Thursday, September 12, 2013

Healing The Nations (Videos)

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Healing The Nations (Videos)

When we are trying to heal nations from systemic generational oppression and abuse is any help at all good enough? Do we ask and demand justice from our oppressors but not from our own nations?


It is easy to become disillusioned by the habit of double standards that exist in our society and to lose hope and just give up. Those who live lies and prefer to hide and bury the ugly truth will always have an audience. Evil perpetuates and multiplies as easily and as quickly as truth and justice but in the end Truth rules the day.

To be specific...for decades AIM leadership & members including Leonard Peltier lied and protected my mother’s murderers to the point of even lying about it for 37 years. Now that the truth has been exposed thru 4 trials that it was indeed AIM members acting on leadership orders who took the life of Annie Mae, and not the FBI as at least a dozen people including the leadership Clyde and Vernon Bellecourt, Dennis Banks, Russell Means, David Hill et al all lied about for 37 years and the habit of excuse making continues. Currently several factions of AIM directly related and connected to the old leadership in Canada have stepped up and have become advocates for missing and murdered women. When asked about what their position is on the murder of Annie Mae their response is that it was a long time ago, in the past and had nothing to do with them. Annie Mae is one of those missing and murdered women.


I address this today on National anti bullying day because I have been called hater, divisionary, colonized, FBI pawn by the very people claiming to be advocates for justice for our missing and murdered women within certain AIM factions, LDDOC supporters and LRI. Until the lies stop and these people demand responsibility of their leadership each and every time AIM and its advocates or supporters nationally or locally address the matter of missing and murdered women while they continue to spread the lies and BS about the fact that they condoned the kidnapping, beating, rape and murder of one of their OWN women, and then lied about it for 37 years, I will be there to challenge them and demand justice. Shaim on them.



There is a quickly developing ugly trait of disingenuousness amongst some that is overtaking the ability to decipher right from wrong in the attempt to keep the peace and remain united as one. Frail attempts to keep the peace and not piss anyone off because the consequences of not running with the masses or getting called traitor are failing miserably, and the cost is the moral fiber of our youth. Believing that time is a determining factor in a murder case or that numbers of supporters can make a lie go away , or that blaming others for murdering a woman that they all knew and participated in hiding the truth for decades helps no one and will haunt Aim members until they make this right. It has occurred to me after 16 years of being called names for demanding justice and listening to nothing but silence after asking people to just speak the truth once and for all (including Peltier) that the only other entity that I have seen behave like this when confronted with the truth are the very people they claim to despise, The Government.



~Denise Pictou Maloney~

Our President From Another Planet

American Thinker

I'll confess, I didn't watch Barack Obama's address to the nation on Tuesday night.

Not that I wasn't interested, but I always prefer to read the transcript of a speech, rather than risk being distracted by the speaker's histrionics. So that's exactly what I did, at least the version provided to the Washington Post by the White House.

My preference for reading the transcript, especially when the speech was delivered by Barack Obama, is that unless each sentence, each phrase, occasionally each word is examined, it leaves Obama what is graciously referred to as "wiggle room", allowing him to say, with a straight face, "I never said that" in the same way he said "I didn't draw a red line."

After getting past his "My fellow Americans..." preamble, he claims "we know the Assad regime was responsible" without referring to any evidence that he may or may not possess. He states:

"When dictators commit atrocities, they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures fade from memory."

Keep in mind other contentions that have been made by this president without any evidence to support them, such as "It won't add one dime to the deficit" and the ever popular "If you like your doctor, you can keep him".

If any president in our history has been more dependent on hoping that atrocities "fade from memory", it is this one. Scandals such as Fast and Furious and Benghazi, the NSA's massive collection of the communications of Americans and the purposeful intimidation of conservative citizens by the Internal Revenue Service are all handled by this administration in the same way -- stonewall, delay, drag feet and wait for something else to distract the gullible public and the Congress. Hey, have you seen my new puppy?

Does this behavior, then, make Obama a dictator?

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