Monday, January 26, 2015

Genocide in Northern Iraq: Then and Now

What follows are two rather vivid and disturbing excerpts from eyewitness accounts of systematic executions of unarmed males. Herein follows the first, “Their opponents were helpless and there was no chance of any interference from any quarter whatsoever. Machine gunners set up their guns outside the windows of the houses in which the Assyrians had taken refuge, and having trained them on the terror stricken wretches in the crowded rooms, fired among them until not a man was left standing in the shambles. In some other instances the blood lust of the troops took a slightly more active form, and men were dragged out and shot or bludgeoned to death and their bodies thrown on a pile of dead.” And the second, “They took us to an open area in front of a trench. They told us to make a row.

Read more about Genocide in Northern Iraq: Then and Now

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