TRANSCRIPT: We’re going to cover word spells. How post-Mesopotamian language has had us under the Ol’ Abra-Cadaver trick…. the oldest control trick.. “Thou hast fallen for the eldest trick in the scroll!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Buildings On Mars, Alien Face On The Moon, Videos And Photos
Buildings On Mars Seen In Rover NASA Photo "This discovery was made by Streetcap1 of Youtube. He found some structures on a hill in one of the Mars Curiosity rover photos. Look at the above photo and pay special attention to the white shiny walls on top of the hill. The walls are white on one side due to reflection and dark shadowy on the other side due to the suns angle.
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The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law Tomorrow; Part II
Part I of this two-part series detailed the hijacking of the U.S. democracy by a small cabal of ultra-wealthy oligarchs (primarily bankers), best described as the Old World Order. The method for orchestrating this unofficial, bloodless coup was also detailed. a) Create a new, quasi-governmental entity (the Federal Reserve) which is above the government itself, and thus beyond the reach of any of its laws or mandates. b) Hand this quasi-governmental entity (exclusive) control over the printing press of the U.S., allowing the banker oligarchs who control it to create as much currency as they desired – and transfer every new dollar created to themselves. c) With this endless/infinite supply of dirty money (all legal, official currency), they buy-off as many political representatives as necessary to control the government, in perpetuity. d) As outlined in The Bankers Manifesto of 1892; in order to hide this effective dictatorship, they get their political stooges to stage vehement, theatrical squabbles, pretending that the U.S.’s only two political parties are enemies rather than teammates (serving the bankers). To quote the Manifesto: “by thus dividing the voters, we can get them to expend their energies fighting over questions of no importance to us…” Part I concluded by briefly describing how these (banking) oligarchs used their complete control over the U.S.
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Before It's News Featured News
Alex Jones takes on a potential Yellowstone eruption at the Supervolcano which is now being considered 'active' and an eruption imminent, warning us that things are 'moving quicker', though Alex quickly clarifies that 'imminent' means within the next 100 years. With all of the other 'Earth changes' happening around our world, is Jones' a 'prophetic seer' in this video? Certainly only time will tell...
via Before It's News | Popular ALTERNATIVE NEWS
The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law Tomorrow; Part II
Part I of this two-part series detailed the hijacking of the U.S. democracy by a small cabal of ultra-wealthy oligarchs (primarily bankers), best described as the Old World Order. The method for orchestrating this unofficial, bloodless coup was also detailed. a) Create a new, quasi-governmental entity (the Federal Reserve) which is above the government itself, and thus beyond the reach of any of its laws or mandates. b) Hand this quasi-governmental entity (exclusive) control over the printing press of the U.S., allowing the banker oligarchs who control it to create as much currency as they desired – and transfer every new dollar created to themselves. c) With this endless/infinite supply of dirty money (all legal, official currency), they buy-off as many political representatives as necessary to control the government, in perpetuity. d) As outlined in The Bankers Manifesto of 1892; in order to hide this effective dictatorship, they get their political stooges to stage vehement, theatrical squabbles, pretending that the U.S.’s only two political parties are enemies rather than teammates (serving the bankers). To quote the Manifesto: “by thus dividing the voters, we can get them to expend their energies fighting over questions of no importance to us…” Part I concluded by briefly describing how these (banking) oligarchs used their complete control over the U.S.
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Mom Lets 6-Year-Old Son Play Right Outside Her Own House … And State Launches An Investigation
Letting a 6-year-old boy play alone in the yard is now a crime in the state of Texas – at least, that’s what it appeared for a few days to one family. Police and Child Protective Services (CPS) paid mom Kari Anne Roy a visit because her 6-year-old son, Isaac, played outside in the yard for a few minutes. Roy’s ordeal began when she came home from vacation and sent Isaac out to play. A few minutes later a strange woman knocked on her door and brought Isaac home. The neighbor had brought the boy home because he was about 100 yards from Roy’s home in Austin, playing in a green space where lots of kids play. He had played there often and had geographical boundaries.
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I could not have been more correct. I had posted that the freak from the computer Company had invetsed $560 Million on the ebola virus. Honest you could see that coming. Bill and Linda Gates, like they are respected celibrities are giving injections in Africa.
Silver Is Getting Murdered How Low Can It Go?
by Jimmy Mengel, Outsider Club: There’s a reason they call silver the “Devil’s Metal” — following its whipsaw price fluctuations can make you feel possessed by some awful demon. Since silver is a constantly shifting monetary asset, an investment vehicle, and an industrial metal, the price cycles can leave your head spinning like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. And by the way it’s been going — I have a significant investment in physical silver myself — I’m not above channeling some dark magic to turn this thing around. Perhaps I could learn a thing or two from Bolivian silver miners, who have their own unique approach to dealing with the dangers of silver… Read More @
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Grey. Why Any Other Color Will Get You Killed.
Stranded on an island, in the middle of the atlantic. I looked around and realized… holy crap… what if the s#!t had JUST hit the fan? What do I have on me? Where is my family?
Read more about Grey. Why Any Other Color Will Get You Killed.
Coincidences Warn Las Vegas: Heed with an "Abundance of Caution"
In addition to the plethora of predictive programming examples depicting a future Las Vegas and Hoover Dam false flag terror event in television shows and movies, local and national news media stories suggest the possibility as well. June 15, 2014, JetBlue Flight 211 from JFK Airport in New York headed to McCarren in Las Vegas was diverted in Detroit when a passenger became "unruly," yelling, screaming, and shouting in what was reported to be a language other than English. In a statement from JetBlue it was said the pilot diverted to Detroit in an "abundance of caution." Coincidentally, in 2012, JetBlue Flight 191 from New York to Las Vegas was diverted when the pilot went on what was described by Diane Sawyer as a "deranged outburst," as he began shouting about bombs, al Qaeda, and telling passengers to say their prayers. The flight was diverted to Amarillo, Texas.
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Ebola Virus Hits Texas!
Ebola Virus Hits Texas! By Dr. Bob Uda, cyber-commentator September 30, 2014 The Ebola virus is growing in epidemic proportions in Africa. The Ebola outbreak deaths have topped 3,000 in West Africa.
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Ebola Virus Hits Texas!
Ebola Virus Hits Texas! By Dr. Bob Uda, cyber-commentator September 30, 2014 The Ebola virus is growing in epidemic proportions in Africa. The Ebola outbreak deaths have topped 3,000 in West Africa.
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Professor Eric Pianka believes EBOLA is perfect method for Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population
Professor Believes EBOLA = THE CURE FOR OVERPOPULATION! Eric Pianka - YouTube Top Scientist Advocates Mass Culling 90% Of Human Population Fellow professors and scientists applause and roar approval at elite's twisted and genocidal population control agendaPaul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | April 3 2006A top scientist gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science last month in which he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus. Dr. Eric R.
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Thanx to the Russians, Disclosure is Imminent About bloody time... 80% of the western world now believes in alien life and about 50% also believe that we are being visited... It is now time that ALL our Governments come clean and own up. Just think what it will do for the world as they will also have to disclose FREE ENERGY and a vast array of other technologies including space travel and advances in metalaurgy and not least medical advances...
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Vatican Child Porn Scandal: Jozef Wesolowski Accused Of Storing Tens Of Thousands Of Videos And Photos
The Vatican is facing a child porn scandal after former archbishop Jozef Wesolowski was accused of storing tens of thousands of illicit videos and photos featurng children. The 66-year-old Wesolowski was arrested earlier this week at the Vatican, making him the highest-ranking Vatican official to be investigated for child sex abuse. He is charged with sexually abusing minors and possessing child pornography. Investigators within the Vatican analyzed a computer that Jozef Wesolowski used in his Santo Domingo home, where he served as Holy See envoy from 2008 to 2012. Investigators found more than 100,000 files showing underage children in sexually explicit situations, Il Corriere della Sera newspaper reported. Close to 160 videos showed teenage boys were forced to perform sexual acts on themselves and adults, the newspaper reported. [More...]
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Absolute PROOF on a prior Civilization on MARS
I was browsing through the NASA website and found numerous anomolies in numerous pictures... When I came across this pic PIA 18595.tiff... At a glance nothing was obvious... but upon closer inspection...
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X22Report: Is The U.S. Government Meddling In The Hong Kong Protests? - Episode 480
Europe's youth unemployment hits 23.3%. UK consumer confidence falls. Eurostat fabricates inflation numbers. Housing prices are falling and it is accelerating across the U.S.
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X22Report: Is The U.S. Government Meddling In The Hong Kong Protests? - Episode 480
Europe's youth unemployment hits 23.3%. UK consumer confidence falls. Eurostat fabricates inflation numbers. Housing prices are falling and it is accelerating across the U.S.
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★Alien Ocean Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas (Shocking Scientific Video)
When anthropologist Stefan Helmreich decided to study scientists who chase some of the world's smallest creatures in some of the world's most forbidding places, his research took an unexpected twist. An interview with Helmreich on why the ocean can be so "alien." These are some pretty good clips, you many want to turn down the sound . This clip below has great places that you may want to go to sometime - very unusual. ★GOD PARTICLE STARGATES OPEN UP CERN SUPER COLLIDER WORMHOLES FOR INTER-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIMENTS★THE SHIVA STARGATE (VIDEOS) ★PHOTOS THIS WEEK OF NIBIRU/PLANET X IN OUR SKY AND ITS HUGE OUR DARK TWIN FIVE TIMES BIGGER THAN JUPITER ★Nibiru - Pics We Weren't Suppose ★Experts: Plutonium and Uranium Flow into Ocean from Fukushima — “Heavily Contaminated” Water is Leaking Out of Plant — Melted Fuel Releasing Hundreds of Different Radioactive Materials — Officials Refuse to Investigate 90% of these (VIDEO) ★Planet Earth Now Has 4 Yes Four Magnetic Poles!
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Was Marx Under The Influence Of A Hostile Alien Collective? (Picture)
The Power and Influence of Alien Economic Collectives On February 15, 2014 by Alien invasion “They may encompass hundreds of worlds and planetary establishments and exist across vast reaches of space. They can have significant control and are always interested in gaining new allegiances and new members.” Humanity will one day reach the stars. You can bet that corporations will want to get a piece of that action. The juiciest piece – the one with all the meat.
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Was Marx Under The Influence Of A Hostile Alien Collective? (Picture)
The Power and Influence of Alien Economic Collectives On February 15, 2014 by Alien invasion “They may encompass hundreds of worlds and planetary establishments and exist across vast reaches of space. They can have significant control and are always interested in gaining new allegiances and new members.” Humanity will one day reach the stars. You can bet that corporations will want to get a piece of that action. The juiciest piece – the one with all the meat.
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A One Minute Trip Around Earth on the Space Station
A One Minute Trip Around Earth on the Space StationMore space news and info at: - video was taken by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst showing a trip around the world in just under one minute.It actually takes 90 minutes for the International Space Station to circle Earth completely - passing from daytime to nighttime and back again.With each orbit, the Space Station moves around 2,200 kilometers to the West in relation to the prior orbit 90 minutes before.
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Secret Homosexual Ron Paul Exposed By Bruno Movie
Ru Paul aka Ron Paul has been Pawned by Hollywood....Ron Paul acts like a Libertarian but is he actually a secret member of the Film Actors Guild "F.A.G." Sacha Baron Cohen exposes the prophet of false hope's fruity ways in this video
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Whistleblower Exposes Federal Reserve Corruption - The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra
Whistleblower Carmen Segarr, made public secret recordings that she taped inside the Federal reserve. Seggar was a former Federal Reserve Bank examiner. Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill from The Lip TV looks at the efforts of Segarra and others to put an end to this corruption. The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra
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A One Minute Trip Around Earth on the Space Station
A One Minute Trip Around Earth on the Space StationMore space news and info at: - video was taken by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst showing a trip around the world in just under one minute.It actually takes 90 minutes for the International Space Station to circle Earth completely - passing from daytime to nighttime and back again.With each orbit, the Space Station moves around 2,200 kilometers to the West in relation to the prior orbit 90 minutes before.
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Whistleblower Exposes Federal Reserve Corruption - The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra
Whistleblower Carmen Segarr, made public secret recordings that she taped inside the Federal reserve. Seggar was a former Federal Reserve Bank examiner. Mark Sovel and Elliot Hill from The Lip TV looks at the efforts of Segarra and others to put an end to this corruption. The Secret Recordings of Carmen Segarra
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★David Wilcock Explains Project Looking Glass
ART © ★STARGATE OPENS YOU CAN SEE INSIDE THE PORTAL – ACTUAL VIDEO ★Nibiru – Pics We Weren’t Supposed To See★ ★Alien Ocean Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas ★Malachi Martin And Billy Meier What They Had In Common ★Human Animal Hybrids – SuperSoldiers They Are Here Tom Horn (video)★ Working with Alien Technologies★ ★THIS TOOTHPASTE LINKED TO CANCER ARE YOU USING THIS ONE? ★ ★NIBIRU DELUGE SHOCKING PHOTOS of HUGE SUN UFOS, SINKHOLES VIEW OF PLANET X BY OUR SUN
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Before It's News Featured News
Videographer KafkaWinstonWorld makes her 3rd trip to the Georgia Guidestones as shared in the newly released video below and shares with us some 'new' news, including two mysterious holes that have been drilled where the mysterious 2014 block was just removed as well as NON-WORKING security cameras at the monument. Our videographer shares with us WHY she believes the security cameras have obviously been turned off while in the 2nd video, David Wilcock gives us his own views on these mysterious 2014 Georgia Guidestones developments.
via Before It's News | Popular ALTERNATIVE NEWS
★Alien Ocean Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas
When anthropologist Stefan Helmreich decided to study scientists who chase some of the world's smallest creatures in some of the world's most forbidding places, his research took an unexpected twist. An interview with Helmreich on why the ocean can be so "alien." These are some pretty good clips, you many want to turn down the sound . This clip below has great places that you may want to go to sometime - very unusual. ★GOD PARTICLE STARGATES OPEN UP CERN SUPER COLLIDER WORMHOLES FOR INTER-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIMENTS★THE SHIVA STARGATE (VIDEOS) ★PHOTOS THIS WEEK OF NIBIRU/PLANET X IN OUR SKY AND ITS HUGE OUR DARK TWIN FIVE TIMES BIGGER THAN JUPITER ★Nibiru - Pics We Weren't Suppose ★Experts: Plutonium and Uranium Flow into Ocean from Fukushima — “Heavily Contaminated” Water is Leaking Out of Plant — Melted Fuel Releasing Hundreds of Different Radioactive Materials — Officials Refuse to Investigate 90% of these (VIDEO) ★Planet Earth Now Has 4 Yes Four Magnetic Poles!
Read more about ★Alien Ocean Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas
★David Wilcock Explains Project Looking Glass
ART © ★STARGATE OPENS YOU CAN SEE INSIDE THE PORTAL – ACTUAL VIDEO ★Nibiru – Pics We Weren’t Supposed To See★ ★Alien Ocean Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas ★Malachi Martin And Billy Meier What They Had In Common ★Human Animal Hybrids – SuperSoldiers They Are Here Tom Horn (video)★ Working with Alien Technologies★ ★THIS TOOTHPASTE LINKED TO CANCER ARE YOU USING THIS ONE? ★ ★NIBIRU DELUGE SHOCKING PHOTOS of HUGE SUN UFOS, SINKHOLES VIEW OF PLANET X BY OUR SUN
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"The World Is My Enemy"--ISIS Leader (picture and video)
Non state actors--the war mongers of the 21st century A se;f-re[;icating system of snakes who coud be nywhere--'non-state actors--the war mongers of the 21rst centuryAbu Usamah Somali, the self-proclaimed "spokesperson of ISIS," is a Somali-Canadian by the name of Farah Mohamed Shirdon. Shirdon made his debut foray into the public psyche in a video that went viral last April. In the video, he threatened Canada and America and ripped up his Canadian passport and threw it into a fire. ISIS' spokesperson is a former movie theater employee from Calgary "We are coming and will destroy you," Shirdon announced in the video, "this is a message for Canada and for all America." Though U.S.
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Obama’s Pentagon To Destroy $1Billion In Ammunition
This will shortchange our war fighters and compromise their ability to complete the mission I was told by many friends of mine who served multiple tours of duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan that it was standard operating procedure to send soldiers out on guard duty in war zones with either rubber bullets or with no bullets at all. This from policy that was set by both Obama and former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton. Yet, we read in today’s GAO report that there is so much excess ammo that it is being wastefully destroyed. What’s actually being destroyed is the military. WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to destroy more than $1 billion worth of ammunition although some of those bullets and missiles could still be used by troops, according to the Pentagon and congressional sources. The GAO found that the Army and its missile command “do not contribute to required annual report.” It’s impossible to know what portion of the arsenal slated for destruction — valued at $1.2 billion by the Pentagon — remains viable because the Defense Department’s inventory systems can’t share data effectively, according to a Government Accountability Office report. The result: potential waste of unknown value.
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Mom Lets 6-Year-Old Son Play Right Outside Her Own House … And State Launches An Investigation
Letting a 6-year-old boy play alone in the yard is now a crime in the state of Texas – at least, that’s what it appeared for a few days to one family. Police and Child Protective Services (CPS) paid mom Kari Anne Roy a visit because her 6-year-old son, Isaac, played outside in the yard for a few minutes. Roy’s ordeal began when she came home from vacation and sent Isaac out to play. A few minutes later a strange woman knocked on her door and brought Isaac home. The neighbor had brought the boy home because he was about 100 yards from Roy’s home in Austin, playing in a green space where lots of kids play. He had played there often and had geographical boundaries.
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Read it Will Be Removed: Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas! Global Depopulation Now in the Thrust as Funerals Homes and Hospitals Prepare for the Masses! (Life-Altering Video)
It's official! The first case of Ebola has been CONFIRMED in Dallas, Texas! Prepare! Prepare!
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Obama’s Pentagon To Destroy $1Billion In Ammunition
This will shortchange our war fighters and compromise their ability to complete the mission I was told by many friends of mine who served multiple tours of duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan that it was standard operating procedure to send soldiers out on guard duty in war zones with either rubber bullets or with no bullets at all. This from policy that was set by both Obama and former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton. Yet, we read in today’s GAO report that there is so much excess ammo that it is being wastefully destroyed. What’s actually being destroyed is the military. WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to destroy more than $1 billion worth of ammunition although some of those bullets and missiles could still be used by troops, according to the Pentagon and congressional sources. The GAO found that the Army and its missile command “do not contribute to required annual report.” It’s impossible to know what portion of the arsenal slated for destruction — valued at $1.2 billion by the Pentagon — remains viable because the Defense Department’s inventory systems can’t share data effectively, according to a Government Accountability Office report. The result: potential waste of unknown value.
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Read it Will Be Removed: Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas! Global Depopulation Now in the Thrust as Funerals Homes and Hospitals Prepare for the Masses! (Life-Altering Video)
It's official! The first case of Ebola has been CONFIRMED in Dallas, Texas! Prepare! Prepare!
Read more about Read it Will Be Removed: Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas! Global Depopulation Now in the Thrust as Funerals Homes and Hospitals Prepare for the Masses! (Life-Altering Video)
40 Sneaky Names For MSG (Check Your Labels!)
By John DouillardThe dangers and prevalence of MSG will shock you! This flavor enhancer is linked to a host of health issues, including fibromyalgia, obesity, fatty liver, high insulin and blood sugar, high cholesterol, liver toxicity, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, disturbance to the gut-brain connection, neurological and brain damage.The danger lies in that MSG is almost impossible to avoid.Why? The reason is twofold:1. There are over 40 different ingredients that manufacturers use, that all have MSG.2.
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New Top Ten UFO Sighting List (Video and Photos)
(N.Morgan) The accelerated sightings of UFOs seems to have intensified this year and especially, the last several months.The mystery surrounding these crafts has become almost mainstream in the media coverage they are now garnering. In a video from Mister Enigma, we re-visit the best sightings of this year. This is an interesting top 10 video. This is a bit different than the normal top list.
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A Man With A Gun Stopped The Oklahoma Beheader From Murdering Another Woman
Anti-gun liberals of the world please take note – it was a man with a gun that stopped the Oklahoma beheader from beheading another woman. If a man with a gun had not been there and had not shot 30-year-old Alton Alexander Nolen, he would have finished his attack on his second female victim. And after that, Nolen would have probably kept beheading people for as long as he could before the authorities arrived. Of course this detail has been greatly played down by the reports in the mainstream media.
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A Man With A Gun Stopped The Oklahoma Beheader From Murdering Another Woman
Anti-gun liberals of the world please take note – it was a man with a gun that stopped the Oklahoma beheader from beheading another woman. If a man with a gun had not been there and had not shot 30-year-old Alton Alexander Nolen, he would have finished his attack on his second female victim. And after that, Nolen would have probably kept beheading people for as long as he could before the authorities arrived. Of course this detail has been greatly played down by the reports in the mainstream media.
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Singapore Becoming Global Gold Hub - Launches Kilo Bar Contract And Gold ATMs
Singapore continues its push to be a global gold hub. The new exchange traded Singapore kilobar gold contract will launch in less than two weeks - on October 13. The new contract is a 1 kilogramme physically deliverable gold contract for the Asian and global wholesale gold market. Launching of SGX Gold Futures Contract: (from left) Harshika Patel, Managing Director, JP Morgan; Sunil Kashyap, Managing Director, Bank of Nova Scotia; Aram Shishmaniam, CEO, World Gold Council; Ng Cheng Thye, President, Singapore Bullion Market Association; Seah Moon Ming, Chairman, International Enterprise (IE) Singapore; Muthukrishnan Ramaswami, President, Singapore Exchange; Philip Hurley, CEO (South East Asia), Standard Merchant Bank; Jeremy East, Managing Director (Global Head of Metal Trading), Standard Chartered Bank.
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Dog thinks clear glass door is closed
So cute! Make sure you watch this very short 1-minute video until the end. This dog must have learned to be extra cautious after having run into the door when it was closed. ~Eowyn
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Osama says ‘We overestimated ISIS, underestimated Iraqi will to fight back’
‘We overestimated ISIS, underestimated Iraqi will to fight back’ - YouTubeNothing more than a junior sports team, that is how Barack Obama viewed ISIS just 8 months ago. Now America has been forced to deploy its huge arsenal, the US president has admitted his administration was caught out by the threat posed. With air strikes against Islamic State growing; RT’s Paula Slier has more from Iraq.
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Large sinkhole opens near the Crimean capital of Simferopol
A huge sinkhole opened up in the middle of the highway near the Crimean capital of Simferopol on Saturday, September 27, 2014. The hole appears to be 6 meters deep and 8 meters wide.Emergencies Ministry’s press service in Crimea said the car with eight passengers ... Read more »
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The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains
Bad omen The Great Wall of China collapses The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains (Image courtesy: Days of heavy rain have badly damaged a section of the Great Wall of China. Local authorities are now trying to repair the collapsed area. The rain in the Hebei Province in Northern China caused massive flooding, and tons of water swept down from the mountains and swept away a section of the wall at Dajingmen, a local official reported. The 36 meter long section is now being repaired.
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Building a group shelter today for the coming cold weather
Building a group shelter today for the coming cold weather. Post from: The Jack Mountain Bushcraft BlogBuilding a group shelter today for the coming cold weather
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Psychic Messages: If You Will Them, They Will Come
Psychic Messages If You Will Them, They Will Come by Lisa Shaw “When did you know you had the gift?” is a common question clients pose to intuitive counselors when they’re impressed with a reading. Actually, some clients ask the question before a reading, hoping to gauge the experience of the psychic from whom they seek advice. It’s true that many people are aware of their intuitive abilities at very young ages, having conversations with guides and spirit teachers whom their parents dismiss as harmless imaginary friends. Some intuitives grow up exceptionally centered, possessing a wisdom beyond their years, setting them apart from their peers, and others are shocked into their gifts through some type of accident or illness, as traditional shamans are.
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Russia Disseminates, Snowden Validates, NSA Evidence Corroborates New 9/11 Data Dump
“This 9/11 data dump is so radioactive the US Government will likely collapse. The world will never be the same when nations everywhere see this report!” – Veteran 9/11 Investigator It's no wonder the U.S. came down on Snowdon and other whistleblowers, the 9/11 Controlled Demolition truth had to come out. Huge caverns of “melted granite” were found below the foundations of the Twin Towers.
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Monday, September 29, 2014
Update: Dulce Base Disclosure - Thomas Castello - Part 1
This week on MUFON's television show 'Hangar 1', they presented an episode on deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.s) and other hidden facilities. The significant part of the show concentrated on government contractors who unintentionally witnessed secret activity. One of those people was Thomas Castello. For those readers who are unfamiliar with the extent of Castello's disclosure, I have attempted to cover the information a two-part report:Thomas Edwin Castello claimed to be a former security technician, employed by the RAND Corporation, at the Dulce underground facility.
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