Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Old-School Forgotten Art To EMP-Proof Electronics

Even though we’ve all seen the effects of solar flares and their ability to knock out electricity and communications, some do not believe that an EMP attack will lead to social collapse. But it will… As someone that loves to tinker with electronic devices, I am a firm believer in the potential for both natural (odds have increased substantially in the last few months because Earth’s magnetic field is weakening faster than expected) and human-made EMP attacks. That being said, I also know that many of the worst problems that will come from an EMP attack can be reduced by using older technologies that rely on electronic components which are far less vulnerable to an EMP. Electronic Devices Are Not As Complex As You Might Think If you find yourself confused by electronic devices, simply remember that every component does one of five things with mathematical precision depending on the materials used: allows electrons to flow through it does not allow electrons to flow through it prevents electrons from flowing until enough of them build up on one end of the component allows electrons to flow if they are moving in one direction, but not if they try to go the opposite way atoms within the component may change the organization of their own electrons so that the flow of electricity is accelerated, slowed down, or number of passing electrons increases Once you understand what each component does, connecting parts in various patterns will create larger devices that meet specific goals.

Read more about The Old-School Forgotten Art To EMP-Proof Electronics

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