Thursday, March 19, 2015

Young people really need to see this

March 19, 2015 Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile Early last week, I had the privilege of sitting down for dinner with Robert Kiyosaki and his wife Kim. Now, if you’ve never read any of their books, I highly recommend you go check them out, especially Robert’s first book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Rich Dad, Poor Dad changed everything for me. When I first read it over 15-years ago, it crystallized everything that I had been feeling deep down… but hadn’t been able to articulate into concrete thought or action. Suddenly everything made so much sense. It was like the missing link— the final piece of the puzzle that I needed. And spending time with Robert and Kim last week was a great opportunity to thank them for having such a significant influence on my life. As we spoke over dinner, the topic turned to the importance of education. And no, not conventional ‘pay $100,000 for a piece of paper’ education. REAL education.

Read more about Young people really need to see this

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