Sunday, September 8, 2013

#WARmerica: #1 Terrorist Nation In The World - The United States Of War

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#WARmerica: #1 Terrorist Nation In The World - The United States Of War

The government of our country is now known around the world as the most violent war prone government in the world. We commit acts of terror upon other countries in the name of 'humanitarianism' and have in fact earned the prize as "The #1 Sponsor of Terrorism in the World". Blowing up countries, murdering innocent children and toppling governments isn't something we should be proud of, in fact, we should be laying our bodies down upon the gears of war and terror and stopping them from the hatred, death and destruction that they spread around the world. We have earned the nickname 'The United States of War'. If the US were to launch WW3 tomorrow, beware, we are on the wrong side of the moral compass. Two videos below sum up the situation succinctly. 

Obama Knows That The USA Dollar Will Collapse in 2014 - Thus the USA Will Collapse in 2014 and FEMA/DHS is Preparing - The Only Hope to Delay Collapse is War - Here we Explain Exactly Why the Dollar Will Collapse in 2014

Well its' been re-hashed, ... as long as the US Petro-Dollar is secure the FED-RES [ Bernanke ] can be the sole buyer... of the USA t-bond which is how the Government pay's its bills every month, by that we're talking about welfare checks, food-stamps, and cop payroll and pension.

The chinese & russians even if they wanted to DUMP all 2-3+ Trillion dollars they are sitting on [ trade balance that china/russia are holding and need to liquidate ASAP ] it's going to take 5-15 years [clock started 2007], which is why china bought 1,000 tons of gold this past year, they're trying to move their US-PAPER (toilet paper ) to Gold, e.g. real money ASAP.

But the rhetorical question here 'WHO' will buy in the future, is already known, as the sole buyer this past year has been the FED-RES, nobody human at least on this planet has bought anything issued by the US Government for a long time.

All of us are simply waiting for the Petro-Dollar to die, then everything collapses because Federal Reserve Notes will be worthless then USA will collapse, because there will be no food-stamps that have value to import food.

The main reason for the Syrian War is to force Qatar/Saudi to keep selling their OIL for USD, because EUROPE would rather buy that OIL delivered by GAZPROM and pay EUROS

The USA is fucked, ...

But this question of WHO will buy US-BOND's, ... is nobody but the Federal Reserve Bank.


So real question is not who will buy in the future, there is nobody, but the current question of interest is where are we now in the liquidation, of the prior savings that the were held by the Chinese & Russian in US Dollars. Prior estimates were 10-15 years, as if you DUMP too quick the dollar collapses, and the chinese don't want to lose money, and they're buying GOLD as quick as they can, but too quick and gold goes up.

Me thinks that give a 1,000 tons were bought this year that the 10-15, should now be 7 years, and given that liquidation started in 2007, that put's D-DAY IMHO to be 2014, which is probably why OBAMA and team are going bat fuck nut's and FEMA has started prepping for civil-war in the USA.


Murders in Syria with CIA weapons ( all weapons are chemical ), is just a trial run for the coming killing fields of America.

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