Wednesday, December 10, 2014

David Icke Tours Wall Street and Talks Banking Cartel - Elite Families and Global Control (Video)

(N.Morgan) In the video presentation below, David Icke takes a tour of Wall Street and discusses the Global Elite, Banking Cartels, and the powers behind the entities. As we are in the midst of wars, global economic meltdown, and chaos, David explains the how we got here and where the Elite plan on taking the world. ‘For decades, America has used its armed strength to enforce the use of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, effectively making the US military the armed wing of the international banking cartel (IBC). Since 1971 when President Richard Nixon stopped paying US debt obligations with gold, America has increasingly used its military might to prop up the value of the dollar and enforce a global financial structure whose primary beneficiary is the US itself, and whose central bank, the Federal Reserve, serves as the IBC’s supervisory authority.

Read more about David Icke Tours Wall Street and Talks Banking Cartel - Elite Families and Global Control (Video)

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