Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Obama Admin’s Shocking Incompetence Exposed – This Is No Time To Cheer Folks…

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Obama Admin’s Shocking Incompetence Exposed – This Is No Time To Cheer Folks…



Like me, many of you have likely been following the Syria “bomb threats” debacle by the Obama administration with a mixture of confusion and increasing unease.  Confusion because the entire episode seemed strangely fabricated by a president needing to prove himself, and unease because we have a president willing to further chaos in the world for no other reason than the need to prove himself.  Now add to that the stunningly dangerous, foolish, and perplexing performances by Barack Obama, John Kerry, and others within this administration as the whole world watches.  These people are not qualified in no way shape or form, for the titles they hold - and that is no laughing matter America.

Today we have reports of the Obama White House scrambling now to accept a deal created by a spoken John Kerry gaffe regarding Syria rounding up all of its chemical weapons stockpiles and handing them over to the United Nations for disposal.  Initially the White House released a statement indicating Kerry’s words were merely “hypothetical”, and not in fact, representative of an Obama administration policy, proposed or otherwise.

Russian president Vladimir Putin though, a far more capable and clever leader than Barack Obama could ever hope to be, pounced on the John Kerry gaffe and pushed the unintended proposal into the real of reality, likely urging the Syrians to quickly accept it as well – which the Syrians soon did.

continue article at The Ulsterman Report:


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