Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nukes On The Loose! EMP Strike! Power Grids Serious Threat! (Video)

By Susan Duclos Videographer Hyungs believes the news he highlights in the video below shows signs of end time prophecy, whether we agree with his interpretation of events or not, it is clear something is very wrong as he goes through item by item, including rounding up the homeless and sticking them in FEMA camps with armed guards, the Obama purge of the military of commanders that won't turn on the America populace, nukes on loose, EMP strike warnings and how serious an issue it is that we failed the power grid drill. As to that last point, not only did the preliminary reports show how we failed the Grid Ex drill and exactly how vulnerable we are, but they did so in such a public manner, now our enemies also know how vulnerable we are. Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

Read more about Nukes On The Loose! EMP Strike! Power Grids Serious Threat! (Video)

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