Monday, July 28, 2014

North Korea Military Threatens To Nuke White House And Pentagon

by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network Well, it looks like the Country of North Korea is getting hungry again, so they are saber rattling about Nuke strikes on the USA again. Dear Reader, please remember that North Korea usually does this about once a year to get the worlds attention, so they can plead their case about getting some funding for some food for their people. Here is The North Korean military’s latest quote about Nuking the USA: "If the US imperialists threaten our sovereignty and survival ... our troops will fire our nuclear-armed rockets at the White House and the Pentagon — the sources of all evil," Hwang Pyong-So said in a speech in Pyongyang during a military rally.

Read more about North Korea Military Threatens To Nuke White House And Pentagon

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