Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Damage Of Biblical Proportions": Obama Official Lets Cat Out Of Bag On Edward Snowden Damage

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"Damage Of Biblical Proportions": Obama Official Lets Cat Out Of Bag On Edward Snowden Damage

The latest information that we have gotten on the Edward Snowden case continues to highlight what a bombshell this information 'stolen' by Edward Snowden has become to the Obama administration; using terminology like 'damage of biblical proportions' and 'doomsday cache', we're told that Edward Snowden stole everything...literally everything..." Several newly released video reports on this unfolding issue below.
Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden stole vastly more information than previously speculated, and is holding it at ransom for his own protection.
“What’s floating is so dangerous, we’d be behind for twenty years in terms of access (if it were to be leaked),” a ranking Department of Defense official told the Daily Caller.
“He stole everything — literally everything,” the official said.
Last month British and U.S. intelligence officials speculated Snowden had in his possession a “doomsday cache” of intelligence information, including the names of undercover intelligence personnel stationed around the world.

“Everything you don’t want the enemy to know, he has,” the official said. “Who we’re listening to, what we’re after — they’d shut us down.”

The damage would be “of biblical proportions,” the official said.

Obama Least Popular President In 4 Decades

A new Washington Post/ABC poll released today shows that Obama is the least popular president in 39 years:

The president’s overall approval rating stands at 43 percent, while disapproval is at 55 percent.


Obama ends his fifth year in office with lower approval ratings than almost all other recent two-term presidents. At this point in 2005, for example, former president George W. Bush was at 47 percent positive, 52 percent negative. All other post-World War II presidents were at or above 50 percent at this point in their second terms, except Richard M. Nixon, whose fifth year ended in 1973 with an approval rating of 29 percent because of the Watergate scandal that later brought impeachment and his resignation.

It's simple. Obamacare, NDAA, wars, debt, bank bailouts, guantanamo bay and brinkmanship amonth others things.  He has supported the very terrorists we've been fighting for 12 years now i Syria and Libya.  His foreign policy has been a disaster.  He's just not reallythatgood and yes, he has done good things. Hitler did too, but his bad things, like Hitler, far out weigh any good he has done.  -Mort

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