Saturday, October 18, 2014

Time To Get The Hell Out Of Dodge! Apocalypse Now

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine With the latest Ebola in America updates we see that those "crazy" preppers aren't so crazy after all and with the dangerous decisions being made by the Obama administration, from refusing to implement travel bans to completely ineffective political theater measures like screening passengers from Ebola infected countries at only five airports across the US, perhaps people should consider that NOW is the time to get the hell out of dodge. LATEST HEADLINES reveal how unprepared America is for any outbreak, especially one which can kill up to 90 percent of those that become infected, like Ebola which has killed more than 4,000 in west Africa and is now in the US. Lets start with the political theater of offering screenings at five major airports, which is nothing more than optics, because it is totally ineffective. Consider these facts: The five airports doing the screenings only account for 94 percent of the people that travel to the US from Ebola hit countries, leaving six percent unaccounted for.

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