Monday, March 16, 2015

Preston James and Mike Harris 3-16-15… “World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent”

Much of this Preston/Mike article I align with, except the part about “taking up arms” and shooting people, and that whole paradigm of “get them before they get you”. Sorry, folks… not my circus. So I point out, below, a few items that did stand out from this one. “…we can see the handwriting on the wall and we do understand the current legal environment. It is now quite clear that there is a strong recent trend for various large class action lawsuits in America that cannot be ignored and this trend is gaining popularity and intensity… more incredibly large class action lawsuits are now in the works, so this is a trend that is not going to lessen soon. “For the first time, many American Mideast Veterans are gaining sufficient knowledge to believe that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was done by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) under Israeli Likudist and Netanyahu leadership… They now are beginning to understand that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) established a Beachhead inside America in 1913 with their illegal, Unconstitutional passage of their Federal Reserve System… “Many American Mideast War Vets are now feeling great anger, rage and fury at how they were conned, lied to, abused and mistreated, being sent to fight for a phony, engineered war for Israeli… anyone who examines trends realistically can make an educated guess what is likely going to happen in the near future. “Soon it is likely many American Mideast War Veterans will be forming a major class action suit suing the Perpetrators personally that deceived Americans to go fight in the Mideast… This lawsuit will be far bigger than the historical Tobacco Suit which gained total victory. Other class action suits will follow related to the first Gulf war… “Our bet is that Judgment Day is coming for the 9-11-01 Perps, all of them too, not just the Cutouts but the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins too.

Read more about Preston James and Mike Harris 3-16-15… “World’s Biggest Class Action Lawsuit Now Imminent”

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