Sunday, April 12, 2015

CERN Collider – The Stargate of Shiva?

Right now I almost can see in my mind, a bunch of ATSers jumping in their chairs, in front of the computer and saying “Oh no, another weirdo going nuts about the LHC…” Well, just my two cents that, after read what I’m sharing here, some of you, guys, will stop thinking that the purpose of that gigantic device, is to reproduce the primordial spark of the big-bang and start to figure out what REALLY may be scheduled by this project. To make my point, if the LHC is or not is a stargate machine, I’ll start talking about another very suspicious object, well known of the ancient Egyptians and that may have had the same purpose of the collider: The Ta-Wer, that means “The Eldest Land”, but is known among UFO researchers as “The Osiris Device”. According to mainstream scholars, the Ta-Wer was a only a mystic symbol that has represented the connection between Abydos and some mythical place in the underworld, interpreted as the “Land of the Dead”. Well, it’s a common sense among UFO researchers that the Ta-Wer depicted in some paintings, in the walls of Abydos temple, is a structure that could be part of a huge device that activated dimensional portals, stargates or wormholes. Yeah, now is the time where people here are saying “You gotta be kidding. It’s a boat that has represented the crossing between life and death…” Indeed the scholars have alleged that the boat-like object seen in that painting, was the so called “Boat of Million Years”, used by Ra to travel across the underworld.

Read more about CERN Collider – The Stargate of Shiva?

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