Saturday, March 14, 2015

Already Underway: Smart A.I. Running Our Police and Cities

Pippa King21st Century Wire Increasingly our streets and cities are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to point police to crime hotspots through CCTV networks. However CCTV, closed circuit television, is not quite what is operating on our streets today. What we have now is IPTV, an internet protocol television network that can relay images to analytical software that uses algorithms to determine pre-crime area in real time.Currently this AI looks at areas that may be targeted for crimes such as burglaries or joyriding, with the predicted hotspot information being sent direct to law enforcement smart phones in the field. This analytical software is being used in Glasgow, hailed as Britain’s first ‘smart city’, where the Israeli security firm NICE Systems are running the CCTV/IPTV network, analysing data from the 442 fixed HD surveillance cameras and 30 mobile units under a project called Community Safety Glasgow, whose primary objectives are described as, ‘delivering Glasgow a more efficient traffic management system, identifying crime in the city and tracking individuals.’SKELETON CREW: With AI, there will be no need for large, fully staffed police surveillance units.Whilst Glasgow City Council claim they are not currently utilising NICE System’s facial recognition capabilities, the new HD CCTV system being installed for the Future Cities Demonstrator initiative, funded by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills via its quango the Technology Strategy Board, is still capable of tracking individuals within the city.

Already Underway: Smart A.I. Running Our Police and CitiesRead more about Already Underway: Smart A.I. Running Our Police and Cities

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