Tuesday, July 29, 2014

MH17 Is MH370 - Fact Or Fiction? Detailed Look At Evidence That It Could Be True!

By Susan Duclos Is it completely insane to think that MH17 which was shot down in Ukraine, carring and kiling 298 people, was really Malaysia Flight MH370 that went missing in March and was never found? Was this the biggest flase flag of this decade, in order to blame Russia and Vladimir Putin, as some sort of power play, or to create conditions where a world wide war could be started? The question itself seems insane, but many out there believe they have found evidence that it is exactly what happened and in the first video below Joaquin takes a step back to look at the recent failed attempts at false flag attacks, such as Syria and the false accusations against Syrian leadership of waging chemical attacks against their people when evidence showed it was the US supported rebels that actually fired those chemical weapons, to build the case that not only isn't it an insane theory, but is actually a very possible. The videos below that are found at Max Resistance and could be considered supplemental evidence, albeit circumstantial, considering no official investigation is being conducted into the theory, but which does seem to raise questions that no one in authority is even attempting to provide answers for.

Read more about MH17 Is MH370 - Fact Or Fiction? Detailed Look At Evidence That It Could Be True!

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