Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ferguson Showdown Countdown Has Begun: Militarized Police, Heavily Armed Citizens Await Jury Decision. UN Action Urged

"No violence tolerated," Missouri governor Jay Nixon says, as he beefs up his 1000-strong militarized police force in Ferguson and brings in the National Guard. Correction: The grand jury is to possibly annouce an indictment, not a verdict as stated in the original version of this article. Missouri citizens' and officials' bloody battle over civil and human rights has progressed to preparing for a gun showdown, expected any moment when the jury might announces an indictment based on police officer Darren Wilson's evidence regarding his shooting to death unarmed black youth Michael Brown. Generally, a grand jury can issue an indictment for a crime, a "true bill," only if it finds, based upon the evidence presented to it, that there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed by a criminal suspect.

Ferguson Showdown Countdown Has Begun: Militarized Police, Heavily Armed Citizens Await Jury Decision. UN Action UrgedRead more about Ferguson Showdown Countdown Has Begun: Militarized Police, Heavily Armed Citizens Await Jury Decision. UN Action Urged

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