Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Children Slaughtered And Beheaded: Eyewitness Accounts (Video)

By Susan Duclos Anyone else notice how Syria is rarely in the news anymore when months ago it was everywhere you looked? The MSM highlighted every utterance from Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry's mouth about how Syrian leadership had gassed men, women and children and how that justified American military to strike Syria to "punish" Syrian president Bashar Assad. Then came the alternative media with videos of the Obama backed Syrian rebels merging with a ceremony with the al-Qaeda faction, more videos showing those same rebels that the Obama administration was arming and supporting, firing off those chemical weapons, hammering the points home until everyone knew the truth, Congress refused to approve the strike and the American people opposed any military action. All of a sudden the MSM basically went silent.

Read more about Children Slaughtered And Beheaded: Eyewitness Accounts (Video)

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