Sunday, July 20, 2014

The World Rocks as Chaos spreads over What Israel is doing

World Rocks as Chaos spreads over what Israel is doing! By the Watchman Is 21:6 Dana G Smith The World Rocks as chaos spreads over what Israel is doing in the Gaza strip. No one stops for long to think that for years now Hamas, plus Hezbollah out of Lebanon have been tossing rockets into Israel. The main threat to Israel, a constant barrage of rockets for years now, even while the United States pushed Israel to make peace with an enemy that does not recognize its right to exist. Yet as the chaos spreads into Europe, France, and the UK; media was sure to play up the coverage showing mad pro-Palestinian protestors. It is no stretch of wonder that this is occurring as for years and years now the UK and most of Europe have allowed their cities and towns to fill up with Muslims, mosques, and radicals of all ages.

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