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching.
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Five Banned Websites You Should Definitely Read (Part 2)
These websites are banned in China, not for any legitimate reason, but because they explain the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong meditation. Therefore, I can’t recommend them highly enough. The Internet in China is censored to keep citizens from realizing that, right under their noses, millions are being unjustly harassed, tortured, and killed for their beliefs. The Chinese Communist Party is also trying to keep the news from spreading to other countries, hoping to save face in the international community and meanwhile let the persecution continue unchecked.
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A Half-Cocked Coup Against Obama, Mindwar, Pedophilia, and Satanism
SourceBrandon Turbeville Activist PostThe United States is increasingly becoming a tossup between being a land of inertia and unimaginable apathy versus a powder keg of hatred, violence, and civil war. With this bizarre cultural crossroads – every bit created and initiated by an oligarchical government, corporate and banking superstructure, and a totally controlled media – it is no wonder why the news coming from America gets more and more peculiar with each passing day. While the rest of the world may have no right to throw stones, the truth is that the United States has become, in essence, Crazy Town.Perhaps this is why when, in January 2014, a retired US Army General stated that he would be willing to lead a coup against Obama with a contingency of around 250,000 Marines, virtually no one even batted an eye.To be fair, the date is over a year after Gen. Vallely’s speech and no coup has taken place.
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A Half-Cocked Coup Against Obama, Mindwar, Pedophilia, and Satanism
SourceBrandon Turbeville Activist PostThe United States is increasingly becoming a tossup between being a land of inertia and unimaginable apathy versus a powder keg of hatred, violence, and civil war. With this bizarre cultural crossroads – every bit created and initiated by an oligarchical government, corporate and banking superstructure, and a totally controlled media – it is no wonder why the news coming from America gets more and more peculiar with each passing day. While the rest of the world may have no right to throw stones, the truth is that the United States has become, in essence, Crazy Town.Perhaps this is why when, in January 2014, a retired US Army General stated that he would be willing to lead a coup against Obama with a contingency of around 250,000 Marines, virtually no one even batted an eye.To be fair, the date is over a year after Gen. Vallely’s speech and no coup has taken place.
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X22Report The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630
▶ The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630 - YouTube Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://ift.tt/Kcg12n news visit http://ift.tt/1g22IgZ date: 3.31.2015European jobless rate has not improved. Consumer confidence shot up, hope will not save the economy.
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X22Report The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630
▶ The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630 - YouTube Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://ift.tt/Kcg12n news visit http://ift.tt/1g22IgZ date: 3.31.2015European jobless rate has not improved. Consumer confidence shot up, hope will not save the economy.
Read more about X22Report The Economic Collapse Is Getting Closer And The U.S. Gov. Is Getting Ready - Episode 630
Imperial Collapse And A License To Kill
Submitted by Dmitry Orlov via Club Orlov blog, The story is the same every time: some nation, due to a confluence of lucky circumstances, becomes powerful—much more powerful than the rest—and, for a time, is dominant. But the lucky circumstances, which often amount to no more than a few advantageous quirks of geology, be it Welsh coal or West Texas oil, in due course come to an end. In the meantime, the erstwhile superpower becomes corrupted by its own power. As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures—all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly. George Orwell once offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial end-game approaches, it becomes a matter of imperial self-preservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class—one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching.
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Blue Print To the Coming Psalm 83 War- March 31, 2015
If you just found my site I want to inform you I have a new prophecy site of which most of my prophecy up-dates are posted. Please go over to http://ift.tt/1gthPQR for all of the latest news.
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Bloodstains Found Atop Georgia Guidestones?
Bloodstains Found Atop Georgia Guidestones? March 31, 2015 “I was flying my quadcopter above Georgia Guidestones and found these crazy stains that look like blood,” a man from the website Phenomenal Place.com describes. “Very intriguing to watch because you don’t see any stains from the ground at all.” Some of the blood appears to have dripped onto supporting columns. “These stones look completely Read more [+]
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Blue Print To the Coming Psalm 83 War- March 31, 2015
If you just found my site I want to inform you I have a new prophecy site of which most of my prophecy up-dates are posted. Please go over to http://ift.tt/1gthPQR for all of the latest news.
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Bloodstains Found Atop Georgia Guidestones?
Bloodstains Found Atop Georgia Guidestones? March 31, 2015 “I was flying my quadcopter above Georgia Guidestones and found these crazy stains that look like blood,” a man from the website Phenomenal Place.com describes. “Very intriguing to watch because you don’t see any stains from the ground at all.” Some of the blood appears to have dripped onto supporting columns. “These stones look completely Read more [+]
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Homemade Portable Solar Generator
By Dyers Eve I had been thinking of constructing a portable solar generator for some time. I remember seeing a news story on a local company that was marketing a “new” product. It was an 1800 watt portable solar generator with a 100 watt solar panel. I will not link their product here, I do not want to give free advertising or any positive or negative endorsement.
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Massive Power Outage After Muslims Declare Turkey's Erdogan "God"; (Video)
by Ashley Jones Guerrilla Media Network
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Russian Analyst Calls For Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone National Park
Russian Analyst Calls For Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone National Park March 31, 2015 http://ift.tt/1EutbBK A Russian geopolitical analyst says the best way to attack the United States is to detonate nuclear weapons to trigger a supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park or along the San Andreas fault line on California’s coast. The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov said in an article Read more [+] CERN’s LHC Expected to Restart Within Days March 31, 2015 Protons may whizz around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as early as this weekend, after a successful operation to fix a short circuit which had delayed its restart, according to Paul Collier, head of beams at CERN. CERN, Europe’s particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, had planned to switch on the souped up collider last Read more [+] Russia to Become Founding State of China Led Development Bank March 31, 2015 tatoott1009 Reply Edit BEIJING (Sputnik) — Finland is also set to become the founding member country of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the middle of April, Chinese State Council said Tuesday. The AIIB is an international financial institution hosted by China to invest in infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Russian Analyst Calls For Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone National Park
Russian Analyst Calls For Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone National Park March 31, 2015 http://ift.tt/1EutbBK A Russian geopolitical analyst says the best way to attack the United States is to detonate nuclear weapons to trigger a supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park or along the San Andreas fault line on California’s coast. The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov said in an article Read more [+] CERN’s LHC Expected to Restart Within Days March 31, 2015 Protons may whizz around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) as early as this weekend, after a successful operation to fix a short circuit which had delayed its restart, according to Paul Collier, head of beams at CERN. CERN, Europe’s particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, had planned to switch on the souped up collider last Read more [+] Russia to Become Founding State of China Led Development Bank March 31, 2015 tatoott1009 Reply Edit BEIJING (Sputnik) — Finland is also set to become the founding member country of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the middle of April, Chinese State Council said Tuesday. The AIIB is an international financial institution hosted by China to invest in infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Homemade Portable Solar Generator
By Dyers Eve I had been thinking of constructing a portable solar generator for some time. I remember seeing a news story on a local company that was marketing a “new” product. It was an 1800 watt portable solar generator with a 100 watt solar panel. I will not link their product here, I do not want to give free advertising or any positive or negative endorsement.
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The Stock Market In 2015 Is Starting To Look Remarkably Similar To The Stock Market In 2008
Are we watching a replay of the last financial crisis? Over the past six months, the price of oil has collapsed, the U.S. dollar has soared, and a whole bunch of other patterns that we witnessed just before the stock market crash of 2008 are repeating once again. But what we have not seen yet is the actual stock market crash.
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The Stock Market In 2015 Is Starting To Look Remarkably Similar To The Stock Market In 2008
Are we watching a replay of the last financial crisis? Over the past six months, the price of oil has collapsed, the U.S. dollar has soared, and a whole bunch of other patterns that we witnessed just before the stock market crash of 2008 are repeating once again. But what we have not seen yet is the actual stock market crash.
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Obama UFO interview analyzed
openminds.tv Ben Hansen, former host of the SyFy Channel’s Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, took a careful look at Obama’s recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, especially the portion in which Kimmel asked Obama about UFOs. Hansen says his analysis has given him some “huge” revelations, including that Obama was not joking when he told Kimmel that he can’t reveal what he knows about UFOs and extraterrestrials. Ben Hansen Hansen has a background in law enforcement. However, he points out in his video analysis – which he posted on YouTube (seen above) – that he is not a body language expert, just someone with a lot of experience conducting criminal investigations and interviews, and working with body language experts. Last year, after Kimmel asked former president Bill Clinton about UFOs, Hansen decided to put his experience to use, and analyze what Clinton had said. His conclusion was that there was, “Evidence of significant apprehension, stress, and guarded behavior.
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Government Actually Legislating Suicide Now
from RT America California is taking steps to legalize physician-assisted suicide after the high-profile case of Brittany Maynard. The Resident talks about the ins and outs of how our society legislates suicide and whether or not that's the right path for society. Follow The Resident at http://ift.tt/1a3npFO Find RT America in your area: http://ift.tt/10tHboo Or watch us online: http://ift.tt/TeqICe Like us on Facebook http://ift.tt/X38HJ5 Follow us on Twitter http://ift.tt/zIvPHx
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Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (3-31-15) Dr.Joseph Mercola
Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (3-31-15) Dr.Joseph Mercola - YouTube ConspiracyScopeCOMMERCIAL FREE VIDEO HERE...http://ift.tt/19AbjI6 this Tuesday, March 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a wide range of news, including the Russian analyst who said a nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park would devastate America, the Ohio judge who banned the Constitution and the next-generation weapons that will be used in future wars. In health news, Dr. Mercola discusses the secrets behind effortless healing and why GMOs are harmful to society. We also cover the Iran nuclear talks and the exploding turmoil in the Middle East.
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Monday, March 30, 2015
5 Charts Which Show That The Next Economic Crash Is Dead Ahead
When an economic crisis is coming, there are usually certain indicators that appear in advance. For example, commodity prices usually start to plunge before a recession begins. And as you can see from the Bloomberg Commodity Index which you can find right here, this has already been happening. In addition, I have previously written about how the U.S.
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Top Freaky Pics That You've Ever Seen - Part I
Great pic from John and Teenuh Foster's site Accidental Mysteries Malaysia Ghost Picture This ghost picture was taken on the scene of an accident in Malaysia. Nobody noticed the strange and ominous figure under the bridge in the background until later. The couple from this picture have no other children, no dolls, and no way for another child to be present in the next room - They claim it is a ghost. Looks rather like a doll to me.
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Obama misses step while getting off plane PREDICTIONS
There are NO accidents, only crucial omens to those able to read the signs...What this "faux pas" mean to our President's fate and the world at large? All will be fully exposed to my VIP's - http://ift.tt/1bLLOF0 Join us to read more! http://ift.tt/1nu7C8F
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US Currently Considering Who To Kill Next
As you read this under your feet in South Central Nebraska there is a committee meeting trying to decide who to kill next - what terrorist attack they should conduct. Picture this - a bunch of Fat Old Men sitting around sipping Scotch and smoking Cigars discussing what terrorist attack they should fund next. Well - that is exactly what is happening as someone form the CIA and White House listen in. The Nuclear War is set to go off 6 April with 12 Nukes going off 3 April and several Presidential Double being killed a few days earlier - like Obama (Arrow or Gun) and Putin and Li.
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5 Charts Which Show That The Next Economic Crash Is Dead Ahead
When an economic crisis is coming, there are usually certain indicators that appear in advance. For example, commodity prices usually start to plunge before a recession begins. And as you can see from the Bloomberg Commodity Index which you can find right here, this has already been happening. In addition, I have previously written about how the U.S.
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David Wilcock's Bombshell 2015
Here is an updated clip from David Wilcock that has a different spin on 2015 and other off planet situations. This is a fascinating talk on insiders and the space program that has been going on for hundred if not thousands of years. This was recorded at the end of 2014 going into 2015 but the information is TIMELESS. I know you will get alot of good information out of it as Daivd is a great articulate speaker with lots of good wisdom.
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All of the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You
By Rutherford InstitutePrivacy as we once knew it is dead. We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology—specifically the technology employed by the government against the American citizenry. As a result, warns John W. Whitehead in this week's vodcast, we are becoming a nation where even the most virtuous citizen risks becoming an outlaw.Visit Rutherford.org
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All of the Ways Big Brother Is Watching You
By Rutherford InstitutePrivacy as we once knew it is dead. We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology—specifically the technology employed by the government against the American citizenry. As a result, warns John W. Whitehead in this week's vodcast, we are becoming a nation where even the most virtuous citizen risks becoming an outlaw.Visit Rutherford.org
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7 Toxins Harming Your Brain Right Now
Some of the most common substances found in everyday life are harming our cognitive function right now. Along with pesticides, you have substances like BPA, phthalates, mercury, lead, benzene, and flame retardants that are affecting you, even if you don’t realize it. Hidden in your home and office, you are exposed to toxic chemicals on a daily basis, and your brain is taking the brunt of it. 7 Toxins Harming Your Brain Your brain controls every aspect of your body, giving directions to cells and the nervous system. It is essential for supporting good mood and clear thinking, helping to improve your overall quality of life.
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