Tuesday, April 21, 2015
X22Report: Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646
Greece quietly implementing capital controls. Student loans account for almost half the US Government assets. Russia following advice on debt from the U.S. founding fathers.Venezuela and Uruguay make deal to trade food for oil.
Read more about X22Report: Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646
Neil Keenan – The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear (VIDEO)
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network In this episode of The Pete Santilli Show: Special guest: Neil Keenan with Chris Brosnahan & Donavan Darcy About Neil Keenan: Neil Keenan is an international businessman and “world patriot.” In his lifetime of endeavors, Keenan has been in contact with the full scope of world personalities from heads-of-state to family “Elders” to cabal criminals. His vast experience combined with his nature as a fighter make Neil Keenan uniquely and ideally suited for his ongoing work in helping to free humanity from cabal enslavement. Keenan initially became involved with the Dragon Family, a group of wealthy Asian families, when he was chosen by them to be their principal in dealing with projects and platforms and protector of the accounts which 85% belong to the family. In 2009 Neil Keenan was entrusted by the Dragon Family with financial notes and bonds whose present-day value is over $1 trillion.
Read more about Neil Keenan – The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear (VIDEO)
SB277 is Up for a Vote Tomorrow – It’s a Bad Bill for California and Bad Medicine for Us All
by Scott Creighton Huge numbers of concerned parents turned out last week on the 15th at the California Senate Education Committee in order to voice their opposition to a bill, SB277, which would remove the right of Californian parents to opt-out of the vaccination program for their kids if they wish for them to attend either public or private schools anywhere in the state. The constitution of California stipulates education is a right guaranteed to all children which has been upheld time and time again “ safeguarding students against discrimination and inequality in the classroom“ Concerned parents waited in long lines stretching from the podium in the conference room all the way out the door, through the hallways and outside the building. They were there to say they opposed the passage of the bill and the elimination of a parent’s right to choose what someone injects into their children. Some were even parents of vaccinated kids who also just happened to oppose the state taking away another’s right to decide what is best for their children.
Read more about SB277 is Up for a Vote Tomorrow – It’s a Bad Bill for California and Bad Medicine for Us All
X22Report: Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646
Greece quietly implementing capital controls. Student loans account for almost half the US Government assets. Russia following advice on debt from the U.S. founding fathers.Venezuela and Uruguay make deal to trade food for oil.
Read more about X22Report: Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646
Jade Helm 15: People Know Something Big is Taking Place
UNRAVELING THE MATRIX: The largest peace time military training operation in the U.S. since the 1950’s starts in July, and one city in west Texas is welcoming them with open arms. “Jade Helm 15” is the exercise, and it’s being planned and executed by The Army Special Operations Command. Click Here to Read More of John Ale’s Stories
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Jade Helm 15: People Know Something Big is Taking Place
UNRAVELING THE MATRIX: The largest peace time military training operation in the U.S. since the 1950’s starts in July, and one city in west Texas is welcoming them with open arms. “Jade Helm 15” is the exercise, and it’s being planned and executed by The Army Special Operations Command. Click Here to Read More of John Ale’s Stories
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Neutering the Constitution
By Donna Wasson “The Matrix is everywhere, it’s all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
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USA On The Verge of Another Economic Upset Worse Than 2008 Bail Ins Coming to the United States
IN THIS INTERVIEW How bankers steal from the public. We're on the verge of another economic upset, and it will be worse than in 2008, watch out as - Bail-ins coming to the United States , yes, The Federal Reserve is a fascist institution, learn how would a Greece default affect Europe and the U.S. and learn how to prepare for the coming crisis. SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE!) to the "Reluctant Preppers" to learn how to be aware and prepared ►http://bit.ly/ReluctantPreppers GREECE SEIZING ALL PUBLIC FUNDS - YES ALL PEOPLE HAD IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS– Here we Go AMERIKA NEXT
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How To Set-Up And Master Ham Radio Without Going Crazy, Part 2
For the new ham radio enthusiast, setting up the gear can be a challenge. This is especially true for starter radios that are known to be high on features and design but low on intuitive usability. Documentation? Unless you can read broken English written by a Chinese national who has never studied the language, you are out of luck. Like many prepper’s, I understand the importance of communication following a disruptive event.
Read more about How To Set-Up And Master Ham Radio Without Going Crazy, Part 2
USA On The Verge of Another Economic Upset Worse Than 2008 Bail Ins Coming to the United States
IN THIS INTERVIEW How bankers steal from the public. We're on the verge of another economic upset, and it will be worse than in 2008, watch out as - Bail-ins coming to the United States , yes, The Federal Reserve is a fascist institution, learn how would a Greece default affect Europe and the U.S. and learn how to prepare for the coming crisis. SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE!) to the "Reluctant Preppers" to learn how to be aware and prepared ►http://bit.ly/ReluctantPreppers GREECE SEIZING ALL PUBLIC FUNDS - YES ALL PEOPLE HAD IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS– Here we Go AMERIKA NEXT
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How To Set-Up And Master Ham Radio Without Going Crazy, Part 2
For the new ham radio enthusiast, setting up the gear can be a challenge. This is especially true for starter radios that are known to be high on features and design but low on intuitive usability. Documentation? Unless you can read broken English written by a Chinese national who has never studied the language, you are out of luck. Like many prepper’s, I understand the importance of communication following a disruptive event.
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Military Ops on US Soil Raise Martial Law Fears -Wal-Mart Closures Have Citizens Concerned
Cheryl Chumley / WND Jade Helm 15 is set to kick off in seven states this summer, sending Special Operations forces from all four main branches of the military onto civilian soil to conduct hostile take-over training – and civil-rights advocates are sounding the alarms. This is how the military describes it: “The nature of warfare is always changing and U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s mission is to make certain the Army’s various Special Operations Forces are trained, equipped and organized to successfully conduct worldwide special operations in support of our nation’s interests,” said command spokesman Army Lt. Col.
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Military Ops on US Soil Raise Martial Law Fears -Wal-Mart Closures Have Citizens Concerned
Cheryl Chumley / WND Jade Helm 15 is set to kick off in seven states this summer, sending Special Operations forces from all four main branches of the military onto civilian soil to conduct hostile take-over training – and civil-rights advocates are sounding the alarms. This is how the military describes it: “The nature of warfare is always changing and U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s mission is to make certain the Army’s various Special Operations Forces are trained, equipped and organized to successfully conduct worldwide special operations in support of our nation’s interests,” said command spokesman Army Lt. Col.
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Military Lied! Jade Helm is Training to Kill Patriots, Gun Owners, Dissidents! National Guard Labels Americans as “Enemy” or “Adversaries!” The Biggest Build up of Military on U.S. Soil Taking Place Right in Front of Us!
By Lisa Haven Our military is lying to us!! They are using the Jade Helm drill to train our soldiers to kill patriots, Christians, gun owners, and all who oppose their order. This is the biggest domestic military build up of our time and we are in some pretty serious trouble!! In the video below Infowars exposes footage out of California showing armed National Guard troops patrolling residential streets and practicing traffic control.
Read more about Military Lied! Jade Helm is Training to Kill Patriots, Gun Owners, Dissidents! National Guard Labels Americans as “Enemy” or “Adversaries!” The Biggest Build up of Military on U.S. Soil Taking Place Right in Front of Us!
Top 10 CREEPIEST Science Experiments Ever Conducted!
From massive CIA experiments to control anyone's mind to android beetles with a microchip inside that the government wants to use for "survelliance" to two headed dogs to horrible japanese tortures to real-life zombies - these are the Top 10 Creepiest Science Experiments Ever Conducted! Mixing Spider & Sheep Genes Android Insects Controlled by the Government Real-life Zombie Dogs that have been resurrected US and UK Tests Biological Warfare on It's Own Citizens An experiment that measured the weight of the soul and 5 more... Discover what they are, watch the video below:
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Are You Prepared For the Next Round of the Financial Crisis?
By Graham Summers The 2008 crash was a warm up. Many investors think that we could never have a crash again. The 2008 melt-down was a one in 100 years episode, they think. They are wrong.
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**ASTONISHING Videos!** More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked | Last Days Offense, Betrayal and Hate: "In The Last Days..." A Must Hear! | Plus A Word of the Lord to the White House: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (Video) (Video) (Video)
More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked 21 Apr 15 Folks, there have been NUMEROUS prophetic dreams about America being attacked. We will do very well to sit up and pay attention! Check out this dream from the Lord in the first video. In the second video you will hear an explosive message concerning the Last days including: - When the Last Days started - Wars and Rumors of wars?
Read more about **ASTONISHING Videos!** More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked | Last Days Offense, Betrayal and Hate: "In The Last Days..." A Must Hear! | Plus A Word of the Lord to the White House: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (Video) (Video) (Video)
Huge Trouble Is Percolating Just Under The Surface Of The Global Economy
Did you know that the number of publicly traded companies declaring bankruptcy has reached a five year high? And did you know that Chinese exports are absolutely collapsing and that Chinese economic growth in 2014 was the weakest in over 20 years? Even though things may seem to be okay on the surface for the global economy at the moment, that does not mean that big trouble is not percolating just under the surface. On Wednesday, investors cheered as stocks soared to new highs, but almost all of the economic news coming in from around the planet has been bad.
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Huge Trouble Is Percolating Just Under The Surface Of The Global Economy
Did you know that the number of publicly traded companies declaring bankruptcy has reached a five year high? And did you know that Chinese exports are absolutely collapsing and that Chinese economic growth in 2014 was the weakest in over 20 years? Even though things may seem to be okay on the surface for the global economy at the moment, that does not mean that big trouble is not percolating just under the surface. On Wednesday, investors cheered as stocks soared to new highs, but almost all of the economic news coming in from around the planet has been bad.
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2 Real Interesting Pictures Taken Days Before OKC Bombing
This picture was taken at Camp Gruner, Oklahoma days before the Oklahoma City Bombing. This bombing was carried out by a truck bomb. That truck is the same truck you see in the above picture. A yellow Ryder rental truck.
Read more about 2 Real Interesting Pictures Taken Days Before OKC Bombing
**ASTONISHING Videos!** More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked | Last Days Offense, Betrayal and Hate: "In The Last Days..." A Must Hear! | Plus A Word of the Lord to the White House: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (Video) (Video) (Video)
More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked 21 Apr 15 Folks, there have been NUMEROUS prophetic dreams about America being attacked. We will do very well to sit up and pay attention! Check out this dream from the Lord in the first video. In the second video you will hear an explosive message concerning the Last days including: - When the Last Days started - Wars and Rumors of wars?
Read more about **ASTONISHING Videos!** More Prophetic Dreams: America Attacked | Last Days Offense, Betrayal and Hate: "In The Last Days..." A Must Hear! | Plus A Word of the Lord to the White House: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (Video) (Video) (Video)
Are You Prepared For the Next Round of the Financial Crisis?
By Graham Summers The 2008 crash was a warm up. Many investors think that we could never have a crash again. The 2008 melt-down was a one in 100 years episode, they think. They are wrong.
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VIDEO:Dragon Family Lawsuit Threatens NWO Financial Stranglehold
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network In this next clip from a bombshell interview that Pete had with Neil Keenan and Group K, they talk about who the real leaders are behind the curtain,and how The Dragon Family lawsuit threatens the Elitist grip on the global financial market. Read Here: http://neilkeenan.com The Pete Santilli Show broadcasts live on The Guerilla Media Network. Please join us on the Guerilla Media Network broadcasting your favorite talk shows, political art and news 24/7. If you would like to express your opinions or concerns on the air during the live broadcast of The Pete Santilli Show, please call (218) 862-9829 Be sure to tune in to the Pete Santilli Show daily at 10am-2pm PST / 12pm-4pm CST / 1pm-5pm EST.
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Floating ‘Interdimensional City’ Witnessed By Hundreds Of Villagers In Africa
via UFO International Project Saidu Meshai Dulali, who was a very popular hot tea brewer in the village, had just finished his morning prayer at the local Mosque and was stoking up the stove for his day’s work. When suddenly, Saidu became aware of a pervading extremely bright light enveloping the atmosphere, followed by a sudden realisation that the heavens were falling on the village. As he looked up at the encroaching sky, he saw the most fascinating view of his forty years existence on planet earth. According to Saidu: “There appeared a wide, large mass of something that looked like a cloud from nowhere and it was flying slowly over the village just at the height of an average tree.
Read more about Floating ‘Interdimensional City’ Witnessed By Hundreds Of Villagers In Africa
VIDEO:Dragon Family Lawsuit Threatens NWO Financial Stranglehold
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network In this next clip from a bombshell interview that Pete had with Neil Keenan and Group K, they talk about who the real leaders are behind the curtain,and how The Dragon Family lawsuit threatens the Elitist grip on the global financial market. Read Here: http://neilkeenan.com The Pete Santilli Show broadcasts live on The Guerilla Media Network. Please join us on the Guerilla Media Network broadcasting your favorite talk shows, political art and news 24/7. If you would like to express your opinions or concerns on the air during the live broadcast of The Pete Santilli Show, please call (218) 862-9829 Be sure to tune in to the Pete Santilli Show daily at 10am-2pm PST / 12pm-4pm CST / 1pm-5pm EST.
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Combat Lessons From A Veteran: Surviving Gunshots
About half the time gunshot wounds are fatal or permanently crippling even in the best of emergency care and follow up surgeries. Without good follow up treatment–especially with infections–gunshot fatalities increase to almost 90%. Those are not ‘betting’ odds under any circumstances. In the first part of this topic we covered bare essentials of gunshot wound first aid with a slant on the KISS principle for untrained preppers when no paramedics or professional emergency services are immediately available. But this is also good procedure to know even where there are emergency trauma hospitals available but the ambulance or first responders might not get there in time, or you have to personally transport the injured to the ER. In the Boston Marathon bombing attack, if it were not for average people and event organizers in the crowd knowing these basic wound trauma principles, and responding quickly to help to stop bleeding and keep them in respiration, many more would have died from bleeding out. To Fight or Not to Fight? In a firefight you must expect the worst even while trying damn hard to avoid it, which means if you are preparing for a gunfight, then you must also prepare for wound repair and treatment. Otherwise, you can‘t justify calling yourself a true prepper. The dirty little survival secret is that many full blown armed to the teeth preppers will never get into a survival firefight!
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Before It's News Featured News
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Photo Of Little Girl Being Followed By Ghost Goes Viral
We've seen quite a few ghost photobombs of late. There was this little cutie who appeared to be on the brink of attack by a demon hand, and then there was the spirit who crept up in this Snapchat selfie. But of all the chilling (and yes, sometimes silly) images we've come across, this picture is quite possibly the most goose bump-inducing.
Anastassia Perets was flipping through an old family album when she stumbled across a photo of herself taken when she was four years old (she's the one in the spunky red pants). In the background, another child appears to be opening a door. Seems normal enough. But there was no little girl there—well, not living at least.
Anastassia told us, "I thought it was a mirror or something but further observation showed me that was not so. I got so freaked out I started screaming and crying and the neighbors thought someone must have broken in or something."
When Anastassia later asked her parents about the photo, which was taken in their home, they said they'd never seen the child before and confirmed that she was definitely a ghost.
Anastassia was later told by a psychic, without being prompted, that the spirit of a young girl was following her. How's that for eerie?
Source: http://ift.tt/KeRlRR
via Before It's News | Popular ALTERNATIVE NEWS http://ift.tt/1Jl9Tgt
Combat Lessons From A Veteran: Surviving Gunshots
About half the time gunshot wounds are fatal or permanently crippling even in the best of emergency care and follow up surgeries. Without good follow up treatment–especially with infections–gunshot fatalities increase to almost 90%. Those are not ‘betting’ odds under any circumstances. In the first part of this topic we covered bare essentials of gunshot wound first aid with a slant on the KISS principle for untrained preppers when no paramedics or professional emergency services are immediately available. But this is also good procedure to know even where there are emergency trauma hospitals available but the ambulance or first responders might not get there in time, or you have to personally transport the injured to the ER. In the Boston Marathon bombing attack, if it were not for average people and event organizers in the crowd knowing these basic wound trauma principles, and responding quickly to help to stop bleeding and keep them in respiration, many more would have died from bleeding out. To Fight or Not to Fight? In a firefight you must expect the worst even while trying damn hard to avoid it, which means if you are preparing for a gunfight, then you must also prepare for wound repair and treatment. Otherwise, you can‘t justify calling yourself a true prepper. The dirty little survival secret is that many full blown armed to the teeth preppers will never get into a survival firefight!
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Geologists Reveal A Relationship Between Mysterious Siberian Craters & The Bermuda Triangle (Videos)
Geologists Reveal A Relationship Between Mysterious Siberian Craters & The Bermuda Triangle (Videos) Since it was discovered, a group of scientists have been working hard to figure out more secrets about one of the three mysterious holes that were spotted in Siberia last July. The scientists have new information about the mysterious crater on the Yamal Peninsula in Northern Siberia, which will hopefully help find where the holes came from. The scientists succeeded to reach the bottom of the newly-formed crater and made it back with some amazing pictures. The hole was believed to be formed in September 2013; there are many theories about the way this and other similar phenomenon were formed.
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Geologists Reveal A Relationship Between Mysterious Siberian Craters & The Bermuda Triangle (Videos)
Geologists Reveal A Relationship Between Mysterious Siberian Craters & The Bermuda Triangle (Videos) Since it was discovered, a group of scientists have been working hard to figure out more secrets about one of the three mysterious holes that were spotted in Siberia last July. The scientists have new information about the mysterious crater on the Yamal Peninsula in Northern Siberia, which will hopefully help find where the holes came from. The scientists succeeded to reach the bottom of the newly-formed crater and made it back with some amazing pictures. The hole was believed to be formed in September 2013; there are many theories about the way this and other similar phenomenon were formed.
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Russia is going to punish The World! — THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA IS REVEALED
Russia is going to punish The World! — THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA IS REVEALED Besides the Message of Fatima given by Our Lady to the general public in the series of apparitions from May 13th to October 13th, She confided on July 13th, 1917, a Secret which was to be given later to all the faithful by Sister Lucy and the Church authorities. This Secret is divided into three distinct parts and Sister Lucy with the approval of her bishop revealed the first two parts in 1941. The third part was written down between January 2nd and January 9th, 1944, under holy obedience to her bishop and after Our Lady of Fatima appeared to Sister Lucy confirming that indeed God wanted the third part of the Secret to be now written.
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Obama & The Brotherhood: The Ties That Bind -Why Exactly Did The Egyptian Media Claim That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood?
Arnold Ahlert / Canada Free Press In 2013, Egyptian media claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Leading the charge was Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt. He spoke on a TV program, Bitna al-Kibir, insisting there would a time when a number of conspiracies against his nation would be exposed, including why Obama’s support of the Brotherhood remained steadfast, even as they became despised by Egyptians themselves. The most damning indictment?
Read more about Obama & The Brotherhood: The Ties That Bind -Why Exactly Did The Egyptian Media Claim That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood?
Ex-intel running for the hills. In December of 2012, I reported that several retired officials from FEMA were relocating to the rolling hill areas in North Carolina. Their enclaves contained the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also included underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside.
Obama & The Brotherhood: The Ties That Bind -Why Exactly Did The Egyptian Media Claim That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood?
Arnold Ahlert / Canada Free Press In 2013, Egyptian media claimed President Barack Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Leading the charge was Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt. He spoke on a TV program, Bitna al-Kibir, insisting there would a time when a number of conspiracies against his nation would be exposed, including why Obama’s support of the Brotherhood remained steadfast, even as they became despised by Egyptians themselves. The most damning indictment?
Read more about Obama & The Brotherhood: The Ties That Bind -Why Exactly Did The Egyptian Media Claim That Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood?
Ex-intel running for the hills. In December of 2012, I reported that several retired officials from FEMA were relocating to the rolling hill areas in North Carolina. Their enclaves contained the same resources involving air, water, food and guns. These enclaves also included underground structures which are sensibly self-contained and can serve to isolate the inhabitants from the outside.
Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford Hagmann & Hagmann Report Podcast April 20 2015
Join Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford as they discuss the story of the two trees and two streams that flow through history, merging into one river through Jesus Christ. The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
Read more about Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford Hagmann & Hagmann Report Podcast April 20 2015
Woman shoots husband in self-defense, is shot by officers (VIDEO)
At some point, Lisa was handcuffed and lying face down on the ground after police arrived. (Photo: AL.com) When a man with a history of domestic violence showed up at his estranged wife’s home in Huntsville, Alabama, Sunday evening armed with a gun, she grabbed her own firearm to protect herself, but was subsequently shot by responding officers who arrived at the home to find her holding the weapon. Lisa Skinner, 52, had been staying at her mother’s home and had an active order of protection against Bradley Skinner, 59, which she said filed because she feared she would become the victim of a murder/suicide. But the protective order did not keep her estranged husband away, who was armed with a pistol and a large knife when he broke out the glass to the back door to gain entry into the home around 6 p.m., AL.com reported. Lisa told her mother to leave the house and go to the neighbor’s to call 911, then she armed herself with a shotgun and went into the garage. At some point Bradley fired a shot and as he continued to make his way towards Lisa and pointed the pistol at her, she shot him in the chest. Responding officers were already on their way and heard the gunshots coming from the house.
Read more about Woman shoots husband in self-defense, is shot by officers (VIDEO)
Jade Helm’s Use Of Death Squads
Jade Helm is morphing into something very dark and very sinister. At the conclusion of the article, many of us will be asking about how we should collectively respond. We certainly need to explore the possibilities. Patriot Protests Against Jade Helm One of the reasons that I believe that Jade Helm could go live is because of the bravado and attention being given to this topic. The globalists who have hijacked our government have taken off the gloves and there is no denying what they are up to.
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Jade Helm 15: Military States “There Is Nothing To Fear” (Video)
Jade Helm 15: Military States “There Is Nothing To Fear” (Video) Posted on April 21, 2015 by JayWill7497 Operation Jade Helm 15 is not a threatening plan to sanction martial law or to put Americans in FEMA camps, military authorities promise. Jade Helm Walmart conspiracy theories practically smashed the internet last week, and rumours about perhaps the largest special forces training exercise on U.S. soil are nevertheless sparking controversy. Jade Helm 15 includes 1,200 special forces team members engaging in armed forces drills into 7 southwestern states as a part of genuine military training exercises.
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Kanye West on The Illuminati
In a very long monologue at Paper Magazine, Kanye West bares his soul and speaks about all sorts of things without much inhibition, including this on celebrities and the illuminati: I heard a comment — a joke — about the Tidal press conference being an Illuminati moment. If there was actually an Illuminati, it would be more like the energy companies. Not celebrities that gave their life to music and who are pinpointed as decoys for people who really run the world. I’m tired of people pinpointing musicians as the Illuminati.
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MUST WATCH! Human Animal Hybrids Exist!
Human Animal Hybrids Exist! Animal human hybrids, secret lab experiments, future technology, ancient codes; it’s all here! Have you ever noticed the eye and the pyramid on the U.S. dollar bill?
Read more about MUST WATCH! Human Animal Hybrids Exist!
Jade Helm 15: Military States “There Is Nothing To Fear” (Video)
Jade Helm 15: Military States “There Is Nothing To Fear” (Video) Posted on April 21, 2015 by JayWill7497 Operation Jade Helm 15 is not a threatening plan to sanction martial law or to put Americans in FEMA camps, military authorities promise. Jade Helm Walmart conspiracy theories practically smashed the internet last week, and rumours about perhaps the largest special forces training exercise on U.S. soil are nevertheless sparking controversy. Jade Helm 15 includes 1,200 special forces team members engaging in armed forces drills into 7 southwestern states as a part of genuine military training exercises.
Read more about Jade Helm 15: Military States “There Is Nothing To Fear” (Video)
Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford Hagmann & Hagmann Report Podcast April 20 2015
Join Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford as they discuss the story of the two trees and two streams that flow through history, merging into one river through Jesus Christ. The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
Read more about Steve Quayle & Pastor David Lankford Hagmann & Hagmann Report Podcast April 20 2015
Jade Helm’s Use Of Death Squads
Jade Helm is morphing into something very dark and very sinister. At the conclusion of the article, many of us will be asking about how we should collectively respond. We certainly need to explore the possibilities. Patriot Protests Against Jade Helm One of the reasons that I believe that Jade Helm could go live is because of the bravado and attention being given to this topic. The globalists who have hijacked our government have taken off the gloves and there is no denying what they are up to.
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Richard Russell – China And The Super Wealthy Preparing For Something Big But Silver Will Surprise Everyone
from King World News As people continue to digest breaking news out of Greece and around the world, the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year-old Richard Russell, warned that China and the super wealthy are preparing for something big but silver will surprise everyone. Richard Russell: “Negative news is coming out about the US economy. The result will be the Fed will put off raising rates to as far as the eye can see. If the economy continues to deteriorate, we might even see QE4 as the Fed struggles to offset a declining US economy. My advice continues to be: buy and accumulate physical silver and gold. Continue Reading at KingWorldNews.com…
Read more about Richard Russell – China And The Super Wealthy Preparing For Something Big But Silver Will Surprise Everyone
Kanye West on The Illuminati
In a very long monologue at Paper Magazine, Kanye West bares his soul and speaks about all sorts of things without much inhibition, including this on celebrities and the illuminati: I heard a comment — a joke — about the Tidal press conference being an Illuminati moment. If there was actually an Illuminati, it would be more like the energy companies. Not celebrities that gave their life to music and who are pinpointed as decoys for people who really run the world. I’m tired of people pinpointing musicians as the Illuminati.
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CIA-ISIS Bio Attack Warned Spells Death For All Dogs In America
CIA-ISIS Bio Attack Warned Spells Death For All Dogs In America By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A truly chilling Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report written in conjunction with the Ministry of Healthcare (MoH) is warning today that the United States is on the verge of a catastrophic “canine apocalypse” due to a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS) bio-attack plot designed to plunge America into a “calculated and deliberate” state of continuous terror in order for their elite oligarchs to establish “final control” over these once free peoples. According to this report, the devastating avian flu virus variant currently sweeping across the mid-western parts of the US killing millions of poultry and sickening thousands of dogs was developed in CIA-ISIS field laboratories located around eight miles from the American border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state ofChihuahua. The SVR in this report further confirms that drone video evidence provided by the US News Service Infowars show the exact locations of these field laboratories in aheavily fortified mosque and desert testing facility/compound, both located in Chihuahua. This SVR-MoH report also notes that the politically conservative, nonpartisan US government watchdog group Judicial Watch had, likewise, revealed the existence of these CIA-ISIS bases in Mexico upon their receiving confirmation of them by a top Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.
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Before It's News Featured News
Big story from David Vose. He answers the real reason Walmart is closing stores suddenly. "Have you heard the stories everywhere that Walmart is closing store to usher in Martial law? Well, fortunately this is not true. Not yet anyway. Evidently there is a legitimate reason Walmart is closing down store abruptly and claiming it is plumbing issues. Yes, it is not really plumbing issues. We knew that. The real reason is perhaps more sinister."
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Woman shoots husband in self-defense, is shot by officers (VIDEO)
At some point, Lisa was handcuffed and lying face down on the ground after police arrived. (Photo: AL.com) When a man with a history of domestic violence showed up at his estranged wife’s home in Huntsville, Alabama, Sunday evening armed with a gun, she grabbed her own firearm to protect herself, but was subsequently shot by responding officers who arrived at the home to find her holding the weapon. Lisa Skinner, 52, had been staying at her mother’s home and had an active order of protection against Bradley Skinner, 59, which she said filed because she feared she would become the victim of a murder/suicide. But the protective order did not keep her estranged husband away, who was armed with a pistol and a large knife when he broke out the glass to the back door to gain entry into the home around 6 p.m., AL.com reported. Lisa told her mother to leave the house and go to the neighbor’s to call 911, then she armed herself with a shotgun and went into the garage. At some point Bradley fired a shot and as he continued to make his way towards Lisa and pointed the pistol at her, she shot him in the chest. Responding officers were already on their way and heard the gunshots coming from the house.
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