Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Arab World Praises Netanyahu's Congressional Speech

While congressional Democrats and others in the progressive movement attacked Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech on Tuesday, the reaction in the Arab world was much more positive. The day before the speech, columnist Dr. Ahmad Al-Faraj wrote in the Saudi newspaper Al-JazirahSince Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and since he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations, and since he is working to sign an agreement with Iran that will come at the expense of the U.S.'s longtime allies in the Gulf, I am very glad of Netanyahu's firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress despite the Obama administration's anger and fury. I believe that Netanyahu's conduct will serve our interests, the people of the Gulf, much more than the foolish behavior of one of the worst American presidentsAfter Bibi's Address Faisal J.

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