Thursday, July 10, 2014

Undocumented Children Headed To A Landfill IF . . . . . .

Immigrant Children WILL be headed for a landfill IF: If this immigration psy op fails, and these children which are stolen directly from their countries end up being a liability rather than an asset, you can count on them being disposed of because they are NOT DOCUMENTED OR TRACED AND COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE WITHOUT ANY TRACE. Here is the skinny, in one brief blurb: Through my own investigative work, which involved driving 3,000 KM of Mexican roads and visiting 8 major cities, there was NOT ONE child from Central America to be seen ANYWHERE. My little journey also involved stopping at three large train yards to see what was up, and there were NO CHILDREN ANYWHERE. I interviewed a man at the largest train yard, the main one in Guadalajara and he said no child has EVER come through that yard on a train, hopping trains is what very bold adults do and it is out of the league of children for anything other than photo ops.

Undocumented Children Headed To A Landfill IF . . . . . .Read more about Undocumented Children Headed To A Landfill IF . . . . . .

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