Friday, April 10, 2015

Wiccan High Priestess Delivers Invocation At Iowa House of Representatives

“Blessed Be, Aho, and Amen,” aren’t the words members of the Iowa House of Representatives are accustomed to hear at the closing of the invocation marking the House’s opening ceremonies, but that’s just what happened yesterday when a Wiccan priestess delivered the prayer. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:11 (KJV) EDITOR’S NOTE: The first time this happened in American government, almost two years ago, it made all the headlines for days on end. But not anymore. In an amazingly short time, we have gotten used to having occult, pagan prayers being offered up to Satan at the highest levels of local, state and federal government. America is collapsing while we watch.

Wiccan High Priestess Delivers Invocation At Iowa House of RepresentativesRead more about Wiccan High Priestess Delivers Invocation At Iowa House of Representatives

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